Chapter 23

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~Sunny's POV~
I removed my arm from my eyes and allowed myself to wake up.
I took a look at the clock on the wall and it read 11:25. I sighed and threw my legs off the bed.
I grabbed a t-shirt, jeans and some clean underwear and went to check if the bathroom was empty.
No waiting.
I locked the door and turned the shower on, while I was waiting for the water to heat up I stripped out of my clothes and went to the toilet.
I hopped into the shower and let the hot water relax my body.
I wet my hair and squirted some shampoo onto my head, massaging it onto my scalp.
As I let the shampoo sink in, I washed my body with my shower gel Niall likes the best.
Niall, my Niall. All beautiful with his blue eyes and his lopsided grin. The way his dyed blonde hair is spread across his face when he wakes up. The way his eyes light up when Theo or food is mentioned. The way he smiles when I mention one of the boys. The way he deep breathes when he is really angry. I also love how he throws his head back when he is laughing really hard and rolls around. I love the way he buries his head into my neck when were watching a movie together. I love every thing about him.
Anyway, I washed out the shampoo and put on some conditioner.
After a relaxing half an hour in the shower, I hopped out and dried my body off, I wrapped a towel around my head and put on my clothes. Once I was dry and fully clothed I washed my face and brushed my teeth.
I unlocked the bathroom door and walked across the hall to my room and I heard Niall laughing really loud, my heart swooned and I closed my door.
I was hoping my hair had dried, but it hadn't.
Perks of having really long thick hair? Nothing.
I violently rubbed the towel through it and within a few minutes it had dried so I straightened it quick time and put it into a high pony.
My heart pounded as I got excited to see Niall.
I looked for my phone and when I couldn't find it I remembered that Niall took it with him last night.
What is he planning?
I ended up running down the stairs into the living room.
I stopped dead in my tracks and froze as I saw some one in front of me that I didn't expect to see.

~Niall's POV~
"So do you understand the plan?"
He nodded.
"She should be down in a few minutes."
"Where is she?"
"She's just like me. She loves her sleep."
"Listen man, I don't think beating this Leo guy up is gonna help any-one. He's only sixteen and you're twenty, if you get caught and he's seriously hurt, you can go to jail."
"Mate, she's my girl friend and you saw how he's been harassing her. I'm not putting up with it. I love her and no body but me is touching her."
"You love her?"
"Yes very much so."
"She's 15 man."
"So? Are you seriously judging me for having a girl friend five years younger than me, when you had a girl friend like 15 years older than you?"
He blushed. Yes Harry you better fucking be embarrassed.
"Fair played."
I smirked.
"So are you going to help me or not?" I asked.
He nodded.
"If we're disguised."
"We will be."
"Then I'm in."
So Harry and I talked about how weird it feels for him being an adult. How much we both miss all the guys and Simon.
I was half way in a sentence, telling Harry about how good Kyle is at football when I heard a gasp coming from the door.
I turned around to see Sunny standing in the doorway.
I laughed at her reaction to Harry being sat there and walked over to her.
"Come here baby, I want to introduce you to some one." I took her hand and walked her over to Harry.
"Harry this is Sunny, my girl friend and Sunny this is Harry."
Harry got up to hug her.
I kept a close eye on his hands that were dangerously close to her bum.
If he moves his hands an inch lower I'm going to bite them.
"Hi." She giggled, removing her arms from him.
"Hi love."
I'm not worried about Harry calling her 'love' because he calls everybody love.
She seemed kind of starstruck and lost for words.
Kind of how she was with me but a lot more.
"You can talk to me you know I don't bite." He laughed.
"I, I know."
"I told Harry babe." I told her.
"Yeah and I won't tell any-one." Harry chipped in.
"Yeah, you better not, Styles." She fake glared.
He laughed, "Cross my heart."
We all took a seat on the sofa and Sunny backed herself on to my lap, I wrapped my arms around her waist and Harry fake gagged.
Sunny rolled her eyes.
"Shut it you." I warned, sticking my finger up at him.
He laughed and threw his hands back in defeat.
"Why are you here Harry?" Sunny asked.
"Charming." He laughed.
"No no I didn't mean it like that, I was just wondering." She blushed.
"Well I've missed that Irish lump you're sitting on, so decided to visit him."
She smiled.
I looked at the clock and it read 12:45.
"Right babe, me and Harry are going out for a bit, we'll see you later." I said, lifting her off my lap and placing a kiss on her forehead.
"Ok, have fun." She smiled, kicking her feet out on the sofa and turning on her Eastenders Omnibus.
"See ya later princess." I bent down and pecked her lips.
"Bye Ni."
I smiled in the doorway at her and got pulled out of my trance by Harry.
"Let's do this." I grabbed my shades and put them on, throwing my hoody on over the top and my jacket. Harry did the same and I felt my adrenaline start to flow.
We hopped in the car and I started to drive.
"So who is this kid?" Harry as I pulled out of my drive way.
"He's this kid in Sunny's school who is apparently Sunny's best mates brother and he won't leave her alone."
"Best friends brother ey?"
"Don't even go there Harry."
"Sorry. Do you even know what he looks like?"
I nodded. "Yeah I've seen him a few times after school and once the cheeky bastard wolf whistled at her."
"Now that isn't on."
"Exactly." I turned around and frowned when he was smirking.
"Why are you smirking."
"Let's face it bro, if I were his age I would probably wolf whistle at her as well."
"Sort your self out before I push you out of this fucking car." I growled, stopping at a red light.
"I'm sorry, you got very lucky with this one."
"I know."
The next few minutes were filled with awkward silences.
"Let's do this." I slammed my car door shut and Harry did the same.
We adjusted our hoodies and sunglasses and suspiciously made our way towards the back of TopShop.
"If any body asks, I'm deaf and you don't speak English."
"Don't speak English, got it." He replied, cracking his fingers.
My rage started to grow as the alley way came to an end and his dirty body came into sight.
I cleared my throat.
"Ah, was starting to think you weren't going to sh-" he stopped mid sentence when he spotted Sunny wasn't there.
"You're Leo right?" Harry asked him.
We started walking closer towards him.
"Yeah, who's asking? I swear it wasn't me who done it."
"Listen pal, we're not the police, but you're going to want them in a minute." I hissed.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"That means you're going to stay the fuck away from Sunny."
"And you are?"
"Your worst nightmare." I turned around to Harry and glared.
Nothing but anger filled my body and I leapt towards Leo and pushed him against the wall, my hand squeezed his neck and he smirked.
"You fucking stay away from her, do you understand?" I hissed into his ear.
"Or what?"
This boy is really testing my patience.
"Mate, we will give you 5 seconds to agree to stay away from her or we are going to have a problem." Harry closed in the corner and Leo was stuck, his face slightly red from me strangling him.
"You can't stop me from talking to her. If she wasn't such a goody two shoes I'd have her in my bed right now."
I slammed my fist into his face and felt his nose crack with my first punch.
"Shame she isn't a slut, I'm going to have to find another way to fuck her senseless." He smirked, despite his bleeding, wonky nose.
I threw multiple punches at his face and was taken back by a punch to my lip, thrown by him.
Before I knew it, I had pushed him to the floor and I was now on top of him, throwing punch after punch, watching him curl up into a ball, trying to protect himself, he cried out in pain and I would have carried out battering him if I hadn't been pulled away by Harry.
"Leave it man, he isn't worth it."
My breathing was going faster than a race car and the taste of blood made me want to be sick, but I had to get away before he recognised me as Niall Horan.
"You took it too far man." I glared at Harry as we walked with extra pace to my car.
"What do you mean I fucking took it too far?" I looked down to my knuckles and they were cut and were bleeding.
"He's just a sixteen year old lad and you almost killed him."
"And if he had said one more thing about my girl I would have finished him off."
"Just hang low from now on, you don't want the paps to find out, they could destroy the band."
"You know what Harry. Some things are more important than my career." I got in my car and slammed the door. I waited for him to get in the other side and zoomed off.
How am I going to hide my cuts, blood and bruises from Sunny?
"I can't believe we just left him there." I glared at Harry who was making me feel worse about the situation.
"Why not? He's 16 he can sort himself out."
"He looked pretty rough when we left him."
"He'll be fine."
"How do you know? You practically got away Scott free and for all we know, he could be dead. You didn't exactly go easy on him."
"You know what Harry, if you haven't got any thing positive to say, shut the fuck up." I hissed.
I gulped and turned to face Harry who looked like he had just seen a ghost as the sound of police sirens filled the outside air.
Their lights flashed us and I was forced to pull over.


I thought the story needed a bit more drama so I hope you enjoyed this chapter xox

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