Twenty One

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Alessia's POV:
Soon it was time for dinner. Corey's aunt cooked some really nice meal. We sat together at dinner talking about random things.

"So how long have you two been together?" His aunt said sweetly. "About four months now." Corey said looking at me. "Oh that's wonderful! You two go very nicely together."
"Thank you." I said kindly. "Yes they do. By far Alessia is the best girl for Corey." Judy said.  "Oh that's so sweet thank you!" I said to Judy. Corey nodded cutely which made me laugh.

The next morning we went to some outdoor market near his aunts house. Corey and I went off on our own and walked around. "I'm sorry if this is boring." He said grabbing my hand. "No its not! Nothings boring with you." I said truthfully. "My aunts cool and all but not gonna lie I'm missing the wifi." He said making me laugh. "Oh it's not that bad." I playfully. "Yeah it is." He said his voice going up. "But I got you so it's fine." He said pulling me closer to him.

We walked around for a while just looking at random things and soon went back to their house.

The next morning we headed back home. It was a nice weekend spending time with Corey's family. I felt really bad for him that his dad wasn't apart of it anymore.

When we got back we spent the day together. It was so nice not having to go to school since it was the March break. We talked a little about his dad we were at my house.

"You know I'm always here." I said running my hand through his hair with my legs across his lap. "I know." He said resting his arm on my thigh. "I just don't understand." He said perplexed. "What?" I said grabbing his hand. "How he'd just take all that money. Fuck him for doing that." He said starting to sound angry. "I know." I said quietly. "But you may never know why. The best you can do is just be there for your mom."

Corey and I had many of these conversations and he always felt better after we had them.

One of the days we went down to the city with Ryan, Johnny, Billy, Emily, Kristen and Caroline. We walked the streets at night time and there were a bunch of boys that looked about our age. One of them grabbed my bum as the others laughed. Corey almost punched him out but we stopped him.

We got back from a long tiring day. Corey and I went to my house and we just relaxed. "I just don't why you didn't let me punch him out. I'd do it to all of them." Corey said putting his arm around me on the couch. "Because... I didn't want you coming home with bloody knuckles or you getting in trouble." I said smiling with raised eyebrows as I reached for his hand. "So what, who'd stop me?"
"I don't know okay? I just didn't want to have to make a trip to the police station if there were cops around."
"True." He agreed. "But next time someone does that to you, you better let me punch them."
"Fair enough." I said getting comfortable against him.

We started to watch a movie. Half way through the movie I started having trouble keeping my eyes open because I was so tired. Leaning on Corey was quite comfortable I didn't want to move. It was 12:30. "Babe," he said lightly running his hand down my arm. "Yeah," I said with my eyes fluttering open. "I hate to leave you but I gotta go."
"But I'm so comfortable." I groaned. "So am I but my mom will shoot me if I go home any later."
"Just stay five more minutes." I begged not allowing him to move. "If you really want me too." He smirked. "At the end of the march break a bunch of my family on my dad's side are coming and I want you them to meet you."
"The Mexican side?" He said.
"Yes." I giggled. "I'll be speaking Spanish in no time." He said putting his hands behind his head. "Good luck with that." I laughed. "What? You don't think I can speak Spanish?" He said. "If I can't fully speak it than you can't."
"Alright, alright but I know some."
"Okay Corey." I laughed. "I know it's weird but they're coming for some Mexican family event so we have to dress up. My parents are even renting out a hall." I said rolling my eyes. "Oh." He said smirking. "I'll be the best looking guy there." He said.
"You better be." I laughed. "Less, I love you, but I gotta go if you want to see me alive again."
"Fine." I said groaning, sitting up to let him go. "Love you." He said before kissing me. "Love you too."

It was the first time I've seen my dad's side of my family since we moved. Many of them were speaking in Spanish. I understood some of it but not all. This was definitely going to be a challenge for Corey. I wore a two pice brown dress with heels and let my hair down.

He got there soon enough. He walked in wearing came in a suit and tie with his hands in his pockets. He looked hot as hell and my stomach fluttered when I saw him. He saw me walk over to him and he instantly smiled. "Look at you." He said gently grabbing my waist and pulling me into him. "Oh stop." I giggled. "I never thought I'd see Corey Haim in a suit." I said fixing his tie. "Yeah, yeah I know. It's actually quite nice my mom picked it." He nodded. "Oh that's so cute." I said making him feel embarrassed. "No it's not." He said trying to hide his smile. "Yes it is." I said running my hands on his muscular arms.

That was the first time I saw him dressed up.  He always wore hoodies, track pants jeans and nike shoes. He always looked hot but he should dress up more often.

"Anyway you look hot so enough about me." He said taking the focus off himself.
"Thank you." I said taking his hand. "I really want to meet this Mexican family of yours."
"They want to meet you too believe me, they wouldn't stop asking about you."
"Do they speak English at all?" He said. "Yes they do but they have light accents." I said trying not to laugh. He was so funny. "But they speak Spanish fluently."

I brought him over to my cousins first. One's our age, and the other two a year younger and they were standing around some drink table. They turned around seeing that we were coming. They stared at Corey with their mouths dropped and one of them almost chocked on her drink. "Sofia, Paulina and Alessandra this is my boyfriend Corey." They continued to stare at him blushing. I laughed waiting for them to say something but they just stood there frozen so Corey spoke. "Hola señoritas." He said putting his arm out to shake hands. I couldn't help but giggle. Corey was so cute and so white. They seemed to be impressed by the two Spanish words he could say. "Hola what's your name?" Sofia said going to English. Corey looked relieved which made me laugh out loud. "Corey." He smiled. "Sofia." She said shaking his hand. Paulina and Alessandra introduced themselves as well. They seemed to really like him. They talked to him for a while then I started to introduce him to my other family members. My aunts and uncles really liked him and so did my parents. They were happy to have him there and so was I.

 They were happy to have him there and so was I

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