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Alessia's POV:
In chemistry all I could hear was talking. I tried to listen to what people were saying but it was too loud.

I went to lunch with Caroline. "Did you hear the big news?" She said. "No what?"
"Corey broke up with Jenna." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "Really?!" I said. "Uh huh. He did it this morning apparently."
"I don't know. Maybe he got tired of her. Have you seen her at all today?" Not gonna lie I was a little happy he broke up with her. I don't know why. I've never even talked to him. "No."
"Well she's extremely pissed. I've never seen her look so pissed in my life." She said. I didn't want to go anywhere near Jenna. "How was the party?" Caroline asked. "Oh nothing special. It was interesting but just a like a usual party. Although Ryan was pissed ass drunk and hit on me and so did Johnny. They probably don't remember."
"Oh god." Caroline laughed. "How was your night?" I asked politely in return. "Pretty productive actually."
"Did you finish all your work?" I teased. "I did and then I had a nice Star Wars movie marathon with myself and I had a great time." I laughed. Caroline was nerdy and geeky and I liked that about her.

At the end of the day I got all my stuff together and I was heading home when I was stopped. "Hey." Ryan said. I turned around realizing that Corey, Johnny and Billy were standing behind him. "Uh, hi." I said trying to keep calm and not make a big deal that Corey was standing there. "Look, Johnny and I just wanted to apologize for how stupid we were acting towards you on Friday night."
"Oh," I laughed a little. "It's okay thanks." I smiled. "You're welcome to come again." He said. "Really?" I said sounding a little dumb. "Sure thing and we won't be too drunk when we talk to you."
"I look forward to it." I said making them laugh. Corey laughed too. We made a little bit of eye contact. "If you want to come stick around us you're welcome too." Ryan said. "Thanks I'd love too."
"Good. See ya around." He said walking away with his friends. "Bye." I waved lightly. Corey looked at me again before he turned around making my stomach flip.

As I was about to leave I was stopped by Emily and Kristen. "Were you talking to Ryan?" Emily asked. "Yeah actually he came up to me to apologize for him and Johnny hitting on me when they were drunk." They laughed. "We saw Corey was there too." Kristen said. "I know." I said blushing. "Does someone have a crush on Corey?" Kristen teased me. "Honestly I think I do." I confessed. "Oh really?! I was joking!" She said. "Yeah I think I do. I know it's weird because we haven't really talked but honestly whenever I see him I just... I don't know, but he's... so hot, please don't tell anyone!" I begged. "We won't! Honestly it's not that surprising, it's Corey. I've had a crush on him. Everyone has on either him or Ryan. But you and Corey would actually be really cute. You should go for him!" Emily said. "Really? He just broke up with Jenna wouldn't she kill me if I went for him? And we don't even talk I don't know how I'd get to talk to him?"
"Well, Jenna won't know, you're much prettier and nicer than her and you'll figure out a way. You guys have Chem."
Kristen said. "Aw thank you and I completely forgot to mention that Ryan said for me to stick around with them anytime so maybe we'll start talking then."
"That's a perfect opportunity do it!" Emily said squeezing my arm. "What day do they have basketball practices?"
"Wednesdays I think." She said. I decided that I would go then.

On Wednesday I went to go watch their practice. Emily and Kristen came with me so that it wasn't weird. We went into the gym and sat down. When I saw Corey I instantly had butterflies in my stomach. All the guys were hot but Corey stood out. He was so atttactive in his track pants and his sweatshirt and his nikes. I sat down. "Is my hair okay?" I asked them. "Yes it looks good." They said.

At the end of the practice they came and talked to us. We were taking about things we had to do for Chemistry. "Shit I didn't do it yet." Corey smacking his hand on the bench. "Sucks for you it's due tomorrow." Billy teased. "Shut the fuck up." Corey said jokingly and playfully put him in a head lock. Pretty much everything Corey did was attractive. "Alessia aren't you done?" Emily said. "Uh, yeah." I said quietly. Corey stopped what he doing and looked at me. "You're done it? He said. "Uhh yeah... I finished it on the weekend." I said realizing he was talking to me. That was the first time we talked and I almost collapsed.
"Oh shit I haven't even started."
"Did you need help?" I asked without even thinking of what I was saying. The guys looked at us awkwardly and Corey looked at them then at me. "Uh, yeah I think so. If you don't mind since I don't know what the hell i'm doing." He said.
"Sure, where should we go?"
"Um we'll figure that out I just need to get my stuff." He said walking to the change room with the other guys. I wanted to scream I was so happy. We literally just started talking and he asked for my help I was completely caught off guard. I didn't think he was that comfortable with girls. I guess he wasn't a shy guy.

He came back. "Uh did you wanna just go on the bleachers outside?" He asked. "Yeah sure it's nice out." I said. "Um I don't think we properly met." I said awkwardly. "Alessia." I said as he looked up at me. "Corey." He said smirking that made me heart stop. "So have you always lived here?" I asked.
"Pretty much my whole life." He shrugged. "Where you from?"
"Why did you move, there's only one more year of high school."
"I know it's weird I get asked this a lot. My parents and I just wanted a fresh start and I didn't like my old school."
"Why? Was there no hot people in it?" Oh my gosh. I didn't know how to answer that. "Uh no, it's not that." I laughed. "I just didn't like how it was and I didn't want to graduate there."
"Geez." He said crossing his arms. "So do you have any idea what to do for this?"
"Nope." He said popping the p throwing a baseball up in the air and then catching it. This boy had zero interest in Chemistry. This wasn't going to be easy. I started to help and explain to him what he had to do.

Finally after a little while he got it done and we walked home. "I swear if I had the car today I would have driven you home." He said. "Aw it's okay." I smiled. He smiled back. "Alright well I see you tomorrow." He said flicking his chin up. "See ya." I said smiling. "Wait, Alessia," I turned back around. "Thank you." He said. "You're welcome." On the rest of my way home. I couldn't stop smiling.

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