Chapter 25

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~Sunny's POV~
"So you love Niall?" I turned to Harry and nodded.
"I do."
"Good, because he loves you."
I blushed.
"I know."
"He's never been so protective over a girl before."
He nodded. "Yeah, he's never cared about one so much before."
"No, he hasn't really had a serious girlfriend since he was sixteen."
"No, he had one called Holly, before the X Factor and apparently she cheated on him."
I sighed. "Well I care about him more than anything in the world."
"And so do millions of other girls across the world, but you're the only one of them that has his heart."
I smiled at him as Niall walked back into the room.
He slumped on the sofa next to me and put my phone in my hands.
"I've deleted his number and blocked him, if he tries to contact you, tell me."
I nodded.
He took my hand in his and Harry put the tv on.
"Sunny?" Harry called out.
I looked over Niall "Yeah?"
"Tell your boyfriend to come out with me tonight?"
"Niall go out with Harry tonight."
"Why not?" I asked, placing my hand on his stomach and looking up to him.
"Because I don't want to leave you."
I felt my heart flutter.
"I'll be fine Ni, just go and have some fun." I laughed.
"Are you sure?"
I nodded.
"What are you going to do?" He asked.
"What I did all these months before I met you."
"As long as you're sure."
"You don't have to ask me before you go places you bum." I laughed, putting my head in his stomach and hugging him.
He started stroking my hair. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Now if you to have finished being cringey, I've got some phone calls to make." Harry chuckled, getting up and leaving the room.


"Right, so I don't get question 4 either." I sighed into the iPad and Libby was looking back at me.
"Neither do I. Great idea, this skyping while doing home work together thing." She laughed.
"I know."
"Have you seen Leo today?"
I shook my head. "No, why?"
"He left the house at like twelve forty and hasn't been back since."
I looked at the time and saw that it was half seven.
"No I'm sorry, I haven't seen him."
I feel so sorry for Libby. The fact that he has to live with the guy. God bless her.
"Where are you anyway? I asked her. I've never been to her house before, but it doesn't look like she is in a bedroom.
"I'm in the living room."
I nodded.
I heard the a door slam in Libby's house.
One guess. Leo?
"Leo, is that you?" Libby called out.
The next thing I knew, Leo was in Libby's living room, his face absolutely covered in cuts, bruises, scratches and dry blood.
"What happened?" Libby gasped.
"I got in a fight." He grunted.
"I can see that, who with?"
"It's none of your fucking business."
Before he left the room, he smirked at Libby's laptop, so I was presuming he was smirking at me.
This wasn't Niall was it?
Niall and Harry had gone out at the time Leo did.
Niall comes back with a bloody face with cuts and a bust lip.
Leo comes home looking like he's been through the wars.
Niall said he was going to do something to sort him out.
"Listen libby, I'm going to have to go." I said.
"Oh, well, I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled.
"See ya." I waved, ending the call and logging out of Skype.
How could Niall do this!
How could he beat Leo up?
I'm 100 percent sure Leo deserved it, but that doesn't mean Niall can risk his own safety just to fight my battle.
Stupid blonde idiot with a really cute ass.
How could he risk us?
But on the other hand, how cute.
He beat up somebody that was harassing me.
Some body actually stuck up for me!
Aw that cute little blonde Irish!
He really needs to get his act together.
Hmm pizza.
For all he knows, the police could find out and he could get into trouble.
Or, Leo might harass me more.
Or less.
He was just sticking up for me.
I signed onto twitter and my feed was immediately bombarded with pictures of Niall and Harry entering a club.
I smiled at Niall who was covering his mouth and wearing shades. Harry and him were both waving at a few fans before they entered the club.
I felt my tummy grumble, and not the type of grumble you feel when you're hungry.
Oh dear.
I clutched my stomach and groaned.
Not again.
I sighed and went to my drawer full of girly things, and picked out a tampon.
I put it in my pocket and wandered of to the bathroom.
Why me!
Why am I being punished for not getting pregnant?
Seriously! Oh my !
Stupid period.

~Niall's POV~

"I love you Niall."
"I love you too Harry." I laughed, unlocking my front door.
He had a grip on my waist and had his head buried into my neck.
The smell of alcohol on him made me want to be sick, but I didn't say any thing.
"You know Niall, you have always been such a good friend to me."
"I know mate, you've always been a good friend to me aswel" I laughed, locking the front door after we both got in.
"Sometimes Niall, I think if I was a girl I would choose you because you are per-fect." He put his finger on my lip.
"Harry, you need to be quiet, every body's asleep and you're going to wake them." I laughed.
"You know all I do is try my best and that's never enough is it?"
"What are you talking about mate?" I turned on the kitchen light and went to the fridge.
I decided not to get drunk tonight, so I am going to eat.
"Every thing I do, I do to please people, and people always throw it back in my face. Like the paps. Who even are they? They're just random grown men constantly in my face, following me around with cameras and Niall it's weird."
I turned around to see Harry eating out of the Nutella pot with a spoon.
"I know."
"All I want is to be happy, find a girl, settle down, travel the world make music and make apple pies."
"Apple pies?"
"You can sleep in my bed Harry, I'm going to go to Sunny. Here's some paracetamol." I handed him some paracetamol and a glass of water.
I took a slice of pizza out of the fridge and ate it.
What's the time anyway?
I'd better not go to Sunny. She's got school tomorrow and I don't want to wake her.
"Come on mate." I dragged him by the hand and took him to my room.
I took off his shoes and laid him down on the bed, covering him with my duvet.
I grabbed my sleeping bag out of the airing cupboard and set it on the floor.
Top friend.

~Sunny's POV~

It's 3:45 why am I up?
I slept for around 5 hours and my uterus trying to kill itself woke me up.
I checked for any stains on my sheets after I had gotten out of my bed and went to the bathroom.
I stood looking in the mirror for a few minutes.
I sighed and did what I came in the bathroom to do.
I heard some noises down stairs.
Niall and Harry must be back.
Aw, Niall :)
I can't wait for him to come and give me a kiss goodnight.
I washed my hands and went back to my room to wait for him.
3 weeks tomorrow.
I waited for what felt like forever.
Where is he!
I heard footsteps come up the stairs.
I smiled, but frowned again when I heard them go past my room.
What the fudge monkeys!
Aw, he must be helping Harry.
Lol, he'll probably be drunk.
I hope he isn't.
I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier, until I couldn't feel them anymore, so gave up waiting and went to sleep.
I miss Niall :(

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