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Corey's POV:
This first day back to school was boring as hell. I have an easy semester so life's okay I guess. I opened the door to my house and plopped down on the couch and started flipping through channels. I threw my bag on the floor and put my feet on the coffee table to relax.

 I threw my bag on the floor and put my feet on the coffee table to relax

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"Corey what did I say about that get your feet off."
"But mum these socks are clean!"
"I don't care get them off." She said. There were many little things I did that drove my mom crazy. "So how was your first day back?" She asked. "Uh, it was okay. Boring but the semesters easy." I shrugged still watching T.V. "That's good hun, I need you to pick Cindy from your dad's tonight, I got called in tonight." She said. Cindy is my ten year old sister. My parents are divorced. My mom dropped her off at my dad's house after school. "What time?" I groaned rubbing my eyes. "Seven thirty okay?"
"Yeah what time are you leaving?"
"Five thirty, I have to be there for six."
"Okay." I said still not moving from my spot. My phone buzzed and I saw that I had three missed calls from my girlfriend Jenna. We've been dating for almost four months. I called her back and she answered after the first two rings. "Hello." She said sounding pissed. "Hey Jen are you okay?"
"What do you think?" She said calmly but I could tell she was pissed and it hit me. "Oh shit!" I said realizing how much of an idiot I was. I was supposed to take her home because she didn't have the car. "I completely forgot. I'm so sorry! Are you home now?!"
"Yeah I am now! After I waited for you for 20 minutes! I got a ride home from Anna."
"Oh that's good."
"No it's not Corey! I wanted to go home with you." She said up-tightly. "Ohhh I see. Well I'm really sorry. Can I make it up to you?"
"Forget it Corey. I'll see you tomorrow."
She said hanging up real pissed.

I like Jenna a lot but she can be clingy and obsessive over me. She's hot but it gets really annoying. She's very controlling and she gets mad at me a lot for little things. She always gets over it but it happens quite frequently but she's hot so I can deal with it.

At 7:30 I pulled into my dad's drive way hoping he'd just send her out so I wouldn't have to go through the awkwardness at the door. My dad and I aren't close anymore. Not like him and Cindy are. I don't visit him like she does.

I sat in the car in the drive way. It had been almost ten minutes and Cindy still hadn't come out. Fuck it I thought getting out of the car. I just wanted to get Cindy and go. I rang the doorbell and of course he answered. "Uh... where's Cindy?" I asked awkwardly. "She's here." My dad said. "Kay, let's go." I said turning around. "But I wanna stay." She whined. "Cindy don't do this now." I sighed. "You're coming back on the weekend, now common it's getting late."
She finally went to get her stuff and said bye to our dad and we went back home.

"Did you have a good time?" I asked. "Yeah until you came." She said bitterly. "You're going back on the weekend. Why are you so upset?"
"Because." She said. I didn't bother to continue talking about it. Maybe she figured that our dad and I weren't close but why would that bother her she's only ten. Or maybe it's cause he spoils her I don't know.

When we got home I tried to call Jenna again but she wouldn't answer. I was surprised but yet I wasn't. I sighed plopping down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. For some reason I couldn't stop thinking. I thought about all the girls my friends told me that liked me. It was overwhelming but I liked it. I thought more and more. Specifically about me and Jenna. As hot as she was she was exhausting. I know that I screwed up but it's not like it's the end of the world. I really don't understand how girls are. You say or don't do little things and then you're the worst man alive.

The next day my mom got me up because I slept through my alarm from being up late. I didn't even rush going to school. I've been late a million times. All the teachers say we get serious punishments for being late but they don't to jack shit.

When I got to school I went to chemistry late. "Mr. Haim it's the second day and you're late." Mr. Brown said leaning on his meter stick. "Yeah I know sorry sir." He shook his head and rolled his eyes. I noticed the new girl Alessia, I think that's her name glance up at me when I walked by. I have to admit she's was attractive. I sat down in the back and tried to get through this boring class.

After period two it was lunch and I had to go find Jenna. I went to our table which consisted of my good friends Johnny, Billy, Ryan and a few others. "Have you guys seen Jenna? We've got real shit to talk about." I said wanting to get this over with.
"Yeah she was in math she should be here any minute. Why, what happened?" Ryan said. "She got mad at me again. I was supposed to drive her home yesterday and I completely forgot. I don't know how but I did and she hasn't talked to me since."
"Shit man I wouldn't either." Johnny said laughing. "Go screw, I know I just want fix this up."
Jenna was one of the hottest girls in school and sometimes my friends defended her instead of me and it pisses me off.
"Oh there she is." I said a little nervously. She walked over with her two other friends and sat down. "Jenna I need to talk to you." I said praying that she wasn't going to throw any of her food on me. She's done it before. "About what?" She said sarcastically. Ugh I knew this would be difficult. "Just give us a moment." I said sliding down the table with her away from the rest so we could talk. I felt really silly doing this. "I'm really sorry about yesterday. It wasn't nice, it was irresponsible and I just forgot. I'm sorry I'm an idiot please forgive me."
"I forgive you." She smiled a little bit and I leaned in and kissed her. "But I just feel like these past few weeks you've been different." Oh no she was hitting me with this. She does it every time. "What do you mean?"
"You've been distant from me and I don't know why but whatever." She said dropping the subject. I didn't really know how to respond to that so I dropped it too.

We went back with the rest of the group. At least she forgave me for forgetting about her yesterday. I honestly don't know what came over me.

I saw the new girl, Alessia Hernandez walk by. I saw Jenna give her a dirty look and I couldn't figure out why.

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