outside |dazai x reader| LEMON

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Requested by: AngelsCookie


"Ah~ Hah~ Mmmm~"

The (h/c) haired woman desperately tried to keep her voice down, as Dazai drew circles along her clit with his long slender fibers. Afterall, they weren't in the comfort of their own home.

Dazai pressed Y/n's back harder against the brick wall, pulling her in for another steamy kiss, as he played with her clit. It was easy to do this since Y/n was wearing a rather short skirt that day, which had caused Dazai to become so aroused in the first place.

The two were on their way to the beach, but unfortunately Dazai couldn't wait. The two then pulled away from the kiss panting and gasping for air. Dazai smirked as he felt the woman's underwear become soaked.

"You look so sexy in that skirt." Dazai complimented kissing up her neck, looking for her sweet spot.

"Ahh~ Dazai~!"

He eventually found it, noting Y/n's low moan when he glazed over that area. Smirking he bit and sucked at that area until there was a large purple mark left on her skin.

"How am I gonna cover that up?" Y/n asked, shooting Dazai a dirty look.

Dazai smirked, rubbing his hands along the curves of her hips.

"Don't cover them, I want all those bastards to see that you belong to me and me only." He said, messaging her breasts through her shirt.


The man then snaked one hand down Y/n's skirt allowing his pointer finger to poke at her entrance. He slowly inserted his finger in, earning a breathy moan from the woman.

"Ahh, that feels good~"

Dazai then added another two fingers, thrusting at a more rapid and hard pace.

"You're really enjoying this aren't you Y/n? Your pussy is squeezing around my fingers~ I wonder how you'll feel when my cock fills you up~"

Y/n felt that familiar knot form in her stomach just as Dazai removed his fingers,
earning a dissatisfied sigh from the woman. Dazai then unzippeed his pants and pulled down his boxers.

Her wrapped Y/n's legs around his waist, pinning her to the wall. Without another word, he thrust led his member deeply inside her, earning a loud moan from his lover.

"Hah~ Y/n you feel so good~" he moaned.

He kept his thrusts at a slow and steady pace, sloppily kissing the woman as he thrusted deep inside her. Then Dazai hit Y/n's G-Spot, causing her to moan out loudly.


Dazai smirked and kept aiming for that spot, his erection only getting larger from seeing the erotic face that Y/n wore. Y/n could feel that familiar knot forming in her stomach, threatening to burst at any given time.

"D-Dazai~ I'm so close~"

"Good ahead and cum for me then." Dazai ordered, his thrusts were becoming more eratic and sloppy but nonetheless continued hitting her in the right places.

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