Chapter 5

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~Niall's POV~

After about 5 minutes, Sunny pulled away from my hug when Skye started tugging on her leg.

"I hungry." She whined.

As she said it, I realised I was quite peckish aswell.

"I'll order us some pizza." I offered.

She shook her head, "No it's fine, I'll make some sandwiches or something." She replied.

"As much as I love a girl making me sandwiches. I think it will be easier to order pizza." I laughed.

She giggled.

"Ok, but I'm sure mum left some money some where or something." She told me.

"Don't be stupid, I'll pay, I don't mind."

"Quite the gentleman aren't we." She laughed.

I nodded my head, "yeah, that's how I roll." I joked, pulling my phone out from my pocket and pressing number 6 on speed dial.

"What flavour pizza do you like?" I asked her.

"We both like cheese and tomato." She told me, pointing to Skye.

I nodded my head, and the pizza place answered.

I ordered the pizza and the man on the other end of the phone told me it would be around twenty minutes.

"Twenty minutes." I told her. She nodded her head.

I just want to hug her so badly right now.

~ Sunny's POV ~

I just wanted to hug him, I don't know why, but I do.

I don't even know if this is normal, but I have feelings for a twenty year old. Not just because he is Niall Horan, but because I love the person he is. He's cute, sweet, kind, caring, intelligent, *cough* sexy *cough* and the way he hugs me makes me feel like I am safe and nothing else in life can harm me. I just wish he felt the same way. I just wish the age difference between us wasn't so big, maybe, just maybe we'd have some sort of a chance. But he's into these super skinny super models with perfect bodies, faces and lives. Not me, that's for sure.

After a while the pizzas came, and he dug around in his pocket for money and handed it to me.

"Can you pay please, because if they see me here they're gonna tell the papz and every thing will blow up." He told me, with pleading eyes.

I nodded my head and took the money.

"So are the papz always on your case then?" I asked, walking towards the door, he got up aswell and stood to the side so he was out of the view of the pizza guy.

"Yeah, but not as much as Harry, I just want to spend time with some one without being harassed." He told me, I nodded my head as if I agreed (even though I don't have a clue about how it might feel) and opened the door.

"Hi." I smiled at the pizza guy, taking the two big boxes of pizza out of his hand and passing them to Niall.

"That's eleven pounds fifty please." He said. I handed him twenty pounds and he handed me the change.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Have a good day." I waved, the man simply smiled at me and hopped back on his motor bike.

"Aren't you cute." Niall chuckled, placing the pizza boxes on the table.

"What do you mean?" I laughed, walking into the kitchen and getting two cans of coke and a bottle of Fruit Shoot for Skye.

"Well you're so well mannered and polite and nice to people and I think it makes you really cute." He told me, opening up the boxes.

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