pillow fights |atsushi x reader|

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Requested By: KittenPotatosOtaku

For some reason, the ADA decided to hold a sleepover at Y/n's apartment. Why? The (h/c) haired girl had invited them all over to celebrate another case solved. They all got so full that they decided that they had to stay over.

Sadly it wasn't a sweet "goodnight" and/or "sweet dreams". Dazai had to initiate a pillow fight with Kunikida, who then accidentally got Naomi involved, who then got Tanizaki involved, who then got Yosano involved, who then got Ranpo involved, who then got Kyoka involved, which then got Atsushi involved, who then got Y/n involved. Next thing you know the whole living room is covered in feathers and pillow fluffs.

Everyone was so tired out that they conked out on the sofa and the inflatable mattresses. Fukuzawa was sitting quietly at the dining room table, with his eyes closed. Y/n couldn't tell if he was sleeping or meditating, but was just glad

Leaving Y/n to stare at the mess in front of her, her eye twitching. She had gone through all the trouble of cleaning up her messy apartment, and now it was horrible.

To think it all started with Dazai simply commenting on Kunikida's ponytail. Kunikida obviously got offended and started shouting at him. Dazai then started making fun of his book of ideals, which caused Kunikida to react violently, which caused Dazai to hold up one of his pillows in defense, which then led to Kunikida snatching the pillow away and beating him with it.

The pillow then flew out of his hands into Naomi who used the pillow to hit Tanizaki who fell back into Yosano, who grabbed a pillow and hit him back, then falling back into Ranpo who tossed the pillow to Kyoka who passed it to Atsushi like it was a hot potato, who then playfully hit Y/n with the pillow. It could've ended like that.

But. Dazai. Just. Had. To. Declare. War.

Y/n sighed and started picking up the pillow fluff and stuffing it into a garbage bag.

"Sorry that your place is such a mess." Atsushi apologized.

"It's fine, Dazai won't be once he wakes up though." The woman stated darkly, staring at the bandaged man, who flinched.

"It was really fun, I never had a pillow fight before." The woman said, a small smile on her face.

"My parents were really strict and wouldn't allow me to have sleepovers with my friends, or to even had friends who were actually my friends." She added.

"This is my first time too. I had a lot of fun." He said, comforting her.

Y/n giggled, hugging the boy back. If she was being honest, she hated it when people comforted her... it made her feel weak... However, strangely enough she didn't mind it if it was Atsushi who was comforting her.

The boy had saved her before. The Port Mafia was after Y/n, she ran away from home and her family, being rich and powerful, placed a reward for anyone who brought her home. Attack after attack the ADA protected her and even allowed her to join their ranks.

She felt that they were more than friends, they were family.

"Yeah. I would do it again... but maybe at Dazai's house. Let's see how he likes cleaning up this big mess." She joked, releasing herself from Atsushi's hug.

Atsushi wanted to let go, but Y/n's face was so red that she held on, burying her flushed face into the boy's chest. Not that Atsushi minded, he only wanted to let go to see whether or not the girl was uncomfortable.

The truth was that Atsushi had a huge crush on Y/n. Dazai had found out and told him to "go for it" but he didn't know how.

"Should I tell her now?" He thought.

The girl pulled away and glanced up at the white haired boy. His face was also flushed and his heart was beating super fast.

"Awwww~ Are you embarrassed?" She asked, grinning at him.

"What do mean?" Atsushi asked, looking away.

"Your heart is beating so fast. Are you nervous?" She asked.

"W-why would I be nervous?" He stammered.

"Yeah, why would you be nervous about confessing that you have a crush on me?" She asked.

Atsushi pulled away blushing.

"How did you-"

"Right your ability."

"Don't be nervous Atsushi, I like you too." Y/n assured the shy boy.

"You do?!"

The girl nodded, and kissed his cheek, having to tip toe to do so.

"I like you a lot Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of Course I will Atsushi." Y/n answered with a small smile.

Everyone tried to suppress their cheers when they heard. They were awake the whole time and waiting for when the anxious child would finally confess his feelings. Technically he didn't and Y/n ended up having to use her ability to find out. But he did ask her out, so as long as their OTP was canon, they didn't care how it happened.


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