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Corey's POV:
"Don't forget the flour." Alessia said reminding me. "Oh shit yeah. What does she even need flour for anyway?" My mom had sent me out to do the groceries at around noon and I took Alessia with me. "I don't know maybe she'll bake something." She said. "Oh I doubt that she barely has time to cook."
"Is that everything?"
"Yep I think so... I hope so." He said shaking his head.

We headed to the cash to get everything in bags. "Oh shit..." I said putting my hand on my forehead. "What's wrong?"
"I forgot I had to pick up Cindy from my dad's soon."
"Your mom can't do it?"
"She won't be home till later."
"She can't stay there till she comes home?"
"No my mom doesn't want her there any longer than she has to be. I'm supposed to go get her at 1:00 fuck."
"It's okay I'll go with you." She insisted. "Really?"
"Yeah sure." She smiled.
"Thanks no fuckin way I'm going alone. I really wish I could stop going over there."
"So do your mom know you know about the money?"
"Yeah we talked about it when Cindy wasn't around. My mom wants to take him to court. Things could get ugly."
"It's better that it be handled now then later and at least they aren't fighting." She said trying to make me feel better. "Yeah I know."

On the way back to my house we stopped at Alessia's. Her mom really liked me. Her dad I'm not really sure he still scared me a little. When we walked inside it smelt like Mexican food. "Hi Mrs. Hernandez how are ya?" I said making Alessia giggle at me for some reason. "I'm great how are you?!" She said. "Ah just amazing." I looked over at Alessia who was trying not to laugh. "Please call me Teresa." She said. "Will do." I said happily. She walked off into the hallway leaving Alessia and I in the living room. "What?" I said putting out my hands. "You're just so funny."
"How?" I scoffed.
"Just the way you talk to my parents I love it."
"Alright, alright." I said fairly. "Hola papi." She said as her dad walked in "Hola."
Startled I turned to her dad. "Uh, Hola!" I said hopefully impressing him. "Hola hijo." He said with a small smile. Wow he smiled at me! But I didn't know what that meant. "What's a hijo?" I whispered leaning close to her. "It means son. He said hi son." She said laughing.


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"Oh... cool." He called me son this was going well.

He started speaking to Alessia in Spanish and she was speaking it back to him. I had no clue what they were saying. Her dad could be talking about me and I wouldn't know it. I honestly found it attractive that she was half Hispanic.

"Nice to see you Corey." Her dad said surprisingly remembering my name. "I think he likes me now." I whispered. "Corey he always did."
"Really? That night I picked you up I wasn't too sure."
"He's just like that with guys. Don't worry about it." Not going to lie I was really happy her dad liked me.

We chilled around watching movies and we did finish insidious. Just as I was about to leave I asked her. "Oh yeah I forgot to ask there's another party tonight from one of the guys on my team and I was wondering if you wanted to together again and I promise I will stay with you unless we go off with our friends at one point but I won't ditch you I swear." I said putting my hand on my chest and the other in the air. "I'd love too... but I was already asked to go with someone else..."
"Oh... okay, that's fine. Who?" She sighed before she was about to talk. "Don't kill me but... I'm going with Jack." I looked at her confused. "Jack Ledger?!"
"Yup." She nodded quietly standing straight. I didn't even know how to respond. "Wh-what?!"
"Please don't make it a big deal." She hoping I wouldn't snap. "How the hell did this happen?!"
"I'm not really sure it was very unexpected but I was at the library a few days ago and he asked me if he wanted to go out sometime and we did last night and that's when he asked me to go." What the fuck? "What the hell?! Less, you are out of your mind, you can't go out with him!"
"Why not, he's not even that bad!"
"You don't know him Alessia he's not nice. He's an asshole who only wants to fuck girls and has shit going down with everyone. He's not a good guy you shouldn't be around him!"
"Well he's nice to me so I don't have a problem with him." I couldn't believe what she was saying. Fucking Jack was going after her now. "Out of all guys you choose him?! I'm sorry but... I can't let you do that!" I said putting my hands on her shoulders. "Corey I can go out with who I want just like you can! What if Connie's the same?! What if she just goes around fucking every guy she see?!"
"She's not like that!" I defended.
"You don't know that!"
"I do know that!"
"Then I know Jack is fine!" She shouted crossing her arms after. I gave her a stern look and she shot me one back. Damn she was way to pretty

 Damn she was way to pretty

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for Jack.

"What?" She asked with an attitude. "Nothing. I'll see you tonight." I sighed. "Kay, bye." She said as I turned to walk away.

"Holy shit, what the fuck is happening?" I ranted to Johnny on the phone. "Why what's wrong?"
"Everything. Jack hit up Alessia and their going out now. Out of all the guys she's letting him go after her."
"Oh is someone jealous?" Johnny teased. "No!" I defended. "Did you hear what I said?! Her and Jack are going to the party together tonight. I'm worried for her he's gonna do something to her and she's too blind to see it."
"Aren't you going with Connie?"
"Yes, yes I am but your missing the point she's going with Jack."
"I know and that's shit but there's nothing you can do if she wants to go with him." I guess Johnny was right. "I know but it's really bothering me. She can't go with him. Not him. She's gonna get hurt. She's so clueless."
"Are you sure your not jealous Corey?"
I had to think about that for a moment. "No... no man I'm not I'm going with Connie. I'm just concerned."
"Alright but I gotta go I'll see you later okay?"
"Yeah see ya." I said hanging up.

Connie and I got to the party at around 8:30. I didn't see Alessia and Jack yet but if Jack tried anything I don't care who was here, I'd punch him out. "So I just really hate when happens because... Corey... Corey..."
"Uh what?" I said focusing back on her. Connie looked at me like I was a retard. "Are you listening to what I'm saying?"
"Yeah sorry." I couldn't concentrate on anything Connie was saying. All that was on my mind was Alessia and Jack.

Twenty minutes later they showed up. My eyes instantly locked on Alessia and I don't know why but I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked really good. The way her hair flowed back when she walked. I stood their looking like a lunatic staring at her and I couldn't help it when suddenly a sick feeling came to my stomach when I saw her holding hands with Jack. I don't know why but through out the night that sick feeling turned more into an angry feeling.

"Corey you're doing it again." Connie said sounding irritated. "Sorry I'm just a little... I don't know I need a drink." I said trying to keep cool. "Do you wanna drink? I really want a drink. Lets go get a drink." I said quickly pulling Connie to secretly follow Alessia and Jack. "Corey you're acting really strange are you okay?"
"I'm just worried about Alessia cause she's with Jack." I said honestly.
"Because Jack's trouble and I don't want her getting hurt." I said being half honest. "Are you sure it's not because of some thing else?" I looked at her confused for a moment. "Nope I'm just concerned that's all." I said trying to sound natural.

I could see from a distance that this dick head was starting to touch her. Fuck no. He slid his hands around her waist and pulled her in and kissed her and I could see that she wasn't resisting or letting go. My jaw dropped and I took another drink and almost spit it out and my fists were balling. I was gonna loose it. "Get me me another one." I said to Connie impatiently holding my cup on front of her. She didn't hesitate to give me another one.

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