Chapter 20

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~Niall's POV~

I slowly opened my eyes, confused at what was going on.
I smiled, realising Sunny was on top of me, singing the chorus of Friday by Rebecca Black.
I chuckled at her and then flipped her so I was hovering above her.
She squealed.
"Do you honestly want to go to school when we can have fun right here?"
She laughed. "Desperate." She teased in a high pitch voice.
I blushed. "Not for that. For cuddling, talking and singing."
"I know, I was kidding."
"So what do you say?"
"Sorry Ni, but I really have to go in today."
"You suck."
"I know." She stuck out her tongue to me and I got up.
I took held of her hand and helped her off the bed.
"Are you all ready?"
"Ready Teddy." She grabbed my hand.
"Teddy? Who's Teddy?" I laughed, putting on my shoes.
"It's a saying." She laughed.
I grabbed her bag and followed her out the room.

~Sunny's POV~

"It's Harry's birthday tomorrow."
I laughed. "Yeah I know."
"No more teenagers in the band." Lizzie sighed.
"Yeah, but remember, they will always be forever young."
I laughed at Libby's cheesy comment.
You'd be surprised to know Leo hasn't spoken to me these last couple of days.
No winks.
No wolf whistles.
No texts.
No calls.
No flirting.
I was pretty happy about this.
"Look at what the cat dragged in." I turned around to see what Libby was talking about, and I saw Leo walk past.
He glared at her and looked at me.
He didn't say anything.
But I knew what he was thinking.
His eyes say a lot.
We arrived at our lesson and took our seats.


I put my rubbish in the bin and picked up my bag and coat.
"I'm just going to the toilet guys."
"Let me finish this and I'll come with you."
"No it's fine, I'll just meet you at next lesson, we only have ten minutes left anyway."
"You sure?" Lizzie asked.
I nodded.
"See ya later."
"Alligator." They both laughed at the same time.
I laughed and walked to the nearest bathroom.
I went into the crowded bathroom and pushed myself through the crowd of sluts, checking themselves out in the mirror.
I found an empty stall and went in.
I came out and couldn't make my way to the sink, so I grabbed some hand sanitiser out of my bag and used that instead.
I sighed with relief as I finally got out of the perfume and hair spray smelling bathroom.
My attention got diverted to a familiar boy with black hair, leaning one hand against the wall, trapping a girl in front of him who seemed to be enjoying his company.
He said something that made her laugh.
After a few seconds, he'd caught me staring.
Nothing but a smirk played at his lips as he leaned in and attached his lips to hers.
I can't believe it.
What a jerk!
After a few seconds he pulled away and she was smiling.
I can't believe he just did that in front of me!
I replaced the feeling of jealousy with anger and walked away, not wanting to see his face.
I got to history and sat in my seat.
I checked my phone to see I had one message.

From; Leo: That could've been you😏
To; Leo: You wish.
From; Leo: Yeah I do😍

Lesson started, and I put my phone away.
Pushing all thoughts of him away.
I opened my book and wrote down the date and the title.

~Niall's POV~

"Hey baby." I got greeted with a kiss on the cheek.
"Hey Ni."
"How was your day?"
"Not bad. History was boring but I lived" she giggled.
That giggle. That cute innocent giggle. It makes me weak at the knees, it honestly does. It could light up a rainy day, make crying babies happy. Make my heart stop.
I blinked multiple times to bring myself back into reality.
"Sorry baby, what did you say?"
She laughed. "I said, what's Harry doing for his birthday tomorrow?"
"Oh, I don't know. Can't believe the little shit is going to be twenty."
She laughed.
"Says you Niall, you act way to immature to be twenty."
"Aye! But you love it."
"I love every single thing about you."
My heart fluttered and the butterflies in my stomach did somersaults.
"You know I love you right?"
She nodded.
"And I love you."


Today has gone so fast, honestly.
And I can not believe that in one week and two days, I will have to say good bye to my girl, and to make it worse, it will be our one month anniversary.
I might be able to see her in the morning before I leave. I turned the tv off and turned it off by the mains.
I scooped Sunny in my arms and carried her to her room.
She's fallen asleep watching Marley and me.
We have been together for 2 weeks and 5 days and we have already watched it 6 times together!
I almost tripped over something as I made my way to the stairs, causing Sunny to stir, I 'shhhh'd her. She mumbled something inaudible into my chest and put her arms around my neck. I bit down onto my lip, trying to stop my self from smiling.
After successfully making my way up the stairs, I finally made it to her door.
I pushed it open with my foot and tip-toed across her room.
I carefully placed her in her bed and put the sheets over her.
She mumbled something in her sleep and I laughed at how cute she is.
I was about to leave the room (because it's Friday, and we don't share a bed on Friday or Saturday, because mum doesn't have an early start, so she might see me in here) but I saw her phone light up, I thought it might be her mum, so I picked up her phone to see who it was. Because if it was her mum, she'd only be texting or ringing at this time if it was an emergency.

'1 new message'
From; Leo: Stop ignoring me babe, it just makes me w...
Who's Leo?
I bit down on my lip in confusement.
I unlocked her phone so I could see the rest of the message.
I know I shouldn't be snooping, but this is my girl friends safety.
And no, I am not over reacting.
She can have guy pals if she wants to, but I need to approve of him.
From; Leo: Stop ignoring me babe, it just makes me want you more😏
I scowled.
I read through the rest of there conversation.

From; Leo: That could be you😏
To; Leo: You wish.
From; Leo: Yeah I do😍
From; Leo: You looked very sexy today😏
To; Leo: Leave me alone
From; Leo: And why would I do that?
To; Leo: Because I'm not interested in you! I never have been and I never will be.
From; Leo: You know you want me, don't deny it😉
From; Leo: Can't wait to see you at school tomorrow;)
From; Leo: Can you wear a skirt, a tight one that shows you're sexy figure😋
From; Leo: Stop ignoring me babe, it makes me want you more😏

I felt my hands become clammy as I clenched them, my breaths heavy.
I deleted the recent message from him so she doesn't know that I've been looking.
I angrily put her phone back where it was and closed her bedroom door.
I made my way over to my room and shut it.
Who the fuck does this guy think he is! Talking to my girl like that!
She's my girl and my girl only.
The sooner he realises it, the better.


Oo, Niall's angry.
Do you think he'll do any thing about it?
#siall or #seo ?

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