Chapter 16

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~ Niall's POV~
I wrapped a blanket around Sunny and she stuck her arm out as if she was hugging some thing.
She frowned when there was nothing there to hug.
My heart ached when I realised she must have been looking for me.
She looks so perfect, even in her sweats.
Even when she's sleeping and isn't even trying to be.
How did this happen?
How did I fall in love so fast?
With a girl 5 years younger than me!
I knelt down on the floor and looked down at her, her cheek bones sharp, but still rounded. Her nose, cute and buttoned. Her lips, pressed in a line, really really faint lines in her cheeks, showing where her dimples would be if she was smiling.
I took my little finger and gently drew love hearts on her cheek.
Her eyes fluttered, but shut again. I gently outlined her lips with my finger.
She groaned and I had my smirk wiped off my face, quite literally when she put her hand in my face and mushed it.
"Bad boy." She grumbled.
"I'm gonna order some pizza and I guess you won't want any." I joked, getting up and walking towards the window.
She gasped and jumped up.
I heard her running behind me, and she jumped on my back, she immediately wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.
She put her lips on my ears.
"If you don't get me any pizzas I'll make sure to personally cut off your balls and make you watch me feed them to pigeons, understand Horan?"
"Wait, but that means I'll have you touch my balls, and that's a good thing so you might want to re-think that argument babe."
"Yes Jones."
She hopped off my back and slapped my butt.
"Good boy."
I laughed, but followed her in the kitchen, she reached up to the cupboard and tried to reach for a glass, but she couldn't reach it.
She got on her tiptoes and stretched her arms out high.
I chuckled went over to her.
I put my left hand on her waist and leant over her. I grabbed her a glass with my right hand and stuck it out for her to take.
She went to take it, but before she could, I put it behind my back.
"What do you say?" I teased.
"Thank you."
"Good girl, now give me a kiss." I jokingly demanded.
She stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.
"Nu-uh not on the cheek."
She rolled her eyes and placed a kiss on my lips.
She filled her glass to the top with water and went over to the ice machine on the fridge and put some ice in.
I heard Theo moaning, so I ran back into the living room.
"What's up baby?" I cooed, picking him up and rocking him in my chest.
"Er, that." I said, referring to his nappy.
I grabbed his bag and took a nappy and some wipes out.
"Let's get you cleaned up shall we mr stink?" I joked.

~Sunny's POV~

"It was nice meeting you too Greg." I smiled as Greg walked down the driveway with Theo in his arms.
"Again bro, nice car." Niall laughed.
We waved them off and then shut the door.
"Alone at last." He groaned, walking into the living room. I walked over to him and he pulled me onto his lap. I squealed as I hit his lap and jumped off again.
"You scared me." I laughed.
"Come on babe." He patted his lap so I climbed on him.
I looked him in the eye, watching him bite his lip and look down at mine, to then look into my eyes again.
Not gonna lie, but I find that so sexy!
He started to lean in and I did the same, just as our lips were about to meet, the door bell rang.
He sighed and lifted me off him.
I laughed a our moment being destroyed and followed him to the front door.
"Wait in there babe. If they recognise me and see you with me, we'll be on sky news before we know it." He laughed I nodded and went into the kitchen and got some ketchup and coke.

~Niall's POV~

"Babe you got a little." I pointed to my chin, referring to the cheese on hers from her pizza.
She blushed immediately and swiped her tongue over her chin, gathering up the left over food.
She took another bite out of her pizza.
"I need to get some more stuff from the house later on."
"Sure, I'll help you."
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I pulled it out.
'1 new message'
From; Harry: Hey man, missing u, what's up?!
To;Harry: missing u 2 bro, nm just eating pizza wbu?
From; Harry: You're not eating pizza again r u?
To; Harry: why wouldn't i! Pizzas my bae!
From; Harry: u idiot;) did u get a call from simon yet?
To; Harry: yeah, can't wait to get back missin all my lads
From; Harry: yeah same, I gotta go man, catch up later
To; Harry: sure man

"Who you texting?"
She gasped and her mouth hung open.
"You like Harry?" I asked.
"Of course! He's so gorgeous." She fangirled, the drool practically falling out of her mouth.
I frowned.
"Not as much as you of course." She corrected.
I pouted, crossing my arms and turning away, in a fake mood.
"Aw come on Nialler, you know you're gorgeous."
"Not as gorgeous as Harry apparently." I fought back my smirk as she crawled across the floor and on to my lap.
"Harry's my celeb crush, and you're my crush."
"I'm a celeb."
"I know, but I forget that sometimes. You're more than Niall Horan from One Direction to me, you're Niall Horan from Mullingar who happens to be the funniest, kindest, best looking guy I-" I cut off her cuteness by pressing my lips onto hers.
"What was that for?"
"Being cute."
She giggled.
"Happy week anniversary babe."


Opinions on the story so far? Do you ship Siall? Xox

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