bet |dazai x reader| LEMON

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Requested By: SweetBinger


Y/n groaned as she felt her lover's fingers pumping in and out of her womanhood.

"Hah~ Dazai~! You know that- mmmm~ this means you lost- ahhh~ the bet right?" She asked in between moans.

"So what? Does it really matter now?" Dazai asked, his chocolate orbs darkening with lust.

"Ha! You didn't even last a day!" Y/n teased.

"Now you have to wash the dishes for the rest of the mon- Ahhhhhh~!!!" Y/n moaned as Dazai began thrusting his fingers even faster and deeper into her core.

"How does that feel Y/n~?" He asked with that signature cocky smirk of his.


"Dazai!!! Why didn't you do the damn dishes?!?!" Y/n demanded angrily.

"Didn't feel like it, I usually ask Atsushi to do them, but he's on a mission with Kunikida." He whined.

"WHAT!!?!" The woman demanded throwing a wet sponge at him.

"Oi~ Don't get so mad with me~!"

"Are you kidding me?!?? While I've been scrapping your stupid plates?!?!" She shouted.

Dazai laughed again, resulting in having a dirty pot being thrown at him. Y/n then began thinking of a way to get him to start doing dishes. An idea flashed into her mind as she walked over to the man.

"Y/n please don't hurt m-"

His eyes widened as Y/n suddenly straddled him, her lips only inches from his own.

"How about a little bet?" Y/n began.

"A bet?" Dazai asked, his heart racing.

"Let's see who could go without sex the longest." Y/n purred.


"If you can go without sex for a whole week then I'll do the dishes for the rest of the year without a single complaint~" she interrupted.

"What if I loose?" Dazai asked, already feeling turned on as he felt Y/n pressing her chest against his own.

"Then you will do the dishes for a year without complaint~ And if you try to get anyone else to do them for you, I won't have sex with you for the rest of the month." She replied, combing her fingers through his messy brown locks.

"It's a deal~ Be prepared to do all the dishes my love~" Dazai chirped, flipping their positions, she that he was now on top.

"I won't be easily tempted~" He added before walking away.

Y/n smirked to herself.

"We'll see..."


It was true the day before the couple made a bet and that Dazai didn't even last half a day. He was on Y/n the moment she came out of her room, wearing  that short skirt that was so short he could see her lacy red underwear every time she bent down to pick something up.

Dazai finally snapped when she began eating an ice pop in front of him, moaning at how good it tasted.

Y/n blushed and threw her head back as Dazai's fingers hit her G-spot.

"Come on~ Answer me my love~" Dazai encouraged, continuing to hit that spot.

"I-it feels good~!" Y/n moaned out, her arch arching as Dazai began rubbing her clit with his thumb.

"How about we make another bet?" Dazai asked.

"W-what?" Y/n asked.

"If I can't make you cum within the next 5 minutes then I will do the dishes for the rest of the year and on all holidays for the rest of the time we are together. " Dazai stated.

Y/n thought about it. Dazai definitely wouldn't break up with her because of something as petty as dishes. After all they have been married for a total of 4 years now. If her complaining about him not doing the dishes was something that he hated so much then he wouldn't have married her in the first place.

"What if- hah~ you can make me cum within the next five minutes?" Y/n asked.

"Then I don't have to do dishes for the rest of the year... do we have a deal babe~?" Dazai asked nipping at her neck.

"D-deal~" Y/n agreed.

Dazai quickly took off his pants and boxers. Without warning he completely thrusted his member deeply inside her core, causing the woman's back to arch. He began thrusting roughly and with no mercy, throwing her legs over his shoulder as he rammed into her G-spot.

"Ahhhh~!!! Dazai!!!"

Dazai began thrusting so hard that their hips began slapping together. Drool began dripping out of the corner of her mouth as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her legs began to tremble and her walls began tightening around his member.

"Dazai I'm close~! I'm so close~!!!" Y/n screamed, tears falling down her cheeks from the immense pleasure she was receiving.

Dazai smirked as snaked his hand down, beginning to harshly stroke her slit. In less than a minute, Y/n came screaming Dazai's name as she released all over Dazai's member, causing him also to squirt his cum deep inside her. The couple rode their high, when they were done Dazai pulled out and snuggled into the woman's chest. In less than a second the alarm blared signaling that Dazai had indeed won the bet.

"You know you lost right?" Y/n asked.

"And why is that?" Dazai asked, amusement pacing his voice.

"After that I'll probably get pregnant you know." Y/n stated.

Dazai only smirked and snuggled closer to her.

"What if that was my plan all along?" He asked, his eyes shining mischievously. 

Y/n laughed and rolled her eyes then kissed Dazai passionately on the lips. The two had been talking about having kids for the longest. Maybe now that would happen.


"You're having twins Y/n~! Congratulations~!" Yosano beamed.

Dazai and Y/n's eyes lit up with pride and joy.  hugged Y/n tightly as Y/n rested her hand over the bump in her stomach. The two were finally going to have a family of their own.


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