short |dazai x reader|

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"Hey Y/n, you get me some cookies?" Ranpo asked.

The (h/c) woman looked at where the cookies were kept and saw that they were on top of the cabinet. Way too far up for the girl to reach on her tip toes.

"Haha, Y/n can't reach them~" Dazai teased.

Y/n grew an irk mark on her forehead.

"That's why we put them up there in the first place, Y/n eats all of them then gets hyper and Ranpo has a cavity, so we have orders from the President to keep all sweets away from him." Kunikida stated.

Nonetheless the woman went on her tip toes and tried to reach it. Then she got an idea, if she jumped up and was quickly able to grab it then...

"Y/n don't, you're too short to reach." Dazai stated.

"Fuckin watch me!" Y/n shouted.

"Y/n n-"

Before he could finish the girl jumped up, grabbed the cookies, but to everyone's horror she landed in the wrong way.

The girl winced as she looked at her sprained ankle. Yasano was out at the moment and everyone was desperate to keep the poor woman away from the sadistic one.

"Come on Y/n, I'll take you to the hospital." Dazai offered.

Before Y/n could reply, she was scooped up in the taller man's arms and carried out of the room. Before she left she gave Ranpo a thumbs up. She had sprained her ankle but at least she was able to get the cookies down.

"Seriously Y/n, you're really silly, did you know that?" He asked, shaking his head.

Y/n pouted.

"I'm sick of people telling me I can't do things just because I'm short." She stated, crossing her arms.

"Are you still upset about not being able to go on that ride?" Dazai asked with a chuckle.


Dazai laughed, much to the injured woman's displeasure.

"Aww, you're so cute. But just be happy that Yosano isn't here, if she was you would be in a world of pain~" He chirped.

Y/n sighed.

"You know Y/n you're height doesn't matter, to me." Dazai suddenly stated.

Y/n looked up, her (e/c) filled with curiosity.

"I still love you even though you're short~" He stated, pecking the woman on the forehead.


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