Chapter 1

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-sunny POV-

Why is it always raining here in Mullingar? Like seriously! I thought London was bad, not as bad as this though!

I've just moved here with my mum and my little brother and sister. Mum got a job, which is situated here and she needed to take it because it's the only job she could get and we need the money.

I guess I don't mind it here, it's the home town of Niall Horan! You know, the cute blonde from One direction?

Haven't seen him yet though, the boys are on break for the holidays so he'll probably be home soon.

It was my first day at my new school today, it was horrible. The school is full of stuck up bitches. They're all sluts. Who wears a skirt that barely covers there bum in the middle if winter!

Any way, there was this one girl, I think her name is Libby and she was nice. Maybe we could be friends?

Who am I kidding? Who would want to be my friend? All the girls are skinny over here in Ireland. And I'm not attention seeking so you'll correct me and say "don't be daft you're not fat." Because I know I'm not fat, I'm just chubby. My thighs touch and my belly wobbles a bit. I don't wear make up, unlike every other girl in my classes who look like they've been run over by a crayola truck.

I just don't see why 15 year olds need to dress up like strippers just to go to school and learn.

I finally got to my front door and opened it.

"Mum I'm home." I called out.

"I'm in the kitchen!" She yelled.

I dumped my coat and school bag on the stairs and made my way to the kitchen.

"Hi." She greeted, hugging me.

I smiled and grabbed a packet of crisps from the cupboard.

"How was school?" She asked, getting a packet of potatoes out.

"It was good." I told her.

"Make any new friends?"

"Uhm." I fake smiled.

"What GCSE's did you pick?"

"Umm, history, drama, Italian and geography." I said, putting my empty packet of crisps in the bin and pouring myself some coke.

"I know how hard this must be for you, your dad would be so proud of you." Mum weakly smiled.

I felt a lump form in my throat.


Dad died. When I was 12 Kyle was 7 and Skye only a couple of months old. I miss him so much. I'd do anything to get him back.

I smiled as a tear rolled down my face.

"Any way, Kyle and I are going out tonight, to find a football club for him to play for." Mum told me, chopping some potatoes.

"Ok. What time?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink.

"At about five? After dinner?"

"I'm gonna stay home and do some homework." I told her.

"Are you ok to look after Skye?"

I nodded.


"We're home." I heard mum call out.

I put my phone back on my bed and went down stairs.


"Hi, is Skye asleep?" Mum asked.

"Yeah, I took her to bed at around seven."

"Thanks darling."

"Did you find a club?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, we gave up looking after an hour, and started to have a kick about in this park we found." She told me.

"Oh really? Did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, we met this lad. Around twenty, his name is Niall and he played with us."

I nodded.

"He said Kyle had a lot of potential, so I told him about how he used to play for Spurs."

I laughed and gestured for her to carry on.

"He said that he's like a mini Ronaldo and would love to help train him, like at the weekends sometimes. He also gave me a name of this in we can get him a trial for." She told me.

Mum pulls more than I do! (Not that she goes for any of them) she swore she'd wait until she can see dad again.

"We're gonna meet him tomorrow after school. So you're going to have to let yourself in, I'll get Mrs Gallagher across the road to look after Skye." She said.

"Ok, that's fine, I'm going to go to bed now. See you in the morning." I said, kissing her on the cheek and running to my room. Did she say Gallagher? Mrs Gallagher? As in Niall Horans mum? Nah! There must be tons of Gallagher's in Ireland. I better prepare my self for another day at school. Aka my death trap.


Hey guys it's sunny :) thanks for reading this far :) Niall should be in the next chapter! Woo! Please share this story and like and follow me:) I will follow back ;) anyway I know it's cringey that I named that character after myself but I thought the name suited the character. Do you ship #siall or can you think of a better ship name? Haha xox

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