Let go..

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I walked up to the classroom, it was Monday, I love Mondays, I thought as I walked to the door but stopped at Thomas' voice. Thomas had been sending me threatening text messages about starting fights, I hate him, I thought, and I don't give a crap if he heard that. I thought thenI listened to what he was saying, Lafayette was at his locker and stopped in his tracks,"Cold in my professions," laughed Jefferson holding my Journal. Lafayette turned and gave me a look.... I tried charging into Jefferson knocking him into lockers but Lafayette stopped me. "Please let me have at him!!" I pleaded shouting as high as my lungs would allow me tears struggling not to run down my face. Hercules walked up,"Yo, Laf," he said casually,"hey, woah.... what's going on with little dude?" He asked, talking about me. "Everyone is little compared to you," I said glaring at Hercules. He got mad really mad, but then calmed down. "What's going?" He asked, then he heard Thomas' voice. "Warm in my friendship..." Hercules walked up to Thomas nicely, "Hey buddy," He said before kicking him where it hurts. Hercules was wearing long, pointy cowboy boots, today unlike Laffayette who also wore boots but they were short boots barely going up to his ankle.Thomas dropped the journal and down to the floor yelping in pain. Hercules chuckled a bit, Man that guy can be scary sometimes, I thought. "Now since this is a dream because I beat up Thomas who looks like Lafayette, and Alexander almost beat up Thomas..." He kissed Lafayette on the cheek,"here's your journal son," he said handing it to Alexander. "HE'S NOT YOUR SON!!!" Shouted Mr.Washington from inside. I ran out the door shoving passed Lauren's, "Alexander wait!!!" He called out confused on why I was running. Angelica was on the other side of campus but chased after me in heels, The flip.... I thought, being chased by Hercules, Lafayette, Peggy, Angelica, Eliza, and Laurence, Laurence, I thought, please forgive me...
Before I knew it I was chasing after Alexander. "What did he do this time," I called toward Lafayette but he was mumbling French under his breath. "I'll tell you later!!" Answered Hercules he scared the crap out of me. I jumped back and fell on the ground still trying to run. Hercules picked me up in the air and placed me back down. "Sorry!!" I shouted. "Oh, no biggie... this is just a dream anyway!!" Hercules called back. I exchanged looks with Lafayette, his eyes widened.
I kept running. And running. I was surprised that they hadn't caught up with me yet, It's cold... I thought shivering, I'm almost to the dorm come on, I thought before collapsing because of the coolness, the last thing I heard was someone next to me shouting, "ALEXANDER!!!" Over and over again, then the world faded, and shorty disappeared.
"This is all my fault, I knew I shouldn't of kissed him, I knew I shouldn't have scared him, I knew, I knew...." I kept saying pacing back and fourth waiting for the nurses to come out and say something. "Wait you kissed him?!" Everyone asked except for Peggy, "Yeah, y'all missed a lot!" Said Peggy. "Wait guys this is a dream, right?" Asked Hercules worried, "No...." Everyone replied questioning. "Umm... Lafayette can I talk to you, privately," He said before grabbing Laf's hand and rushing him toward the restroom, everyone exchanged glances right before Lafayette started screaming at Hercules in French,"Can we all just ignore that and save it for another day?" Asked Eliza. "Yes!" Replied everyone else in unison. The nurses came out,"Alexandra Harminton is ready to see visitors," She said. "Alexander Hamilton!" Replied everyone in unison, "Oh.." She replied defintly not caring at all. "I'll stay here and wait for the couple," Said Peggy. "WERE NOT A COUPLE!!" Shouted Hercules and Lafayette im unison. "I'm surprise they aren't making out yet," I replied. "SHUTUP JOHN!!!" They both shouted again. "My son-in-law, how could you!!" Shouted Lafayette sounding like they'd been crying. "I'm not your son!!" Shouted Alexander weakly. "SON!! YOUR ALIVE!!" Shouted Lafayette bursting out of the bathroom. "Thank god he didn't break the door off the hinges this time.." I said. "THIS TIME!!" Everyone shouted in unison. I headed toward Alexander's room. I was so excited I felt like I hadn't seen him in years I walked in his room. I walked over to his bed and sat in the big chair.
After what felt like yelling at Hercules in French for decades I finally walked in Alexander's room. John was already there I'm not surprised, I thought smiling towards him. I reached in my backpack pulling out two sticks of butter a croissant and a baguette and I spread out one stick of butter on both of the pastries Needs more butter... I thought (AN- Cool French fact, butter is very popular in France, thank you French class!!). Hercules came and sat next to me, I handed him the croissant and kept the baguette for myself and I put my head on his chest, I knew that Herc didn't like hospital rooms because they were cold and he felt like your just waiting to die when your in a hospital room and he'd rather die outside of a hospital room. At least people would know that he died doing what he loved. He looked down at me and smiled and started petting my poofy hair. Peggy and Maria were sharing a milkshake across the room, and John was laying in Alexander's bed with him. The nurse walked in and John hopped out of the bed quickly,"Sorry but his visitor hours are over, but three of you can stay,"
We decided that John, Laf and I would stay. I was nervous because I haven't admitted my feelings toward Laf yet and I knew I would have to some time tonight, I closed my eyes and prayed for a way out of the mess I've gotten myself into.
The nurse pulled me out of the room and explained to me that he was just a little to cold, and he was only going to stay the night."Ok!" I replied smiling. At that moment Mr.Washington ran inside the hospital."WHERE'S MY SON?! IS HE DEAD?!!" He asked with a scared look."He's not your son he's mine!" Shouted Laf from the other room, Crap! I thought, He's going to figure out before the end of the night, all of them were going to figure it out.
The thing is that John didn't know that the same thoughts were running throught Alexander's mind.

greekgeek11213 -
HERCULES MULLIGAN WAS HERE. Also Dipstick was here⏫

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