Chapter 18

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~Sunny's POV~

"Leo's your brother?"
She nodded.
"That's how he got my number! You gave it to him!"
"I'm sorry Sunny. He threatened to read my diary out if I didn't."
"You don't have a diary."
"I know, he threatened to make one up when I told him I didn't have one."
I sighed and started walking back to lesson.
When I turned around, she wasn't behind me, she must've gone to the toilet.
I returned to the class room and sighed, walking to my seat.
After a couple of minutes, Libby returned.
"Please don't be annoyed at me, it's not my fault my brothers like that."
"You do realise he won't leave me one now."
"What do you mean?"
"He's practically stalking me, like he won't stop calling or texting me and in school he's every where I go, just smirking at me." I looked at her for a few seconds and we both burst out laughing.
"Calm down please girls." The teacher warned.
We both mumbled a sorry.
"How am I gonna stop him?"
"If you want, I could try and have a word with him tonight."
"Would you?"
"Of course, it's my fault you're in this mess."

~Niall's POV~
I pulled up into the car park of Sunny's school five minutes early.
I got out my phone and texted mum.
To; Mum: Sunny said she needed some supplies for school, and this book their studying, so I'm going to take her after school x
Almost instantly I got a reply.
From; Mum: Ok, can you sort yourselves out for dinner because Chris is going to dinner with his work and I'm taking Kyle to Mcdonalds x
To; mum: sure
After a few minutes of waiting, I saw a few school kids walking out of the gates.
A smile formed on my face when I saw a beautiful girl searching around. She smiled when she saw my car and walked over.
She opened the door and hopped in.
"Hey Ni." She grinned, kissing me on the cheek.
"Hi babe. How was school?"
"Boring, how was your day."
"My day was good." I smiled, remembering that I'd been shopping, And creating stuff all day.
"Has mum rang?" She asked.
"No, she'll probably ring tonight sweet heart." I said, knowing she's been worried about her, she hasn't rang in a couple of days.
"I hope so."
I gave her a re-assuring smile.
"Can you sing for me?" She looked up at me with them puppy dog eyes of hers.
"I'm driving." I laughed, my heart fluttering at her words.
It makes me so happy that she likes my voice. It makes me more than happy, it makes me want to scream and shout and hug and kiss her and jump on the ceiling.
"I know, but I... Please."
"Fine. What song?"
"Do you know any Cody Simpson?"
I shook my head.
"Oh, um can you sing Alive?"
I laughed and nodded my head, keeping my eyes on the road.
"My mother told me I should go and get some therapy, I asked the doctor can you find out what is wrong with me, I don't know why I wanna be with every girl I meet, I can't control it yeah I know it's taking over me. I'm going crazy can't contain it so tell me just what I should do."
As I sung, she stared at me with intent eyes, I could tell, even though I was focused on the road, I could feel her watching my every move.
A minute after I'd finished, we had driven past our street and she looked at me confused.
"Where are we going?" She turned around to look out of the window to double check it was our street we were driving past.
"It's a secret."
"It's a secret darling, I'm not going to tell you." I teased.
She crossed her arms and stuck out her bottom lip, staring outside the window.
I laughed and continued driving.


"Right, now close your eyes." I instructed as we pulled into the deserted car park.
I took my key out of the engine and climbed out of the car.
I jogged round to to Sunny's side and opened her door.
I took her hands in mine and let her swing her legs out of the door.
I let go of one her hands and locked the car door.
"Don't open your eyes."
"I won't." She giggled and held on tighter to my hand.
"Don't let me walk into any thing."
"I won't princess."
After we'd made our way out of the car park covered in grass and mud, I led her up the track, making sure she did not walk into any trees.
"Are we nearly there?"
We walked in silence, nothing but the sound of leaves crunching or twigs snapping.
I smiled when we finally arrived at our destination.
"You can open your eyes now."
I smiled at her reaction.
The reaction I was working for all day.
She put her hand over her mouth and gasped in shock.
"N-Niall it's beautiful."
"I spent all day out here fixing it up." I smiled at her and she threw her arms around me.
I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and rested her head against my forehead. She placed a kiss on my lips and I deepened it.
She moved her hands to the back of my head and I kissed her one last time before putting her down again.
I looked back at the rose petals I had scattered across the grass in the shape of a love heart. With beautiful scented candles lit every 6/7 petals.
With a huge picnic blanket laid out inside of the heart. A big picnic basket with all of her favourite foods in it. A small stereo, with a mixtape that I made with all of Cody Simpson songs because I know she loves him.
"I love it Niall." She grinned, taking in it all.
"And I love you." I side smiled.
She hugged me once again.
I stepped inside the giant heart and lifted her into it.
I sat on the blanket and spread my legs in front of me, leaning up on my hands.
Sunny came over and sat cross legged next to me.
"Why did you do all of this?" She questioned.
"No reason, I just wanted to show you how much I actually care for you." I turned on the mix tape and she smiled at me.
"I made a mixtape with all the Cody Simpson songs and covers I could find"
"Aw Niall that's so sweet." She giggled.
"And it was worth it to see your beautiful smile."
She smiled and I opened up the picnic basket.
I took out all of the food and laid them out on to the blanket.
"Dig in." I grinned, taking a sandwich and shoving it all in my mouth.
"It all looks so good." She admired, looking at all the food.
She picked a cheese and mayo sandwich, I know there her favourite. She ate it all and picked up a tuna and sweet corn one, I had already eaten two cheese and tomato ones and I've just picked up a tuna and sweet corn one and ate it.
"Did you make these?" She asked.
I nodded. "Don't look so surprised, there just sandwiches." I laughed.
She giggled, "I know but there so good."
She grabbed a bar of chocolate and demolished it in a second flat I mirrored her actions, but did the same with two bars of chocolate.
She fumbled around in the picnic basket and picked up the bottle of DrPepper I'd bought. She took the kid off and poured two glasses. She handed one to me.
"Cheers to a beautiful day." I said, lifting my glass up to her.
"Cheers." She clinked her glass on mine and drank from it.
After we'd finished eating, I layed my head on her lap, almost falling asleep from being so relaxed by her stroking and playing with my hair.
It's the middle of winter, and I should be freezing cold.
I know how cheesy this must sound, but it's her touch that's keeping me warm.
I felt myself yawn after she did.
"Why did you say yes to me?"
"Huh?" She seemed confused at my question.
"Why did you say to being my girl friend?"
"I've already told you." She giggled.
"I know, but-" I was thankful when she cut me off.
"Because you're beautiful. You've got this personality that just attracts me so much to you, whenever I'm around you, you make me happy, make me laugh, made me smile and I had such strong feelings for you that it just felt so right."
I smiled, tilting my head up to look her in the eyes. She smiled back at me and took my face in her hands, she leaned over me and kissed me on the lips, as we both pulled away to get a breath, I could feel her smile against my skin. She let go of my face and I sat up, I scooted backwards and pulled her onto my lap.
I leant over and grabbed my guitar.
I placed it on her lap and I held it in my hands.
I started playing Little Things, and sung the lyrics into her ear. She held onto my hand that was supporting the guitar and had her other hand on my knee.

After an hour and a half of me playing the guitar and singing to her, I decided to get her home, as it was getting a bit chilly and she was looking tired.
I blew out all the candles and put them in the picnic basket along with the blanket and left over food. I put all the rubbish in a plastic bag and then in a bin. I swung my guitar round my back and swung my jacket over the back of Sunny's shoulders.
"You didn't have to do that."
"I did."
"I love you."
I smiled at her words.
"I love you too princess."
I picked up the picnic basket in my left hand and grabbed her left hand in my right, intertwining our fingers.
She looked up at me, her eyes shining, brighter than the stars now in the sky.
I love my girl so much.


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