water |dazai x reader|

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The (h/c) haired woman sat over the ledge of the bridge, looking into the water. The liquid seemed to welcome her, asking her to join it.

The woman imagined herself falling in, allowing the water to fill her lungs. Allowing the flow of oxygen to get completely cut off to the point of unconscious. Then from unconsciousness, to death.

It's been an impossible year. Y/n had been in the ADA for a whole year, but it was no different from when she was in the Mafia.She was still feared, treated as if she was a bomb ready to explode. Only calling on her when they needed her to use her ability.

No one trusted her. No one cared about her. Everyone feared her. Everyone despised her.

Once upon a time, the woman wouldn't care, but she met a man that made it so that she would care. That what people thought about her was something that should matter. But now that man couldn't even talk to her.

She was truly alone.

Alone together with her thoughts. With the voices in her head telling her to give up.

"They won't ever accept you."

"You're a monster. You may have changed you're clothes but you can't change what you are."

"They hate you."

"They wish that you were the one in the coma."

"All you ever do is hurt everyone around you."

"It would be better if you were dead."

"It would be better if I were dead, huh?" The woman wondered out loud.

"That's right... You should die."

"What's the point of living for someone that isn't even here?"

"Just die, everyone will be much happier that way."

"Everyone will be much happier if I were dead." The woman stated.


"Maybe I should just die." The woman said, her (e/c) eyes now dull.

"Yes... lean over and die."

"All of your problems will be solved."

"All of my problems will be solved." The woman repeated, now standing on the ledge.

"It's not like anyone would care if I died, anyway." She added.

"I'm sorry you wasted your life on someone as pathetic as me." She added, closing her eyes.



The woman opened her eyes just as she fell forward, her eyes widening.


The brown haired man's eyes widened in terror as he saw the woman fall backwards. The man wasted to time, racing to the ledge, diving off without a second's hesitation.

Dazai was actually a really strong swimmer, he managed to get to the woman, looping her arm around his neck as he swam back to shore. Once they made it back, Dazai immediately checked the woman's breathing, only to find that it was very faint.

"Y/n?" The man asked, shaking her shoulder.

No response.


No response.

Dazai's eyes were wide as he checked the woman's faint pulse. Although he was freaking out, he managed to give her CPR. However, no matter how many times he tried, the woman was still unresponsive, still not coughing out the water she inhaled.

"Y/n... please don't leave me... please not like this." He begged, tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

The woman still did not move, Dazai scooped up the woman in his arms, holding her close to him, stroking her soaked hair.

A single tear streamed down his cheek. Then suddenly the woman began to cough. Dazai looked at her, more tears flowing down his face.

"Dazai...San?" The woman asked, her voice raspy.

"Y/n!" The man shouted, engulfing her in a huge hug.

The girl's eyes widened. How was it possible for him to be up and about? He was in a coma only 30 minutes ago, for the past year.


"I sensed you were in danger and came rushing over." He stated.


"How could you do something so stupid! Your life has meaning! Even if you don't think it does, it means something to me! So don't got throwing it away!" He shouted, firmly holding her shoulders.

The woman was stunned. He really, really cared for her? Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, causing Dazai to flinch.

"I'm sorry Y/n... I shouldn't have shou-"

Before he could finish Y/n threw her arms around him.

"Thank you Dazai... thank you so much." She sobbed.

Dazai managed to crack a smile, wrapping his arms around her as well.

"No thank you, for giving me a reason to live."



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