Chapter 29

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~Niall's POV~

I arrived back in my apartment in London at around seven. I took my bags straight up into my room and looked for my phone charger, I plugged in my phone and found my laptop charger and my iPad charger and charged them all up.
I went down stairs into the kitchen and sighed when I realised I had no food. I went back upstairs into my room and got my phone, I saw I had two new messages.
I smiled when I saw one was from Sunny and the other from Liam.
I read the one from my girl first.
From; Sunny: To; Niall: I know you're on the plane right now, but I have good news! Leo has a girl friend so he won't be annoying me any more😊💙 I love you Ni 💙
To; Sunny: Thats great babe, but if he does hassle you, just let me know. I just got back to my apartment, how's every thing? 💚

I then checked Liam's message.
From; Liam: Hey bro, Harry told me you were back today, let me know when you get back. We'll have to get the boys together for a welcome back celebration
To; Liam: Just got back, come over.

The boys and I all live in the same area, Simon said it was best we all stay close by.
After about half an hour, there was a knock on my door.
I went to it and checked through the peep hole.
I opened the door and welcomed him with a hug.
"Niall." He squealed.
"Liam." I squealed back.
"Come in man, come in."
"How have you been?"
"I've been good man. How about you?"
"Yeah I'm ok thanks dude."
"I called the lads and told them you were back, but Zayn's out with Perrie at the moment so will be joining us later."
"Cheers man. I'd offer you a beer, but I'm out of supplies." I laughed.
"I'll text Harry and Louis to bring some. I brought a couple of packs aswel." He picked up three packs of four beers.
"Cheers mate. I'm just going to shower, make yourself at home."
"Cheers man."
I went into the last suitcase I was yet to unpack and grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt to wear and hopped in my shower.
Within five minutes I was done and threw on my clothes.
I went back in my room and grabbed my phone from the charger.
From; Sunny: Things are going ok, missing you though. The place is so quiet without you. Thank you for the Cody cd by the way. Your Mum, me and Kyle went shopping and we had it on in the car😏. Theo, Greg and Denise came round for dinner and I took this really cute picture of me and Theo. I might have to take him home with me when mum gets back;)💙
To; Sunny: Send me the picture🙏 And I think Cody's sister interviewed us one time💚
From; Sunny: *pic*
I opened the picture and it was a selfie of Theo and Sunny, she obviously had him on her lap and his face was close up to the screen and he was laughing and you could tell she was giggling. She even had her hair in a messy bun, which I love. 1) Because the way she does it is cute. 2) She looks effortlessly beautiful. 3) She just looks so perfect.
From; Sunny: And yeah you did, her name is Alli.💙
To; Sunny: That is now my new favourite picture😍 you're so beautiful baby💚
From; Sunny: I look like a hobo next to Theo who could be the next vogue model😂👍💙
To; Sunny: He could definitely be a Vogue model, but so could you😍 I'm sorry, but have you seen your ass😍🙌💚
From; Sunny; Niall! 😱😩 says the hot blonde😏💙

"Niall! Where are you?" I heard Louis shout from downstairs.

To; Sunny: Listen baby, I really have to go, I have a couple of the lads downstairs and I have to charge up my phone so I'll talk to you in a bit. I love you💚
From; Sunny: Ok Ni, have a fab time 💕 I love you💙

I put my phone back on charge and went downstairs.
Liam and Louis were both sat on my sofa looking through tv channels.
"No hug for your bro then?" I laughed.
"Niall" Louis grinned, running up to me and hugging me.
"Hey Lou." I smiled hugging him back.
"How long have you been back?"
"Around half an hour, maybe less."
"I've missed you, my little leprechaun."
"Shut up Peter Pan." I laughed.
"Where's Harry?" I asked.
"He should be on his way."
"Pass me a beer would you?" I asked Liam, who was sat next to the beers.
"Sure." He threw one at me and I caught it.
I've only had one drink since I have been with Sunny, and that was when Harry got drunk.
I just hadn't felt the need.
"Guys, I just need to ring my mum." I opened the beer and took a sip and placed it on the table.
"I promised her I would ring her when I got settled."
They nodded at me and I went back to my room.
"Hello Mum?"
"Yeah it's me."
"Have you only just landed?"
"No, I landed quite a while ago, but they had to find a different way to get me out of the airport because mobs of fans and paparazzi were waiting outside the gates of the airport and it took me forever to get out."
"Yeah, but I'm home now and Liam and Louis are downstairs."
"That's nice."
"Yeah. how are you?"
"I'm not too bad. I didn't cry for to long."
"You cried?"
"Of course I did, I had to say goodbye to my baby."
"Aw mum."
"I don't think you realise how proud I am of you."
"Mum you tell me atleast three times a week." I laughed.
"I know, I know. I won't keep you from your friends. Have a good time and stay safe in London darling."
"I will, I love you mum."
"I love you too"
My iPad had nearly done charging so I took it off and bought the charger down with me just incase.
I sat on my arm chair, and Liam and Louis were deep into conversation.
I signed myself back onto the wifi and opened up twitter.
I tweeted: @niallhoran: back in London:) sorry to the fans at the airport in London I couldn't meet, there was to many paps nd it was dangerous
I closed the app.
There was a knock on my door.
"I'll get it." I called out to Louis and Liam.
"Good, it's your house." Louis called back.
Liam laughed at him.
"Hi Harry." I smiled letting him in.
"Hey bro."
He went into the sitting room and placed the beer he brought on the floor.

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