Chapter 27

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~Sunny's POV~

Niall is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
And that's why I suggested we take a break - I can't deal with not seeing him for months at a time.
I can't even spend one night away from him.
Plus, there's going to be so many pretty girls in London.
It's not that I don't trust Niall, it's just, I'm a Directioner, I know what goes on in girls heads. All the sexual things they think about him.
And I don't want to hold him back, he should be able to have fun, live while he's young.
There was a knock on my door.
I was hoping it was Niall. "Come in."
It wasn't: it was Harry.
"Hey Harry." I sighed. I moved to the edge of my bed and hugged my knees.
"What's up butter cup?" He sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm going to miss him Harry."
"I know, but you told me you loved him."
"I do, more than the whole world." I felt a tear role down my cheek.
"Then aren't you willing to wait for him?"
I looked at him.
"I just think it will hurt to much."
"Sure you'd miss him, but wouldn't it hurt more seeing him with another girl?"
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"He wouldn't have another girl."
"But if you two weren't together any more, that means he would be single, and single boys tend to look for love and he's Niall Horan and any girl would jump for the opportunity to be with him."
Why must Harry be right the stupid shit.
"So, don't break his heart or I'll be pretty mad." He laughed.
"Thanks Harry." I hugged him.
"No problem."
There was a knock on the door and I pulled away from him.
"Come in."
This time, my Prince Charming walked in.
I have 2/5 in my bedroom.
I pushed my sexual thoughts to the back of my head and sat up straight.
"Uh, I'll see you guys later, I have to pack." Harry awkwardly said, getting up and leaving the room.
Niall shut the door and walked over to me.
I ignored him at first.
"Baby, I'm so sorry, I know I should've told you the moment I found out, but I just couldn't. But please don't leave me, I'll do anything, we can make it work, I promise. I'll even visit every weekend, I'd walk if I-"
I surprised him by climbing onto his lap and shutting him up by kissing him.
I could feel him smile into the kiss which made me smile.
He let out a small giggle as we were pulling away for air and I grabbed on to his hair, leaning into his ear.
"We'll make it work."
He had goosebumps on the side of his face that made me extremely happy.
"What made you change your mind?" I laid my head on his chest.
"Having you away from me is one thing, but having you away with someone else is another. And that would rip my heart into a million and thirty seven different pieces."
He laughed.
"I love you Sunny Jones."
"I love you too Niall Horan."
"We'll make this work babe. I promise you."
"You better Horan."
He kissed the top of my forehead and I figured this would be a perfect time to bring up him beating up Leo.
"So did Leo cry when you beat him up?" I smirked.
He sat up and I turned to look him in the eye.
"Come on Niall, I'm not stupid." I laughed.
He let out a nervous giggle.
"I wasn't going to let him get away with harassing you."
"Just don't put yourself in danger for me ever again."
"Babe, that's all I'm ever going to do, I will do what ever it takes to keep you safe. Even if that means risking my safety."
"Then you deserve this." I leant down on his abs and gave him something I knew he would love.
A passionate kiss.
He pulled my waist down closer to his crotch and kissed me back.
He let out a soft moan and I smirked.
He flipped us around so he was kneeling above me. His elbows on either side of me so he didn't put to much weight on me.
He forced his tongue into my mouth and he started to swirl it around. I pushed his out of my mouth and entered mine in his.
I pulled my hand through his hair and used the other to hold his face.
He used one hand to lean himself up and the other to hold my face.
I pulled away when I ran out of breath and he took the opportunity to put his tongue back into my mouth, I felt him smirk and I moved my hand from his face to his bum.
Niall's bum is one of my favourite things about him.
I just can't get away from it.
His bum cheeks are like to soft balloons that I always feel the urge to squeeze.
I wish I wasn't on my period, otherwise I would have him bend me over.
He pulled away and started leaving wet kisses down my face.
"I - love - you." He told me, in between kisses.
I tilted my head to the side as he reached my neck to allow him more room.
It seems like he had found my week spot as he gently nipped on the skin next to my collar bone and I let out a small smirk.
"You like that baby?" He smirked.
I nodded, not finding the words to speak.
He pushed my hair away from my face and bit down gently on the same spot, this time sucking it. Starting off hard and getting harder.
I pulled the bottom of his hair as he stopped sucking and left gentle kisses around my now sensitive skin.
I pulled his face down to my lips and left one last kiss on them before he got up and layed down beside me.
"Your necks going to hurt in a little while baby, but hopefully it will be a good pain."
"It is."
"It's a little bruised, but you can easily cover it." He informed me.
"I love it."
Why did I just say that!?!
"You do?" He grinned.
I nodded. "Well yeah, now where ever I go I'll have a reminder of you, I know it sounds weird, but I don't know how to explain it."
"You don't sound weird baby."
I turned to my side and Niall became the big spoon, wrapping his arm around my stomach and hiding his face in the side of my neck he hadn't left his mark on. Y

~Niall's POV~

Giving Sunny a love bite was one of the best feelings in the world - it helped me mark my territory on her, while showing her truly how much she meant to me.
It's like a cat, they'll spray when they're feeling intimidated to show other cats that this is their territory, that they're not to be messed with, and giving Sunny my mark helps me feel like now I've left my mark on her, she's mine and mine only.
And no body is going to change that.
I started to gently sing her favourite song Crazy But True by Cody Simpson in her ear, as she fell asleep.
I picked up my phone from the bed side table and unlocked it. I turned on the lamp and took a picture of Sunny.
I started drawing patterns on her back and knew she is the one for me.
I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Get engaged, get married, have kids, have grand kids, grow old together, face the world together, travel the world together, be together forever.
That's all I want.
I know there's a five year age difference between us, but there's an 8 year difference between Sunny's grandparents and they're madly in love!
She's my queen and I can be her king


Thanks for all of your support guys, it honestly means the world ❤️

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