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Corey's POV:
This hangover was hell. The next morning I woke up on the uncomfortable couch in Ryan's basement. I was one of the last ones up. Johnny and Billy were still sleeping on the floor and some other guy was on a chair. I didn't know where the hell Ryan was. I threw a pillow at Johnny's face then one at Billy.

"Fuck off its early." Johnny said rubbing his eyes annoyed. "Where's Ryan?" I mumbled. "He's probably upstairs. Have any of you seen Jenna?" I said realizing she wasn't here. "Did she go home last night?" I said trying to remember shit from last night.
"I don't man. Probably." Billy mumbled not moving. I figured that I should probably find out where she was other wise she's slaughter me.

I went upstairs. The house was quiet. I didn't see any sign of Ryan until I went up to his room. There he was sleeping with a girl named Isabel Parker. Nice. I walked over and shook him. "Hey, you seen Jenna?" I said. He opened his eyes looking disoriented as ever. "What the fuck?" He said turning over realizing that he had slept with Isabel. "Shit man."
"Worry about her later, did Jenna go home last night?" I said. "Corey I have no fucking idea." He said going back to sleep. "Kay, well I'm heading out now, you'll be okay?" I asked. "Yeah thanks man see ya."
"Later." I said walking out and going home.

When I got home I saw her waiting for me outside my house. I didn't know if she was gonna give me shit for something or if she was gonna make out with me. It was always one of the two but I never knew which one she was going to do.

"Hey." I said getting out of the car. "How did you get home last night?"
"I walked. It's not far." She shrugged. "Ugh I feel like shit." I said dragging my feet to the door. "Aw it's okay." She said stroking the front of my hair. "I can fix that." She said grabbing my shirt and pulling me in to kiss. She backed me up into the brick wall outside the front door. I kissed back even though I wasn't in the mood to make out. Then I had to stop. "What's wrong?" She said concerned. "Jenna I'm sorry I don't feel like doing this right now I'm exhausted." She stood there like I had just slapped her in the face. "Well I can stay with you today so you don't have to-"
"No Jenna really. It's okay. I'm just tired I need the day to relax." I said interrupting her. "Well you can do that with me."
"No I'm sorry. I just need this day for myself." I said as nicely as I possibly ever could hoping she wasn't going to scream in my face or something. She  was already getting pissed off. "Seriously?" She said taking a step back from me. "Yeah." I said with a please don't hate me smile. I felt guilty but what's the big deal? A man needs time to relax. "I don't know what's been going on with you lately but these past few weeks you've been ridiculous." and there she was pissed off at me again. "Sorry?" I said with it sounding like a question realizing it sounded a lot ruder out loud than in my head. "Whatever Corey. I'll talk to you when you learn how to treat your girlfriend right." She said stomping away. I cringed when she said that. "Jenna come back! Please?!" I said going after her. "Shit!" I said frustrated because as usual she was pissed off at me.

She didn't talk to me for the rest of the weekend. I called her millions of times and she would just ignore me. On Monday she started talking to me again but she wouldn't leave me alone. Literally, she wouldn't. Jenna had two sides to her. She was always either pissed off at me for stupid things or she wouldn't leave me alone and was obsessed with me and I never knew which one I was going to encounter.

In English all we did was talk about Friday. "Yeah Corey and I made out the entire time." She said telling her friends. "Oh yeah we did." I agreed. We missed out a little on socializing cause we did." I added. "Bullshit!" Johnny said giving me a shove. "It's true!" I argued. We did socialize a lot but we did we made out quite a few times. I pulled out my phone to see that my mom texted me about something. "Corey who's that?" She said sounding over protective. "It's my mom..." I said in defence. I hated when she got like this. "Let me see then." This was so embarrassing. I could hear Johnny and some of my other friends laughing behind me. I showed that it was really my my mom. "You're lucky Corey." She said turning back around. What the fuck did that mean? I wish she wasn't so over protective and obsessed. It felt like she was my mom more than my girlfriend. I could barely do anything it's like I had to get permission for everything.

When school was over we all had basketball practice and Jenna and her friends came to watch. She would not leave me alone then either. All day I couldn't stop thinking about me and Jenna. Yes I have thought of this multiple times but today it's all I thought about and I talked to the boys about it.

"Guys I need to talk to you about something and you have to promise you won't say shit." I said. "I swear to god." Ryan said shooting a basketball and getting it in. I sighed and took a deep breath. I was actually doing this. "I think I might break up with Jenna." I said. "What?!" They practically screamed all at the same time. "Uh huh." I said getting the reaction I expected from them. "Why, what the hell?! She's one of the hottest girls in school are you crazy?!" Johnny said. Now it was time to explain. "I know but you guys know how she is. She's way to controlling and obsessive. I can't do it anymore. She's always getting mad at my for random shit too. I can breathe and she'll get mad at me. I just can't do it."
"Have you talked to her about it before?" They asked actually seemed to understand. "A little bit but that's one of the other reasons I wanna end this is because I can't have talk to her about these things. She's exhausting and I don't think I can do it anymore." I said scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.
"That's understandable but good luck breaking up with her with out her going ham." Johnny said.

About two hours later the practice was done. I drove her home and we were alone together which was the perfect time for me to do it but I still procrastinated it. I said that I would do it first thing the next day and I did.

"Morning Corey." She said walking up to my drive way. "Hey uh, we need to talk. Right now." I said dodging her from kissing me. "About what?" She said confused. I took a deep breath preparing for her to end my life. "Us." She looked like she knew what I was talking about. "What's the problem Corey?" She said irritated. This was exactly why I wanted to break up with her. "I can't... do this anymore." Oh shit. "What?!"
"I'm sorry Jenna."
"What the hell are you saying?!"
"Im saying that I don't think I can be in relationship with you anymore." I said saying it as nice as possible. Her face started turning red and her eyes watered a little. I felt bad I wasn't trying to hurt her. "Jenna I'm not trying to hurt your feelings but I just can't anymore. I'm sorry."
"Are you breaking up with me?" She said crossing her arms. "Uh...yeah." I nodded looking up and around avoiding eye contact. "I knew it. I knew you were acting different lately. It's like I've been invisible to you!" That was bullshit! "No Jenna. To tell you the truth I'm breaking up with you because you're way too defensive and controlling over me. You get mad at me almost everyday for stupid reasons; the day I was supposed to pick you up was understandable but everything else is just you. I can't even look at other girls with out you getting mad and you're too clingy. I'm sorry Jenna but this is not how a relationship should be. I can't do it anymore." She stood there not knowing what to say because she knew it was true. "Fine then. It's your loss." She said real heated. "We can still be friends if you want though." I said trying to end it on a positive note. I felt stupid for saying that there was no way and hell she would want to be friends. "Forget it Corey!" She practically screamed. She took off and went to school. Although I did feel a little bad this was the first time I felt free since the beginning of the summer.

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