Chapter 42

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{ Ok so we have skipped to Monday }

~Niall's POV~
I grabbed my luggage and got a cab home.
I have missed Sunny so much and it has only been two weeks since I've left her.
Two weeks is long enough when you're missing your whole world.
It's almost 6 am and the world is starting to wake up, so the quicker I can get home the better!
I threw myself back onto my bed and grabbed my phone.
To; Sunny: Aye baby, I'm home! 😊 Is there anyway we can see each other after school?💚
From; Sunny: omg I miss you so much! um I'm not sure but I will try my best! 💙
To; Sunny: I can't wait too see you gorgeous! And how are you up so early?! 💚
From; Sunny: You woke me up😐 And it's my first day back at school 😭 💙
To; Sunny: Don't worry babe you'll be fine💘💚

~Sunny's POV~

I got out of bed an hour after Niall woke me up and got ready- putting on my school clothes, straightening my hair, washing my face and brushing my teeth.
I need a way to get mum to allow me to meet Niall after school.
I don't think she'll be pleased if she knew I was with Niall, so if I say I'm with someone else, she'll be more likely to let me go!
I groaned and flung myself back on my bed when I realised mum said I could have a week off this week.
I took off all of my school clothes and put my pyjamas back on, I hung my clothes back up into my wardrobe and got back into bed.
To; Niall: I'm such an idiot, I forgot mum was giving me a week off😂 💙
From; Niall: Oh you wally! Was you saying that your mum is the new receptionist at Modest? 💚
To; Niall: Yas, why? 💙
From; Niall: Get back to bed and leave it to me😉😘💚
To; Niall: I love you Niall😘💙
From; Niall: Not as much as I love you beautiful😘💚


I woke up to a knock at my door.
"Come in." I wiped my eyes and all the sleep out of it.
"Morning darling."
"I have to go into work today."
"Why? I thought you started next week?"
"Well so did I, but the office rang me up this morning and said that they wanted me in and would pay me overtime, and I'm telling you, that's a lot of money Sunny."
"Ok, so when do you finish?"
"I start at half ten and finish at half six today, but as of tomorrow I start at nine and finish at half five. And at the weekends start at seven and finish at half seven."
"That's a lot of hours."
I'll hardly get to see her.
"I know but time is money."
She laughed, dad used to say that all of the time.
"Anyway, because I'm gone for a long time today, I got you and Skye a baby sitter."
"What about Kyle!"
"He's at school."
"Oh... Who is it?"
"It's Niall or one of the other band mates, but Niall said he will be here."
My heart kind of stopped and love did a dance around my stomach.
My Niall.
I forced my smile away and pretended I was listening to mum.
Something about picking Kyle up, something about money in the draw, somehow about pizza, pizza?
"Order some pizza for dinner or something."
"OK thank you." I smiled and she kissed my forehead.
"So I'll be going in about five minutes when someone gets here, be good ok?"
I nodded.
"Love you."
"Love you too."

~Niall's POV~

I looked at the address Claire sent me, I furrowed my eyebrows, I looked out of my bedroom window at the house opposite me.
A smirk formed on my face.
Crazy stuff.


I shut and locked my front door, turning on the alarm system and I started my very long journey to bae's house.
I made sure my zip was right to the top and crossed the road.
I opened the big gate and nervously made my way to her front door. I knocked and waited.
I saw the curtain on the balcony door upstairs.
"Hey Claire."
"Hi Niall." She smiled.
"Hey, get this, my house is over there."
"No way!"
"I know! Hey, are you following me?"
She laughed and I went inside.
She gave me a two minute tour of the house and told me everything I needed to know.
"Ok, thank you, no it's fine honestly, I wasn't doing anything today anyway."
She left and I was relieved, because roses aren't comfy on your chest.
I took my jacket off and layed them on the sofa, I tip-toed upstairs, careful not to wake Skye up and found Sunny's room. I cleared my throat and wiped my sweaty palms on the back of my jeans.
I opened the door and Sunny was stood in the middle of her room, she ran over to me, I threw the roses far across her room onto her bed and picked her up as she jumped onto me.
Her legs wrapped around my torso and I planted multiple kisses to her neck. Her head huddled into my shoulder and I held her so tightly so she couldn't let go.
"I missed you Niall."
" I missed you too Angel."
I felt a tear roll down my face.
I rubbed her back and she kept her face on my neck.
She feels lighter than the last time I picked her up.
I put her down and frowned. "Have you lost weight?"
She shrugged. "I don't know, have I?"
"Yes, you have, you better not be on some sort of crazy diet Sunny."
She burst out laughing and wrapped her arms around my body. Her head cuddled onto my chest. "Me? On a diet? You've got to be kidding me right?"
Her answer made me feel better and I took the moment to hug her back.
My hand made it's way to her bum and I held it underneath her bottom. She moved her hand to where she knew I liked it- the back of my neck, she ran her nails down my neck, leaving goosebumps on my skin.
"I really have missed you Niall."
"Not as much as I missed you."
She looked up at me, I lowered myself and attached my lips to hers for a long kiss.
After a minute or so, we pulled away and she grinned at me.
"I have the whole week off."
"So do I, and your mum has a week of work, which means I get to offer to be a baby sitter."
"Aye, I'm not a baby."
"You're my baby." I pinched her nose and kissed her forehead.
I took her hand and pulled her towards her bed. I picked up the roses and handed them to her.
"Happy five week anniversary."
She took the roses to her face and smelt them.
"Thank you so much Niall, they're almost as gorgeous as you."
I felt my cheeks blush and I hugged her again. I held her like she was my life- but that's because she is.
I picked her up and she swung her legs around my torso again, I trailed soft kisses along the side of her neck, she tilted her head to the right, allowing me more access and I placed sloppier ones, making my way to her weak spot just below her right ear lobe.
I sat on her bed, she sat on my lap, looking straight into my eyes. My hand trailed to her back and I began to run gentle circles on her spine.
"Can you sing for me please?"
I smiled, knowing she was attracted to my singing voice made me a very happy chap.


"Right now I wish you were here with me, cause right now everything is new to me, you know I can't fight the feeling and every night I feel it, right now I wish you were here with me." I gently sung into her ear, rubbing circles on the small of her back.
"How's little craic?"
I burst out laughing
"Little Craic is doing fine, he said your name yesterday actually."
"Yeah, he was either saying your name or talking about the sun. But both light up worlds. One lights up the world and one lights up my world."
She blushed.
She pulled me to her face by my neck and leaned her nose on mine and pressed her forehead to mine.
I heard a grumbling noise and her cheeks flushed red.
She nodded.
"Come on then, let's make you some breakfast." I smiled at her and took her hand, leading her down to the kitchen.
"What do you want to eat?"
"I don't know what do you want to eat?" She sat down at the breakfast bar.
"I'm not to sure but I'm making."
She blushed. It kills me when she does that because it makes her look so innocent and cute and oh my god I'm so happy she is mine.
"How about pancakes?" I suggested, looking throwing their cupboards seeing they have all the right ingredients.
"Sure, but I don't want you to go through any trouble babe."
"Trouble? The only trouble I'll get into is with your mum if she sees me doing this." I lifted her off her seat and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She giggled as I pressed my lips to hers and I did the same. I have always been a giggly kisser and kissing someone I love seems to make me more giggly than ever. I pulled apart a second to breathe and opened my eyes to see her smiling, my heart started doing silly dances and my stomach doing little flips, this is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Sunny's POV

When Niall and I finally split our lips apart, I hopped off his waist and he began cooking, cracking eggs, beating batter,whisking, every thing.
He began to pour the mixture into a frying pan, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his stomach and leaned my head on his very muscly back. He giggled a little and then flipped a pancake.
"She gives me love, gives me love like all of the time, she's got a big heart a pretty smile, a beautiful mind and when she walks in the room man look how she shines, don't need no spotlight, no fancy designs." He began to sing.
I laughed and sung the chorus with him.
"Yeah yeah that's my baby, that's that's my baby, never wanna leave her you couldn't pay me now, oh I, think I finally found a girl I want to rule my world." He turned around, kissed my forehead and went back to flipping his pancakes and continued the song.

Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been struggling to update because I have exams coming up in science and I've been revising like heck. :(
Please leave a comment or vote because they do mean a lot to me :D

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