Chapter 4

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~Sunny's POV~

I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains.

I sat up in bed, wiping the sleep from my eyes. I heard Skye and Kyle messing about downstairs. I unplugged my phone from its charger and checked the time. "11:26". Sleepily, I layed my head back down. I felt a smile creep onto my face as I remembered last nights goings on. Remembering the fact THAT I HAVE NIALL HORANS PHONE NUMBER. I went back to the conversation and read through it. HE CALLED ME BABE. JFC.

I opened up twitter and saw a tweet from Niall on my feed.

'@NiallOfficial: Had the greatest time playing football yesterday :) love my home :)

I retweeted it and searched through the rest of my feed.

After about half an hour, I put my phone under my pillow and went down stairs in my pyjamas.

"Finally, sleeping beauty awakens." My mum laughed.

I laughed slightly.

I went into the kitchen and put two slices of bread into the toaster.

I waited for the ping and spread Nutella on the two slices. After a couple of minutes both slices were demolished and I put my plate in the dishwasher. I saw an avalanche of plates, bowls, cups, mugs and cutlery so I emptied them all out and put them in the dishwasher also. Sliding the lid open, I put in a dish washing tablet and started it.

"Thanks for doing that." My mum smiled.

"That's ok." It's not like she would've done it anyway.

I ran to my room and shut the door, I grabbed a pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt from my wardrobe, I ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower.

Once I'd washed my hair and body, I got back out and dried my self. I put on my fresh clothes and wrapped a towel around my head.

Walking down the hall, I started whistling the tune to best song ever as I made my way to my room.

I heard a manly voice laughing downstairs.

Woah, either Kyle developed fast or Niall is down stairs.

I closed my bedroom door and quickly took out my hair dryer. I never normally blow dry my hair, but today is an exception! As fast as I could, I straightened my hair and slightly styled it. Not using hairspray or anything, I don't own any or use any.

I put on some socks and my vans and ran down stairs to see Niall cross legged on the floor playing with Skye.

I took my phone out of my pocket and snapped a picture, quickly putting it back in my pocket so I didn't get caught.

"Hey Niall." I smiled, as I said his name, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled. I felt my cheeks melt in redness. I walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"I found a last minute trial for a football club over here that I thought your brother could go to, so your mum took him, and because you were in the shower I offered to baby sit you guys." He told me.

I nodded. "Cheers, but you can go if you want." I smiled.

He shook his head. "No, I promised your mum I would look after you both as she's gone for the day."

"But I don't need looking after I'm a big girl." I laughed.

"But you're my baby." He said, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I mean, you're a baby, 15 is so young." He laughed.

I laughed aswel, just to lower the tension a little bit.

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