waiter |akutagawa x reader| LEMON

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Requested by: Toshirolover


Y/n wasn't sure what felt better: the fact that the man that she had loved for so long loved her back or the feeling of the man's member buried deep inside her.

"Ahhh~ Akutagawa-kun!" The woman shouted out.

It all started a couple years ago, when Y/n had decided to slip inside a diner in order to hide from a couple of guys that were trying to beat her up, because of something stupid she had said.

"If you're so tough then how come your little brother beats you up?"

"I bet you still kiss your mommy before you go to bed."

"I bet you sleep with the night light on."

That was when she had first met Akutagawa, who when the guys chasing her asked where she went, he denied that she was there even after they had threatened to break things.

Y/n was impressed with the way he scared them off with nothing but his glare. At first he treated her with disgust.

"People who start fights shouldn't run away."

"You're such a coward."

"You're weak."

Which Y/n usually replied with:

"It's not that I'm weak, I just don't want to waste my time on a couple of losers."

"I could kick your ass ."

"Catch me outside how bout that?"

None the less the man still brought her, the food she ordered and begrudgingly handed her a towel to clean up her wounds. And Y/n still came to that diner, even when she wasn't being chased.

Then one day the two met outside the diner, quite accidentally. Y/n was being chased again and she had accidentally knocked him over. Akutagawa then followed, (so that he could save her) only to find that the guys chasing her were already taken care of.


"I told you I was strong! I just don't like fighting unless absolutely necessary." She replied, wiping the sweat off her brow.

It was from that day that Akutagawa realized he had a crush on Y/n. He always pictured himself with a girl who liked girly things and wearing dresses, not with Y/n who ate 5 plates of food in one sitting, wore boy's clothes, had a sharp tongue and constantly got into fights. But the heart wants what it wants right?

Then on another day, the two met each other again, while Y/n was out riding her skateboard. Only this time, Akutagawa was with his little sister who he had actually smiled at. Y/n hadn't known that the girl was his sister and felt jealous.

The next day she demanded if he had a girlfriend.

"No are you stupid?"

"Then who was the girl you were smiling at?"

"That was my sister you dumbass!!! Are you following me?!"

"No! I just happened to pass by!!! As if I'd want to follow someone like you!"

"I'm going to poison your pie."

"Don't you dare waste a perfectly good pie! If you're gonna poison it at least put the poison on the last bite!"

It took almost a year for the two of them to confess their feelings to each other. All it took was the meddling of Akutagawa's co-workers: Dazai and Atsushi. Then it took almost a month for them to actually start dating. Then it took another year for them to finally move another step from just making out. Which is what brings us here:

"Akutagawa~! Harder!" Y/n moaned, as she thrusted her hips up to meet his powerful thrusts.

Akutagawa was reaching his limit, he loved the way her womanhood was so tight and wet. He loved the facial expressions and moans that Y/n made while he thrusted into her.

Y/n then felt Akutagawa's member begin to twitch inside her, causing her to smirk.

"Really? Is that all you've got?" She asked with a smirk.

"And you call me weak." She added with a smirk.

Akutagawa growled, flipping the woman so that she was on her stomach, gripped her hips so tightly there were would be dark bruises and rammed into her with no mercy.

Y/n moaned loudly as she felt Akutagawa hit her G-Spot over and over again.

"Ahhhhhh~!!! Y-you're so g-good at t-this~!!!" Y/n moaned.

Then Akutagaw's thrusts became even harder, as he slipped one of his hands to run on the woman's swollen clit.

"Aghhhh~! Mmmmmm~!"

"Do you like how hard I'm fucking you Y/n?" He asked.

Y/n was unable to answer, the pleasure was way too much.

"Well?" He asked, ramming even harder.

"Y-yes!!! I love how hard you're doing me!!! Ah~!"

"Not so tough now, are you?" He teased.

Then Y/n began to feel that familiar knot in her stomach tighten almost unbearably.

"A-Akutagawa~! I'm gonna- Ahhhhhhhhh~!!!!"

Y/n came with a loud scream, her womanhood clenched Akutagawa's member causing him as well.

Y/n panted as Akutagawa's hot cum filled her insides. While the were coming down from their high, Akutagawa placed soothing kisses along Y/n's body, until her reached her face.

The both smiled and shared a loving kiss as Akutagawa pulled out.

"I love you Y/n."

"I love you too Akutagawa."

"Can you make me food now, I'm hungry."

Akutagawa sighed, giving Y/n the stink eye, only to be met with puppy dog eyes. This caused him to sigh and quickly put on his clothes before heading into the kitchen to get his beloved girlfriend some food, coughing as he went.

He wasn't sure what Y/n loved more, food or him. He never asked her because he was pretty sure that food would win.


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