scared |dazai x reader|

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"Hey Y/n-chan, let's go watch a scary movie together~" The chocolate haired man suggested, leaning on the woman's desk.

"It's called the Conjuring and I heard it was really scary!" He added, a sparkly aura surrounding him.

The woman sighed and thought about it, she would never admit it but she was absolutely terrified of ghosts, monsters and anything that went thump in the night. She still in fact checked for monsters underneath the bed before going to sleep. But she wouldn't want her co-worker/crush to find out about it.

"Sure." She replied, casually.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8~" The man cheered rolling away on his chair.


The woman squeaked and jumped out of the chair, then turned around sighing in relief.

"Oh Kunikida... it's only you." She said, resting a hand on her chest.

Kunikida was her long time best friend, they actually were both trained by the President at a young age.

"Why would you agree to watch a scary movie? You're terrified of them." He stated, pushing up his glasses.

"Well... it can't be all that bad..."

"You had nightmares for a whole month when you watched the Corpse Bride, then you cried when you watched the Nightmare Before Christmas." He stated, flipping through the pages of his book.

"And remember you almost fainted watching Coraline." He added.

"You make good points... But I already agreed to go, so if I don't go he'll think I'm scared or that I don't like him." The woman stated, rubbing the back of her neck.

"And I really like him so..."

Kunikida sighed.

"Do what you like." He stated.

"Don't cry to me later and ask me to make sure your house isn't haunted."


The movie was A LOT scarier than she had anticipated. They did go to see the Conjuring after all. In fact the poor woman almost screamed in the theater at least 5 times, her "I'm not scared of anything" act was completely blown. So now she just awaited for the credits to be over so she could go home, call Kunikida and force him to check for monsters under her bed and make sure the house wasn't haunted.

But for now she was going to pretend that the movie wasn't scary at all and that she wasn't completely scared.

"What did you think of the movie?" Dazai asked, walking next to the woman.

"It was meh, I've seen scarier." She said, trying her best to keep her mind off the movie.

"Ehhh? Is that so? You're pretty brave." Dazai stated.

"But if you weren't scared then why did you jump and cover your mouth?" He asked.

"I was laughing... yeah... sometimes I do that when I think something is really scary." She stated, not looking him in the eye.

Dazai rolled his eyes, wondering why would the woman would agree to go see a scary movie with him if she was so scared. But for now he was going to mess with her a little bit. Reaching behind the woman he poked her shoulder, causing her to jump up and turn around.

"Dazai did you?"

"Nope~" He replied with a smirk.

This act repeated the whole way to Y/n's house.  Once they got there, it was a different story. Y/n was too scared to actually go inside her apartment room.

"Why don't you go in? I have to make sure you're safely inside your room before I leave, I am a gentleman after all." He stated.

"Yeah! Well I......."

Y/n began playing with the hem of her shirt and biting her lip. She knew that she would be afraid to go in the dark apartment room, but she also knew that she didn't want to show fear in front of Dazai.

Dazai then laughed, causing Y/n to glare at him.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"Oh, it's just that you're being so silly~ it's so obvious that you're scared of ghosts." Dazai stated, smiling.

"Is it that obvious?" The woman asked rubbing the back of her neck.

Dazai nodded.

"Even though you were scared... why did you still agree to go with me?" He asked, his expression becoming a little bit more serious.

"Well..." Y/n began her cheeks flushing.

"I've liked you for a very long time... and I didn't want you to think I didn't like you..." She confessed, her cheeks now bright red.

Dazai chuckled, caressing the woman's face.

"That's very silly Y/n... I like you even if your scared of this stuff~"

"And if you had told me then we would've seen another movie." He added.

Y/n's face became hot.

"Now then, show me where I should sleep, now that I know that you're afraid of ghosts I'm not going to leave so I can make sure you're okay." He stated, already unlocking the door.

"Besides what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I let my cute girlfriend spend the night alone and scared?" He added, turning on all the lights before he walked in.


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