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Corey's POV:
Friday night we all got ready for the big game. We wanted to beat the shit out of the other team because it was Jack's team.  A lot of people were coming to watch. Most were from our school but some were from the other school. I already knew it was gonna be an intense night because it was one of our last games. I told my mom and Cindy they could come as long as they didn't embarrass me.

"Man I really hope we win tonight." Johnny said. "I really hope I take someone home tonight." Ryan said. "What the fuck are you talking about what happened to Isabel?" I said. "I don't know. We've been talking a little. We went out once but all she let me do was feel her tits." Ryan complained making us laugh. "I don't need anyone. I'm a free man." I said laying down on the bench in the change room. "Bullshit Corey you're forgetting about that special someone you walk home almost everyday." Billy said. "Alessia? Nah we're just friends."
"Yeah for now."
"Shut up Johnny! She's my friend and have some respect for a lady instead of driving around shouting that stupid shit at us." I said defensively. "Don't be so dramatic Corey as if you haven't looked at her tits or her ass once." I went silent for a moment. I wasn't going to lie. "Well no shit! That's what I do that's what all guys do! Same with you it's normal."
"Whatever." Ryan laughed. I shook my head my put my stuff away.

We were going on to warm up. I saw Alessia giving me a little wave. She looked good. I smiled flicking up my chin so she knew I saw her. She was with Emily and Kristen. I saw no sign of my mom or Cindy yet which was a good thing.

Soon enough the game started and I did see my mom and Cindy and she started waving to me. Great she was lying when she said she wasn't going to embarrass me. I pretended that I didn't see her. The ref blew the whistle and the game started. I didn't see any sign of Jack yet.

It was going pretty good so far we were winning. I usually don't care to much about winning but tonight I really wanted to win. I felt like we couldn't loose.

Johnny had the ball and I noticed a few of the opposite team members were surrounding him. "Johnny here!" I shouted but he couldn't move there were too many guys surrounding him which was unfair. He went to throw the ball when Jack gave him a shove. I saw Johnny shove him back. "The hell?" I said going in there pulling Johnny away from Jack. Then Jack shoved me and I shoved him back the ref rushed over blowing his whistle breaking us up causing everyone to stare at us. The ref motioned for me to go on the bench. "For what?!" I said pissed. "He started it!" Johnny said pointing to Jack. Jack always got away with shit like this and it pissed me the fuck off. I whipped the ball at... I don't even know who I was so mad and went to sit on the bench with the rest of the team who was also pissed. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." I said real heated. "I'll help you." A guy on my team Matt also said.

After about 15/20 minutes I was let back on. I could see Jack giving me dirty looks from a distance I swear I was gonna fight this guy after this.

We lost the game. At the end we all took off. I quickly changed into my tracks and my nike shoes. I grabbed my duffle bag and got the fuck out of there with Johnny and Billy. I didn't know where Ryan was. Pretty sure he took off with Isabel.

"Corey!" My mom came running over to hug me. "Hi mom." I said trying to sound upbeat even though I really wasn't in the mood. "See we didn't embarrass you!" Cindy said. "Yeah well you are now." I said wide eyed as I saw Alessia walking over with Emily and Kristen. "Hey." Alessia said. "Hey uh mom this is my friend Alessia. She moved here about a month ago." I said. "Hi Alessia nice to meet you I'm Judy." My mom said making me cringe. "Hi nice to meet you." She said smiling and giving Cindy a little wave. "Well we'll leave you guys alone now. Corey are you coming home?"
"Uh yeah later I'm gonna see what the rest of em' are doing."
"Okay just let me know when you're coming home." She said giving me another hug. "Bye!" She said walking away. "Bye!" I said trying to sound enthusiastic. I'm surprised my mom didn't mention the fact that I almost got into a fight tonight. Before I could say anything to Alessia, the guys came out and started mentioning something to me about some hot girl in our grade from the other school that apparently was looking at me in the game. "How do you know that?" I said. "Everyone saw." Johnny said. "You should go talk to her."
"Is she hot?" I asked. "Uh huh I'd hit that." Billy said. "What's her name?"
"Connie Palairmo. Hurry up she's over there!" Johnny said. I saw her standing in the parking lot talking to some guys. "She's talking to those guys though."
"Who cares?! They like you!"
"They do?"
"Yeah Corey just go!"
"Uh okay," I said turning to Alessia and the girls. She looked really confused. I kind of forgot she was standing there. "Sorry..." I said awkwardly. "I'll talk to you later!" I said to her taking off to go see this hot Connie chick.

"Hey." I said to Connie. She instantly turned around to me and blushed. Geez the guys were right she was hot. "Do I know you?" She said sounding a little dumb. "Course you do." I said hoping onto the hood of some random car.

We started talking until everyone left. Not sure how I feel about her but I got her number cause she was hot. I left with Johnny and Billy and went home. "So how is she?" They asked. "She's alright." I smirked. "Just alright?!"
"Yeah dude chill I just met her. But you're right she's hot." We continued talking about her but I thought of Alessia. Why did she seem so confused when I left? I went to call Alessia but there was no answer I tried again and there was no answer. So I was going to call her first thing in the morning since she wasn't answering. So I decided to hit up Connie Palairmo.

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