Chapter 24

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~Niall's POV~
"Fuck." I hit my fist down on the steering wheel really hard.
"This is the last thing we needed." Harry groaned, putting his head in his hands.
"Shut the fuck up." I hissed, pulling into a spare lane in the road.
"Listen man, it isn't me who dragged us into this mess."
"Shouldn't have come with me then."
"Some birthday celebration this is." I heard him mutter under his breath.
"Once again Harry, I did not ask you to come here."
I took a few deep breaths while two police women walked up to my car.
Did they know that I just beat up a 16 year old?
"Let me do all the talking." I said, just before they got to my window.
Harry nodded and I put my window down.
"Good afternoon officers." I smiled.
"Good afternoon sir." The younger of the two woman smiled.
"Are you aware that you are going 100mph in a 65mph zone sir?" The older one asked.
"I was? Woah, I'm so sorry." Thank fuck for that.
"Can we please see your license please sir? I am afraid we will have to take three points off of you." The older one said.
"Sure." I sighed, leaning over Harry and opening up the glove compartment.
I handed it to them.
"Your Niall Horan?" The older lady asked.
"As in, boyband member?" The younger girl asked.
I nodded.
"Yes ma'am."
"Can you please take your glasses off so I can confirm this?" The old lady ordered, not seeming fazed that I was who I was.
I took them off and the younger police women almost squealed.
"Oh my god, I'm such a huge fan of you."
"You are?" I smirked.
"What happened to your face?" The older police woman frowned.
"Oh, um, I was out running and I tripped over and scraped my face on the floor." I sounded a little unsure of myself, but I think it worked.
"I'm sorry sir, but I'm still going to have to take away three points from your license and give you a hundred pound fine.
I sighed, giving the police woman that happened to be a fan pleading eyes.
"Come on Auntie Martha, can't you just let him off? You know he's been the reason for my smile these past four years."
She sighed.
"If the office found out about this I would be a dead woman." She sighed.
"They won't find out Auntie Martha, please." Her niece begged.
"Fine, but Mr Horan if you get into any more trouble, I will not turn a blind eye again."
"Thank you so much officers." I smiled.
"Do you have a twitter?" I asked the younger police woman.
She nodded.
So I followed her as a way of saying thank you and then drove off.
"You got lucky there pal." Harry laughed.
"I know, thank goodness for that younger officer, who happened to be related to the older one who let me off."
"Yeah, anyway, do you wanna go clubbing with me tonight, since it was my birthday yesterday?" He asked.
"I don't know Harry."
"Why not?"
"I have a girlfriend."
"I don't want to leave her alone, just to go and get drunk. I'd rather spend the night with her."
"Are you saying she isn't frigid?"
"What do you mean?" I frowned.
"She does stuff with you, other than kissing."
"No, not in a sexual way."
"So what do you mean spend the night with her then?"
"I don't know, watch a movie, cuddle or just chill. And anyway, I won't be going out until this goes." I said, pointing to my cuts.
"Doesn't that get boring though?"
"Not being able to go any further than kissing?"
"No Harry. No it isn't. Im not with her for the sex. I am with my beautiful girlfriend because she's fun to be around, she's fun to talk to, she has self respect and I love her with every single inch of my heart. And I wouldn't want to take her innocence away from her unless she was a thousand percent sure that she wanted me to. Because winning her heart is a million times more important to me than getting into her pants."
I knew I had won when he didn't reply for a few minutes.
"Hey, knock knock."
I rolled my eyes.
"Who's there?"

~Sunny's POV~
I turned off the TV and made my way to my room. I took my science book out and did a few pages of work before I got bored and went on Niall's iPad. I went onto Instagram and searched #niallhoran. I felt my heart flutter as I saw fetus pictures of him.
I was surprised at how many notifications he was getting per second and was sure not to like any pictures just incase he wasn't allowed or any thing.
I then had an idea, I closed the Instagram app and clicked on the twitter app.
I clicked on notifications and followed some fans who were tweeting him cute things.
I stopped after three minutes when I heard the front door open, meaning Niall and Harry were back.
I put the iPad on my bed and went to find them.
I found them in the kitchen whispering about something.
They turned around when I cleared my throat.
What the fuck?
What happened to Niall's face?
"Niall, what happened to your face?" I approached him and gently swept my thumb across his cracked lip.
"Nothing, I'm fine."
"You're obviously not okay, sit down." I instructed, taking his hand and leading him to a chair.
He sat down and I reached for the first aid box that was on top of the fridge, unfortunately for me, I couldn't reach it.
I blushed a thank you to Harry when he kindly got it down for me.
"So... What happened?" I asked Niall as I found a cloth and dampened it.
"Nothing, Harry and I were peckish, so we parked outside a fast food restaurant and I was caught off guard by a guy who was trying to mug me."
"Oh my god." I gasped.
Once I has cleared the blood that had been smeared over his face from the cuts on his face, I moved to the actual cuts and gently started dabbing.
He hissed and moved his head.
"Sorry." I apologised and dabbed slower.
"So did he get away?" I asked, concentrating on his cuts.
"Sorry what?"
"He got a couple of punches to Niall's face and then Niall started hitting back, so then I got out of Niall's car and pulled him away and the guy got away." Harry answered for me.
"Did you call the police? I asked, putting down the cloth and finding some suitable plasters.
"No, we don't need the bad publicity." Harry answered again.
"Where's mum?" Niall asked me.
"She went out, and Kyle's taking a nap in his room."
"So I can do this?" He leant in and attached his lips to mine.
I blushed as he pulled away.
I'm not to keen on public displays of affection in front of people.
I put on one last plaster and closed the first aid box.
I sighed when I looked at his hurt face.
My poor baby.
"Don't get hurt again." I pouted, looking up at him.
"I didn't plan it." He laughed.
He kissed me again and I felt the fireworks explode once again.
"You guys need to get a room." Harry laughed, grabbing a beer from the fridge and walking into the living room.
We followed him in, minus the beer.
"Niall can I have my phone back now?" I asked as we took a seat on the sofa.
"Yeah it's in my jacket, let me go and get it."

~Niall's POV~
I got up to go and get Sunny's phone from my coat that was hung on a hook by the front door.
I picked it out of my pocket and pressed the button on the front, showing she had a new message. I frowned seeing it was from Leo.
From; Leo: Tell your boyfriend, or cousin or who ever he is we have un-finished business.


please vote comment and share<3 if you could get a friend to read this I would really appreciate it ! Xxx

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