sleep |chuuya x reader|

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The orange haired executive walked down the empty halls of the Port Mafia, preparing to go to his dorm, when he noticed a light still on in the hallways.

Sighing her walked up to that door and knocked. No response. Now a little annoyed, he decides to just let himself in, surprised to see a (h/c) haired woman snoring on her desk.

Chuuya recognized her as Y/n, his childhood friend. Y/n helped with making battle plans for the Port Mafia, her ability was: The Art of War and it rivaled that of the similar ability user from the Guild.

"Y/n." Chuuya stated, shaking the woman's shoulder.

No response.

"Y/n." He repeated, this time shaking her more roughly.

Chuuya sighed, and knew from experience that once Y/n was asleep nothing would wake her up. There could be a bomb going off in the room and she'd still be sleeping. So instead of waking her up, Chuuya pulled a chair up next to her, then placed his jacket on the sleeping woman's shoulders.

It wasn't long before he too had fallen asleep. But just as he fell asleep, Y/n woke up surprised to find the man asleep on her lap and his coat draped over her shoulders. She had fallen asleep again.

"Chuuya~" The girl called out.


Y/n giggled, she knew from experience that he was a deep sleeper and he had a bad habit of snoring as well. Y/n smiled and allowed the orange haired male to sleep on her lap, while she finished writing her battle plan.

However, the (h/c) woman couldn't help but once in a while look at Chuuya, since he looked so adorable when he slept.


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