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Corey's POV:
I went home feeling pretty shitty that night. I fucked up and probably ruined Alessia's night. I assumed she didn't want to talk to me so I thought I should give her space and try to resolve things on Monday. I hope she doesn't tell her parents because I wouldn't want them to hate me.

I went to my room and I couldn't sleep. Cindy was asleep but I could see that my mom was still up from the light coming from the crack on the bottom of the door to her room from down the hall. I went over to say goodnight. Right before I was about to open the door I stopped and listened. I could hear her arguing over the phone with someone. It sounded intense. "I will call my lawyer if have to. You are not to see them." What the fuck was she talking about? "I said goodnight!" She yelled. That's when I opened the door. "Mom?" She looked startled. "What's going on?" I asked concerned. "Are you okay?"
"Yes I'm fine." She said getting up. "Goodnight I love you." She said kissing my forehead and giving me a hug. "Mom what's going on... who were you talking to?"
"Just your dad. Everything's fine though."
"What were you talking about?"
"Don't worry about it. Goodnight hun."
"No mom tell me, I won't tell Cindy."
"We'll talk about it another time." She sighed. "Okay." I said walking out of the room. "Goodnight."

I went back to my room and laid down in the dark. I couldn't sleep. I had things on my mind. All I could think about was Alessia and how I had just walked into an intense conversation my mom was having with my dad. My dad must have done something. My dad and I could never get along. That was part of the reason of why my parents divorced. I wonder what he did to piss off my mom.

I tossed and turned until I couldn't take it anymore. I called Alessia. "Hello?" She said. "Uh hi!" I said surprised she answered. "Corey what do you want?"
"I want to talk about this and I want to get out of my house."
"I'll explain later but I just wanna get out can we go somewhere? I'll pick you up."
"Right now?! Are you crazy? Where can we go at this time?!"
"I don't know Alessia just be ready okay?" The was a moment of silence. "Fine." She said. "I'll have to sneak out then. If I'm caught I'm blaming you."
"Okay and you won't. See you soon."
I hung up and threw a zipper hoodie over my white t shirt. I tip toed to my moms room and peeked my head in to ensure she was asleep which she was. I quietly closed the door and tip toed down stairs to the front door. I put on my nikes and grabbed my car keys and quietly opened the front door and locked it behind me. I got in the car and tried to be as quiet as possible which was very hard.

I took off to Alessia's and stopped in front of the house and she came out and into the car. She got in and closed the door still not looking at me. "I can't believe your making me do this." She said feeling silly.

"I know and sorry if I woke you up but I can't sleep when people are mad at me and I needed to get out of my house

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"I know and sorry if I woke you up but I can't sleep when people are mad at me and I needed to get out of my house."
"You didn't I couldn't sleep either." She said quietly looking down. We didn't say anything for a little while.

I drove up some hill where you could see the whole town. You could see the lights everywhere. "Where are we?" Alessia said. "The lookout point. I just needed to get out." I said putting it in park. "Do you come here regularly?" She said looking around. "No only when I need alone time."
"But you're not alone." She challenged. "I know but... you know what I mean." We got out and sat beside each other on the hood of the car.

"So what did you want to say to me?" She said crossing her arms.
"I wanted to say that I know I fucked up and that I'm an idiot for ditching you again and that you have every right to be mad at me. I get too distracted sometimes and I need to stop." We went quiet for a few moments. "I'm really sorry." I said. She looked up at the view. Her brown hair flowed behind her nicely from the light breeze. She sighed. "I forgive you." She smiled. "Thank god." I dramatically said making her laugh. "It won't happen again. I swear." I said putting my hand across my chest. I could see the goosebumps on her tanned skin. She was only in a t shirt and leggings. "Hey you cold?"
"A little. I didn't think grab a sweater." She said smiling. "Here." I said whipping off mine and helping her put it on. "Thanks." She said shivering.
"So do you like Connie?" She asked. "I think so. But I'm not sure yet if I'm gonna go for her." I said truthfully. "Why not?"
"I don't know it just seems really soon." I said shrugging nonchalantly.
"I thought there was no such thing as too soon for you." She said teasing. I rolled my eyes. "Course there is." I smirked. "So why did you wanna get out of your house so badly?"
"Its personal but I trust you." I said putting my forearms on my thighs.
"Of course." She looked at me concerned. "I told you my parents are divorced, right?"
"Well tonight I over heard my mom practically yelling at my dad on the phone saying something about a lawyer. It sounded like she was about to cry."
"Do you know what they were talking about?"
"No she wouldn't tell me. She seemed really upset though so I don't know my dad must have done something."
"Oh... I'm sorry." She said feeling bad. "It's okay that's why I just needed to get out I can't sleep when there's a bunch of shit on my mind. Honestly I don't care if don't see him again. He wasn't the ideal parent... well to me at least."
I could tell she felt really bad. "Corey I'm sorry if I was a little harsh I didn't know-"
"No it's okay you had the right to be mad."
"I know but I didn't know this happened... no wonder you couldn't sleep."
"Yeah but it's okay I just needed someone to talk to and get out of the house and I wanted to fix our problem."
"Yeah if you ever need to talk or whatever I'm here." She said putting her hand on mine. "Thanks." I looked at her a while. "I know."

We talked for a while into the night. We talked about almost everything. Alessia and I talked about things that I couldn't talk about with anyone else. I could never talk this long with Jenna or Ryan, Johnny or Billy maybe not even Connie. Or anyone else. Alessia was different. I could talk to her endlessly. We even lost track of the time.

At about 1:00 we decided that we should probably head home. I drove her back home and to be honest I could probably stay longer with her but I didn't want her Hispanic-Mexican father to slaughter us for me taking her out in the middle of the night. "Thanks Alessia. I really needed this."
"You're welcome." She smiled. "I'm always here." She looked pretty even in the dark. "It was kind of fun. We should do it again." She smiled putting hair behind her ear. "Yeah we will. Again I'm really sorry."
"Corey you don't need to apologize anymore. If I hated you I wouldn't have come out tonight." She teased. "I know." I smiled. "I oh almost forgot," she said taking off the sweater. "Nah, keep it." I insisted. "Are you sure?"
"It's a sweater Alessia I don't care."
"Okay. Goodnight." She smiled turning around to go sneak back inside. "Goodnight." I said. She had just made my night 10000 times better and I couldn't help but look at her ass which also looked good in the dark too.

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