likes |odasaku x reader|

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Requested By: HarukaTomoe

The red haired man and (h/c) haired woman were both on the couch. Today the couple were off from work and decided to spend the day inside, just simply enjoying each other's company.

The two were cuddled together, Odasaka was sitting up with Y/n rested her hand on his lap.

"Odasaku?" Y/n suddenly asked.

"What is is Y/n?" He asked, playing with a strand of her (h/c) hair.

"Do you think I'm cute?" She suddenly asked.

"Of course, in fact I think you're adorable." Odasaku stated, smiling gently at the woman.

"Odasaku?" She began, once again gaining the attention from the red haired man.

"What do you like in a woman?" She asked.

Lately Y/n was feeling a bit self conscious, all the other women spoke of Odasaku saying that he was sure to leave her. That there were other women that were more, capable and interesting than her.

Odasaku didn't every hesitate to answer her, looking at the woman right in front of him.

"Well, I like women that are strong, and independent that have beautiful (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes and glowing (s/c) skin." He replied.

The woman huffed in annoyance and pouted, now facing her boyfriend of 4 years.

"You just described me." She stated, puffing out her cheeks.

Odasaku laughed.

"Well that's because you're all I'm looking for in a woman, there's no one else like you or better than you." He stated.

"Are you sure?" The woman asked.

"Of course I'm sure... and don't pay attention to the other women... they're just jealous of you, because they'll never be as beautiful, kind, sweet and smart as you." He stated, causing the woman to cover her face and blush.

The man then sat her up and gave her a long and comforting hug.

"I'm really lucky to have a woman like you by my side." He murmured.

"I love you Y/n, don't ever forget it." He stated, placing a kiss on the woman's nose.

"I love you too Odasaku, I'll always love you." The woman responded, placing a kiss on the man's cheek.


Another reminder to all you readers! You are all beautiful! Don't get caught up in what everyone else thinks. You're perfect just the way you are and you shouldn't let anyone tell you otherwise!



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