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Alessia's POV:
I put down the last box in my new house. It was  weird living in America now, for my last year of high school but this neighbourhood was pretty nice. It's not what I expected, but my parents wanted something different and maybe I did too. Obviously I'm going to miss my friends in Vancouver but I wanted a fresh start. I was sick of my old school and I didn't want to graduate there so I thought this would be nice. My parents really wanted to move so I went along with it.

"Alessia," my mom called. I walked back out to the car. "Yeah?" I said pushing my brown hair out of my face.
"Have you seen the box with the photo albums?"
"I thought dad had them." I said. "Well he said he brought them in but I didn't see them." She said putting her hands on her hips. "Oh sorry mom. I don't know." I said picking up another one of my boxes. "Okay I'll keep looking." She said. I sat down and put in my music.

My dad came into my room and started talking to me in Spanish. Yep, he's Mexican. I'm half Hispanic and I could speak and understand it but not as well as my dad. "Is that boy still bothering you still?" He said switching to English. "No he's not papa don't worry about it."
"You better not be lying." He said sternly. "No I'm not, please just let it go it been months now." I said rolling my eyes. "Okay." He said leaving.

My dad is kind of strict and dramatic when it comes to boys. I don't know if it's a Hispanic dad thing but it's sometimes annoying because he can make a big deal over the littlest things and it's embarrassing.

I have never dated anyone before but a few months ago back in Vancouver, some guy named Rick Robinson had a weird obsession with me. He really liked me and I didn't feel the same but he didn't take no for an answer. He would follow me around and message me anonymously and it was creepy but it stopped. Some how my dad found out which he manages to find out everything and ever since then he's been asking me if it's still going on. But he's always been strict and embarrassing about boys.

The following week school was starting. I was excited and anxious because I literally don't know anyone here.

When I got to school I went into my first period class which was Chemistry. All eyes were on me because I was almost ten minutes late. "Hi, sorry." I said to the teacher quietly I shut the door behind me. "I don't seem to recognize you, you're new right?" The teacher said. "Yeah I'm Alessia Hernandez."
"Welcome, take any seat." He said. He continued talking to the class and I looked around to find an empty seat the I froze. The first thing that caught my eye was the guy sitting in the back corner. He was one of the most attractive boys I've ever seen. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He had buff arms and looked really tough. I stared at him for a good four/five seconds and I snapped out of it. I'm pretty sure he was looking at me. My heart was pounding and I felt a lump in my throat. I took a seat a couple rows in front of him on the opposite side. He definitely caught me staring but I couldn't help it. He was so attractive.

Lunch break came quicker than I thought it would

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Lunch break came quicker than I thought it would. I didn't know what to do or where to sit because I didn't know anyone. The only "friends" I had so far were my teachers, the principle and the secretary. Not a bad start I guess. I found an empty table and took out my apple and ate it while scrolling through my phone.

"Alessia?" I was interrupted by a voice I didn't recognize. I put down my phone. It was the ginger coloured hair girl with the black glasses from my chemistry class but I didn't know her name. "Uh, hi." I said nicely. "Hi I'm Caroline." She shook my hand. "Alessia." I said realizing she already knew my name.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" She said. "No not at all!" I said not hesitating to make a friend. I wanted to ask where her friends were but I didn't want to sound rude. "So where did you move from?"
"Vancouver, British Columbia."
"Oh it's so nice there! I've always wanted to go."
"Yeah it is, but I wanted a change. I don't know, I just didn't like my school and I didn't want to graduate there so came here."
"Fair enough." She laughed a little. "How long have you been living in Seattle?" I asked. "This would be my fourth year. I was in Olympia before."
She seemed kind of nerdy and really nice.

We continued talking and we talked about our interests. She told me she had friends but sometimes she liked to sit alone sometimes to study. I wish I was that devoted to school but I'm not.

"Caroline I have to ask," I said curiously. "Yeah?"
"Who's the guy in our chemistry class that sits in the back corner?"
"Oh that's Corey. Corey Haim." Wow even his name was hot. "Ohh." I said nodding. "Why, do you think he's hot?" She said reading my mind. "Uh yeah, he's really attractive."
"Yeah he is. So many girls like him and try to get with him." She said. "I can see why." I said. "Apparently he's a bit of a player. But what sucks is that he's not single."
"He's not?!" I said a little disappointed. "No, he's dating Jenna Perry."
"Oh who's she?"
"Some girl in our grade. Apparently she's really clingy to him and is a bitch but I don't know I've never really talked to her."
"Oh well that sucks." I said.

He walked in with a blond girl who was holding his hand. "Is that Jenna?" I asked. "Yup. That's her." I watched them sit down with a big group of people. I was facing their direction so I wasn't turned around. "Yeah I can tell she's clingy." I said cringing.

I got up to go fill my water bottle and of course the water filler was right near where Corey was sitting. I could tell he was well liked and had a lot of friends. He sat with a group of guys who looked like they apart of some team and a bunch of pretty girls. I don't know if it was just me, but I saw Corey looking at me but it was only quick. When I was done I had wondered if he watched me walk away.

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