Chapter 36

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~Sunny's POV~
I climbed out of bed at 11:34.
I would be in history right now.
I feel so bad about this performance, you don't even understand.
I rang Libby yesterday and she said it's fine, but it's not.
She said she was going to miss me and I'll miss her, and Lizzie, but London has always been home to me, and plus Niall's there, I'll be able to see him for a couple of months before tour and we can all be happy.
I get to see my old friends Libby and Georgia again! Well, I say old but they're 4 months younger than me.
Most important factor, I get to see my nan and grandad again, and that's very important to me.
"Sunny?" I heard my mum call out from behind my door.
She came in.
"Ah, good you're up."
"I'm just popping out for a couple of hours. I'm taking Skye with me, but Kyle's still asleep. Let him sleep for as long as you can because he was really ill last night. Be good and I'll be back at around two." She kissed the top of my forehead.
"See ya later." She called out as she left.
Well I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next couple of hours then.

~Niall's POV~
"Rise and shine lads, it is ten too twelve and we have the Brits to get ready for." I opened my eyes to see Louis hitting Liam around the head with some pillows.
He made his way towards me.
"Woah, woah, I'm up, I'm up."
He laughed.
"Good, now get your blonde ass out of bed and do something productive." He threw the pillow at me and walked out.
"Yes daddy." Liam joked, taking the mock out of his bossiness.
I laughed and grabbed my phone.
To; Sunny: Good morning babe, or, good afternoon haha😜💚
I pressed send and went to get dressed.


When I got downstairs in a hoody and a pair of trackies, I felt a glare on me.
I turned around to see Harry trying to burn me with his eyes, he turned around when he saw me looking and turned around again.
I went into the fridge and pulled out some pizza.
"Louis when did you get this pizza?" I shouted out.
"There's no need to shout, I'm right here."
I turned around to see him laughing.
"Um, Monday night I think."
"Oh that will be fine." I shrugged taking a bite out of my pizza.
I took my phone out of my pocket when I felt it vibrate.
I smiled when Sunny's name appeared.
From; Sunny: Hey babe, wanna Skype for a bit? I know you must be busy but I really miss you 💙
I checked the time, 12:22.
Isn't she supposed to be in school.
To; Sunny: Aye aren't you supposed to be in school 💚
From; Sunny; I overslept and couldn't be bothered to go in😜💙
To; Sunny: Sure I'll be on in five minutes. 😆💚
I ran to my room and grabbed my laptop. I ran back to where the rest of the lads were and sat next to Harry, he moved away from me slightly.
"What are you doing?" Liam asked me, a bowl of coco pops in his hand.
"Skyping Sunny." I told him.
Harry looked at me. "Now?"
I nodded.
"Isn't she like, supposed to be in school?" Zayn asked.
"Yeah, she overslept apparently." I chuckled.
I logged into Skype as fast as I could.
My heart skipped a best when I saw she was online.
My finger hovered over the call button and I pressed it.
"Hey princess." I grinned.
She smiled bigger than I've ever seen.
"Hey Niall, I miss you so much, wait who's shoulder is that?" She laughed.
"Harry's." I chuckled.
I turned the laptop towards him and he smiled.
"Hey Harry." She grinned.
Damn she's beautiful.
He waved at her and turned away.
"Ignore him baby, he's grumpy." I laughed.
"Oh" She laughed.
"Are you excited for the Brits today?" She smiled.
Her smile, it makes my already dodgy knees weak.
"Sorry what?" I blushed.
"Are you excited for the Brits?" she giggled.
"He's distracted by your beauty Sunny." Liam laughed.
Her cheeks blushed.
"Was that Liam?" She whispered.
I nodded.
"So Niall, what have you been doing on your iPad lately?" She smirked.
"What do you mean?"
What the fuck.
"Harry says you've been doing something suspicious on there."
Harry didn't look at me.
"Nothing baby."
"I heard it's your guys' one month anniversary tomorrow." Louis covered.
She said something but I didn't hear what.
I was to busy thinking about Harry.
"Niall? Niall?" Liam sat down on the other side of me and nudged my arm.
"What?" I hissed.
"Um, Sunny's trying to talk to you but you're out of it."
"Sorry baby what was you saying?"

~Harry's POV~

I clenched my fist as he called her 'baby'.
I don't even know why I'm attracted to someone 4 years younger than me, well I was attracted to someone 15 years older than me.
I think I started to develop feelings for her that morning when I was being sick, and she held back my curls for me. I don't know man, I just really like her.
I like the way she's not like other girls her age: she doesn't plaster herself in make up, she doesn't dress indecently, she cares about her education and treats me like a normal boy.
Is that to much to ask for in a girl?
I know she's Niall's, I know he had her first, I know how much she loves him, I know the way she looks at him, and that's what upsets me most.

~Sunny's POV~

"I really miss you Niall."
"Aw she misses him." Louis replaced the seat that Harry was sat on and I felt myself blush.
"Shut it Louis." Niall laughed.
"I'm sending you a virtual kiss baby look." He leant into the webcam and kissed it.
I felt my heart flutter and my insides to somersaults and cartwheels. Kind of like the feeling you get when you see pizza. Like the really cheesy kind.
"And I'm sending you a virtual kiss." I leant in and kissed the screen.
"Baby, look I've been working out." He took off his hoody leaving himself shirtless. My cheeks flushed a shade of scarlet and I almost drooled.
I'm telling you something, that little Irish shit has a good body.
He flexed his arms showing his muscles and I almost died on the spot.
"He hasn't been working out Sunny, it was just an excuse for him to take his top off for you." Louis laughed and Niall glared at him.
I really do miss my boy.
I felt my phone vibrate so I picked it up.
From; Mumma: Just on our way home, just picking up some lunch x
"Sorry Niall, I'm going to have to go now, but have fun at the Brits and send me lots of selfies on snapchat." I smiled.
He pouted. "Ok baby, love you. Bye." He waved at me and I waved back, ending the call and shutting down my laptop.
I ran down stairs and washed up, to make it look like I had a productive time while mum was out.


I logged onto my fan account on Instagram and smiled as I scrolled through my timeline and saw loads I pictures of the boys at the Britt's.
Niall was wearing what he showed me and he looked hot.
Like, so hot.
I received a new text message, but it was an anonymous number.
From; anon: Niall's cheating on you.


Sorry for the rubbish chapter and lack of updates, I've had a very stressful exam week and now I don't feel too good, hopefully I'll update tomorrow or the day after.
Thanks so much for all of your support.
Please continue to vote comment bd share. X sunny X

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