Chapter 7

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I breathed a deep sigh and threw myself back onto the bed I'm sleeping on in the guest bedroom.

What if mum and Skye crash in the plane?

What if she dies?

What if I'm left with no parents?

What if-

I got cut off by thoughts when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." I sighed, sitting up a little.

My stomach erupted with butterflies as a boy with blonde locks entered the room.

"How ya feeling?" He asked, his Irish accent melting my ears, causing me to give a weak smile.

"I'm ok thanks." I lied.

"Don't lie to me." He smiled, sitting on the edge.

I sat up a little bit higher and crossed my legs.

"I'm fine Niall."

"No you're not, you've been crying." He said, his beautiful blue eyes glistening a little bit more than usual.

"I'm just worried about mum." I mumbled. "And nan." I finished.

"Sunny bunny, strokes are really common and with all the technology and stuff now a days, your nan will be fine." He smiled, pulling me in for a hug. I giggled when he called me sunny bunny. My daddy used to call me that.

"My dad used to call me that." I whispered, afraid that if I spoke up while telling him, I'd cry again. He slowly pulled away.

"Used to?" He asked, "You don't speak to him any more?"

I gulped, feeling a burning lump grow in my throat.

"Um, he died." I frowned.

"What! When?" He asked, obviously really surprised.

"About three years ago." I managed to tell him.

"How did he... You know, die." He asked, pulling me on to his lap. I wouldn't have stayed on him. But he is comfortable.

"He was in an accident." I told him, he nodded as if he was saying 'tell me more'

"He was really late back from work one day and at the time I thought nothing of it, I was only twelve, but I do remember mum getting a little worried. She even rang my nan to see if he was round there's but he wasn't. And after a while I had to go to bed, so I did. And at around three in the morning I remember hearing voices downstairs and I was scared mum was in trouble, so I went downstairs and creeped from the bottom of the stairs. And all I heard was 'I'm sorry Mrs Jones but he died at the scene of the accident' and hearing mum burst into sobs and the I saw her fall onto her knees." I didn't realise I had said so much until I had to gasp for a breath.

I saw that Niall had been touched as his eyes were watering, and he cradled me, for the second time today, like a baby.

So much had happened today. I'd been both happy and sad and Niall had witnessed me both laughing and crying.

"Do you miss him?" Niall asked. I nodded my head. I miss him more than I could ever explain. He was the only man I knew would never hurt me.

"What was he like?" He asked me.

I smiled remembering all the memories we shared.

"My dad was the nicest, kindest man you would ever meet and he loved his food. If I asked for something, he'd make it his mission to get it for me. His passion was football, he loved it and that's why mum wanted Kyle to get into football, because she knows how proud dad would've been. The best part about him, I knew he was the only man that would never hurt me, screw me over or break my heart." I sighed.

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