Chapter 13

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~Niall's POV~
Monday the 27th of January 2014.
Sunny and I's one week anniversary.
So far, no body knows apart from us.
It's our secret.
I spent all weekend with her and Kyle.
We decided to let Kyle hang with us, because if we didn't mum might have found it a bit weird.
I quietly hopped out of bed and went into the kitchen to find the rose I bought her.
I ran back upstairs, knowing her alarm would be going off pretty soon and sat on the bed waiting for it.
As it did, I saw her reach for it and press the off button.
A small frown formed on her face when she sat up and saw that I wasn't laying down next to her. The frown disappeared and turned into a smile when she saw me sitting on the end of the bed.
I bought the rose from behind my back and stuck it out to her.
"Happy 1 week anniversary." I grinned.
She sleepily grinned and took the rose from me.
She hugged it to her chest.
"You didn't have to get me a rose."
"I did. It's nothing compared to how happy you make me."
"I didn't get you anything."
"I don't care. I have you."
I lied back down with her and laid my head in her chest.
She started stroking my hair.
"Has your mum left for work?"
"Yeah and she's taken Kyle to that breakfast club thing."
She didn't say anything.
"You know, you don't have to go to school today, we could just chill here. Get a pizza, have ice cream and watch movies."
"I can't miss school."
"You can, you work so hard! You deserve a day off."
"Think about it. No school, no annoying kids getting in you're way the whole day, and a bonus, you get to spend the whole day with me."
"You mean it?" I flipped my self round so I was leaning just above her, supporting my self with my elbows and looking her in the eye.
"Yeah, I mean the spending the day with you might get boring but I'll live." She smirked.
"Shut up and kiss me." I laughed, leaning in and kissing her.
She grabbed my hair and put pressure on my lips.
What a way to start the day.

~Sunny's POV~

Niall and I stayed in bed cuddling until 9:40 and our tummies started growling.
"Was that yours or mine?" Niall asked, as the sound of a dying whale erupted in one of our stomachs.
"I think it was yours."
"Yeah I am pretty hungry, are you?"
"Yeah kinda."
"Come on, let's go and have some food." He got out of bed and took my hand in his, pulling me off the bed.
"What do you fancy?" He asked me.
Wow I'm feeling confident today.
I saw him throw his head back in laughter, and the beautiful sound of his laugh came spilling out.
"No seriously, what do you want to eat?"
We entered the kitchen and I thought about it.
"I'll just have some toast please."
"Coming madam. Now would you like anything on that toast?"
"Yes kind sir, I will have a bit of your finest spread. Perhaps some Philadelphia?"
"Coming right up." He laughed, grabbing some toast and putting it in the toaster.
"And what would Mr Horan like for breakfast on this fine day?"
"Mr Horan would like for you to sit back down as he will be putting his own breakfast so you don't have to lift a finger."
"Why are we talking like this?" I laughed.
"Cause we cool like dat." He laughed, taking my toast out and spreading it with butter and Philadelphia.
He put two more slices in and handed me my plate.
"Thanks." I smiled, cutting the slices in half and taking a bite out of one.
"No problem."
"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?" Niall sang, in a girly voice.
"You really like Katy Perry don't ya?" I laughed.
"She is so hot."
I raised my eye brows at him.
"Um, not as hot as you of course baby."
"Don't worry, I happen to think Cody Simpson is crazy hot." I joked.
"That Australian kid?" This time his eyebrow was raised.
"That Australian teenager who is crazy hot with a crazy good voice yeah." I corrected.
"Hotter than me?" He pouted.
"Um, let me think." I joked, getting up and wrapping my arms around his waist and burying my face in his plain white t-shirt.
"Of course not."
"Is his voice better than mine?"
I smirked into his face. "No, you sound like an angel and you damn know it."
"Is Katy Perry better than me?"
"No, Katy's just a good friend of mine. Is Cody a friend of yours?"
Show off.
"No, but he follows me on twitter."
"You have twitter?"
"Yeah, Cody knew before you did."
"Shut up and eat your damn toast."
"Yes Sir!" I joked, taking a bite out of my food.
Niall sat down beside me and started eating his toast. He got out his phone and started the ultimate multi task of eating toast while being on his phone.
"What's your twitter?"
"It's complicated."
He handed me his phone and I searched for my self and then handed him his phone back.
"Followed. Happy now?"
"No, because now I'm gonna have to tweet you, fan girling about how happy I am about your follow."
"I'll just unfollow you then."
I saw a smirk on his face.
"Or I could just fangirl."
"Good choice."
I took the last bite out of my toast and put the plate in the dish washer.
"I'm going to go and have a shower." I told Niall.
"Cool I'll come." He said it so seriously that it was almost funny.
"Ew ya lil nasty, I shower alone."
"Fine. I will just sit here all by myself."
"You do that." I winked, and ran upstairs to my room to grab some fresh clothes and showered.

~Niall's POV~

After what felt like hours, I heard light footsteps coming from the stairs.
"Finally. What took you so long!" I whined.
"Niall, I was only half an hour." She laughed, walking into the living room in Adidas sweats and a matching hoody.
She looks so perfect.
"Exactly! I missed you."
"Well, I missed you too."
"Take a selfie with me?"
"Because I don't look good enough for a selfie today."
"Yes you do, now bring your ass over here and take a selfie with me."
"Fine." She pouted.
She jumped on the sofa next to me.
I struggled to cross my legs and then pulled her onto my lap.
I handed her my phone, because we both know it's to risky to do selfies on her phone.
I handed her my phone and she leant back into me and pulled a cute ass face that she thought was funny, but in reality it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.
For the next one, I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head in her neck. She grinned and took the photo.
In the next one, she surprised me by taking my chin under her hand and kissing me on the cheek.
We then did the west side sign.
"Is that enough selfies for you?" She laughed.
"Yeah." I laughed.
"Can we watch a movie?" She asked, batting her eyelashes and curving her bottom lip.
"Don't do that."
"Don't look so cute. It makes me want to do stuff to you that isn't legal."
She blushed. And hopped off of my lap.
"Do you guys have Marley and Me?"
"Yeah it's one of my mums favourites. It'll be on the DVD rack." I told her, hopping of the sofa and leaning down to find the DVD.
"It's my favourite as well. I cry every time I see it."
"If you cry I'm leaving." I teased.
She glared at me jokingly and put the DVD in the DVD player.
"I'm gonna go and get some blankets." She told me, running out the room and up the stairs.
"And I'll get some snacks." I said, knowing she couldn't hear me.
I grabbed some popcorn out of the cupboard and put it in the microwave.
As it was preparing itself, I got a bottle of Dr.Pepper out of the cupboard and two glasses. I took them into the living room and paused the DVD so Sunny didn't miss any of it.
After a minute she struggled her way through the door with a whole pile of blankets and cushions in her hand.
"You think you've got enough there babe?" I teased.
She threw them on the sofa. "I don't know, shall I get more?"
"No I was only teasing." I pulled her with my hands on either side of her waist and onto my lap. I layed us both down and pressed play on the film. I moved back on the sofa and spread my arm across to wrap around my babes shoulder. She lay on her side facing the tv and buried herself backwards into me.
I felt her ass against my private part and I'm not gonna lie, it was a major turn on.
"Hey babe, pass me the popcorn?" I asked.
She rolled to the edge of the sofa and stretched out her arms as far as she could.
I gasped as she fell of the sofa and on to the floor.
I couldn't help throwing my head back in laughter at my girl friends clumsy ways.
She got up rubbing her elbow and glared at me.
"You think it's funny?"
"I'm sorry babe but yes."
"You won't be laughing when I tackle you to the floor."
"Is that right?"
She nodded her head.
"Bring it on."
She smirked as she jumped onto the sofa and placed her knees on either side of my leg.
I grabbed her hands before she could pin me down.
Of course she still tried, but didn't succeed.
"Give up babe. I'm stronger than you." I laughed.
We ended up play fighting for the next five minutes and I'm not joking when I say, she's stronger than she looks.
The play fighting came to an end when I managed to pin her on the floor and keep her hands down across the carpet. The moment was so intense. Nothing but lust filled me as I lowered my lips onto hers.
It started off as gentle, but then we both started getting more and more into it. I swiped my tongue against the bottom of her lip, desperate for entrance. And when I got in, I took the opportunity to explore every inch of that pretty mouth of hers.

~Sunny's POV~

After Marley and Me had finished, I wiped all the tears from my face with my hoodie sleeve.
"That was so sad."
"Aw babe." Niall laughed.
"It's not funny." I giggled.
"Hang on, let me get that."
At first I didn't know what he was talking about until I saw him dig his phone from his pocket and I heard his ringtone.
"Oh hey man how are you? - Yeah - Oh that's sick - Yeah of course - What time? - Sure - Of course I don't mind - What time will you be done? - ok man I'll see ya later - ok bro - bye."
"Who was that?" I asked.
"Greg. He's asked me to baby sit Theo while he goes to buy a new car."
"Oh my god does that mean Theo is coming round?"
He nodded.
"I finally get to meet him!"
"You do."
"When is he getting here?"
"In about half an hour."
Aw! I finally get to meet Theo.


So that was chapter 13 :)
-sunny xox

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