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Alessia's POV:
That night all I could think about was Corey. I loved him and he drove me nuts. I don't know how much longer I can hide my feelings from him. He killed me with jealousy every time he mentioned Connie. I still didn't understand how crazy he was about her  yet he would still flirt with me. Even though I was pissed at him again for ditching me he truly was sorry and felt bad. He wanted to make it up to me so I kind just let it roll off my back.

That morning I walked over to Corey's to go bring his mom Judy some banana bread that I made. "It's lovely thank you so much you're too kind!" She said. "It was nothing baking's my thing." Judy was so nice and I could tell that she really liked me. Cindy as well even though she was quiet. "Why don't you stay a while? Do the two of you have any plans today?" She asked sounding hopeful. I didn't want to say no even though we didn't. "I'm not sure but we probably will!" Judy and I continued chatting until Corey came down in his high white socks and grey roots track pants and with no shirt. Seeing Corey shirtless was one of the best things I've ever seen. He had nice abs and very nice arms. I was surprised and couldn't help to not take my eyes off him. I hoped I wasn't making it obvious. "Alessia!" He said about to come over and hug me. Before he did Judy told him to go upstairs and put on a shirt making us laugh. He came back down with a white t-shirt and hugged me for a while. "How did it go last night?" I was being so fake. I hated mentioning Connie but I had to ask. "Pretty good. Thanks again for being okay with it. Again I'm really sorry I know that was an asshole move."
"Remember Cindy's home." Judy said. "Oh yeah sorry." Corey wasn't allowed to cuss around Cindy since she was only ten. Judy didn't want Cindy hearing it even though she already knows he cusses. "Anyway it was nice. We just walked around town and went to Johnny's for a bit then we home."
"That's nice." I said not really knowing what to say. "Do you think you'll go on another one?"
"Yeah I think so."
Again I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. "Are you sure you're okay?" He said putting his hand on mine making my heart beat at an abnormal rate. "Yeah I'm fine." I lied. Eventually we got off the topic of talking about Connie.

About an hour later I went back home and decided to head to the library because I needed stuff for the essay I had to write. When I got there I saw a bunch of guys from school one of them was Jack Ledger. I remembered what Corey told about his beef with him and how Jack is trouble and to stay away from him.

I got what I needed and just as I was about to leave I was stopped by Jack. "Hey." He said leaning up against the shelf blocking my way. "Uh hi..." I said really confused. "You're Alessia right?" What was he doing? "Yeah..."
"I'm Jack and I know this is really random but you seem really nice and you're really pretty and I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime." Was this some kind of prank? This was so random. What the hell was he doing? I didn't even what was to say so I just blurted out what came to my mind. "Uh sure..." I said. "When?" Shit good job Alessia.
"Okay, I'll let you know." I said wanting the awkward conversation to end. He gave me his number and then we started talking.

It was so weird. Why did Jack want to go out with me, I've never even talked to him until now. Not going to lie, he seemed like a pretty nice guy for someone Corey told me to stay away from and he was kind of good looking too. So why not go out with him?

A few days later I told Jack I wanted to go out so we decided to go to the movies and it was nice. I put on black skinny jeans, shirt, jacket and converse and threw my brown hair up into a loose bun. When it was over we decided to walk home. "So you and Corey don't get along?"
"No. The guys tells everyone I'm a piece of shit and that Im trouble. Even though there was a little kerfuffle at that basketball game I didn't mean to start anything."
"Oh..." I said. Not gonna lie I kinda felt bad for him. "I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay. Doesn't mean shit to me." He shrugged. "So I hear your good friends with Corey?"
"Yeah we've been good friends a little over a couple months now."
"Yeah everyone talks about that."
"Like who?"
"Oh just the guys I hang around with and Jenna his ex."
"Oh right." I said feeling irritated by just the thought of Jenna. My phone vibrated and I saw that it was Corey asking me what was up. I purposely r-bombed him and brought my attention back to Jack.

We walked and talked for a while. It was quite nice and I actually forgot about Corey. I didn't feel guilty being around Jack at all. I don't care if Corey doesn't like it because Jack isn't even as bad as he says he is and I think he's just misunderstood. If he's allowed to date who he wants them so am I? Even if he hates the guy I don't care.

He walked me all the way home even though he lived in the opposite direction. "Anyway, thanks Alessia. I had a great time."
"No thank you! And I did too but why did you walk me all the way home when you live that way?"
"It's late I didn't want you walking alone."
"Oh I see... well thank you." I said blushing a little. "You're welcome we should do this again."
"Yes we should!"
"There's a party tomorrow did you want to go with me?" He asked. "Sure! What time?"
"Pretty sure it starts around 8:00" he said. "Okay thanks again Jack I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Goodnight." He waved making sure I got inside.

Not going to lie I was really excited to go with him hopefully I wouldn't even think of Corey while I was there.

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