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I was sitting at my usual table in the coffee shop a few blocks away from my apartment, somewhere in downtown Brooklyn. I've been coming here everyday around the same time for the past seven years. It's where I come to relax and get my work done, and occasionally people watch if I'm bored enough. Usually I am.

I run a successful production company with my boy Ty Ty. We started it up when we were seventeen years old, almost twelve years ago. It started out as just an idea, but we managed to do what we had to do until we could make it official. All the hustling and grinding for money was worth it. Our business is a reminder to me that everything that happened, happened for a reason. It's been eight years, but I've learned to accept it. I struggle from time to time, but I'm usually aight. You can't change the past, so you gotta embrace it.

I shut my laptop and packed up the rest of my shit. It was close to six and I didn't like being out alone when it was dark. Nah I'm not a little bitch, but after being jumped twice and having two Rolexes stolen, I ain't trying to risk that shit again. I could've handled it eight years ago, but I ain't the same person I was eight years ago. Things have changed.

I was about to head out, but decided to grab a coffee to go. I'd probably be up late finishing some work anyway, so I might as well. I got in line and was minding my own business until I saw a $20 fall on the floor. I crouched down to grab it and tapped the woman who was standing in front of me. She quickly turned around and damn, she was fine. I smirked a little. I hadn't been with a chick in a minute, and I definitely wouldn't mind getting to know lil Shawty here.

What the fuck do you want?

Well damn.

I raised a brow and held up the twenty.

Lil shawty's mouth formed an O shape and she snatched it from my hand. Thanks. She looked between the twenty and my face before speaking again. Sorry I snapped on you, I've just had a long day and I–

She turned her face and I frowned, I couldn't read her lips. I'm pretty sure she kept talking though, cause a few seconds later she was facing me again. By the raised brow, I could tell she was waiting for a response.

"I'm deaf." I told her. Lil Shawty made the same face she had earlier, except this time she looked even more surprised. I didn't blame her though, I get it all the time. Luckily I can converse pretty well since I could hear fine up until I was 20, so even though I can't hear what I'm saying, my voice wasn't much different. Ty told me about it.

Oh. I- um, She stared at me, looking lost. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I can read your lips." She nodded and I smiled. "What's your name?"

Beyoncé. She smiled back and bit her lip. Damn, she was cute as fuck. She even had a little dimple.

"Beyoncé...?" I had to make sure I was pronouncing it right. She had a weird ass name, never in my life have I heard of a 'Beyoncé.' At least I think that's what she said. Hell, I don't know.

Beyoncé nodded, so I must've been right. Yes, it's very unusual I know. Sometimes I wish my mother would've named me something simple, like Barb or something. She laughed and I felt myself cheesing like a fool. I knew she had a nice laugh, I wish I could hear it. Man, times like this made it harder.

Beyoncé turned around and I frowned until I realized it was her turn to order. Damn, the line moved fast as shit. The one time I wished it could've been slow it moves fast.

"Hey, hold up a second." I said to Beyoncé after she grabbed her drink. I waited for her to nod before putting my order in and paying. "Where are you off to?" I asked once we were off to the side.

Beyoncé smiled. School. I have a class at seven. Damn, she was still in college? I mean, she had to be at least 18 though.

"Oh, aight." I nodded and licked my lips. I had to think of something quick. "You busy tomorrow?"

After two I'm not.

"Perfect." I smiled and grabbed a napkin from the dispenser thing. I pulled out a pen from my bag and quickly wrote down my number. I handed it to her. "Shoot me a text tomorrow around 4 and we can meet up."

And do what? Beyoncé raised that damn brow again. She was grinning though, so I didn't take it personal.

I shrugged. "Whatever you want."

Beyoncé laughed and slipped the napkin into her purse. Okay. I'll text you.

"Aight." I smiled. "I'll be looking forward to it."

Beyoncé's dimple popped out again and I couldn't help myself. I leaned down and pressed a light kiss against it. Her smile widened and when I pulled away, she was blushing real hard. I just realized, I still don't know your name. Beyoncé stated, still grinning.

"Shawn." I told her. "Shawn Carter."

Well okay, Mr. Shawn Carter. Beyoncé grabbed a straw for her coffee before smiling up at me. I'll see you tomorrow?

"You better."

I watched Beyoncé walk out and stared at her ass in those leggings with no shame. Damn, I know I been saying it, but she was fine!

Strangely enough though, I didn't just want to fuck her. I mean I did, but that's not all I wanted. For one, she didn't leave the conversation when she realized I was deaf. She kept talking to me. I've had it happen enough times to know that meant something.

Maybe we could be something. Shit, who knows. I guess I'll just have to chill and wait for her to hit me up tomorrow.

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