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"They were aight." I laughed, taking a step to the left when Beyoncé lightly swatted my arm.

They were not! Admit it, they were amazing. Beyoncé placed her hands on her hips and stared at me expectantly. I could tell she was stubborn, but so was I. Hopefully our personalities didn't clash too much.

Shawn. She pouted and I smiled.

"Okay, okay. They were amazing." I chuckled and stuffed my hands in my pockets as we walked down the street. "Do you have anywhere to be right now?" I asked, glancing at Beyoncé. I grinned when she shook her head and started planning my next move.

No, but if we do something else I need to stop by my apartment first and drop my stuff off. She said, wiggling the arm that had her bag hanging on it. To me it looked like an oversized purse with too much shit in it, but I wasn't gonna say nothing. It did look heavy as fuck though. These books are heavy, and I'd rather not tote them around the city.

"Here." I gently grabbed Beyoncé and turned her sideways so I was able to slide the bag off her shoulder. She bit her lip, trying to hide her smile from me, but the dimple still popped out. I chuckled. "Where do you live? We can stop by your place before we head to our next spot."

Tribeca. Beyoncé stated. I looked around and nodded, we weren't too far but I wasn't sure if Bey would rather take a cab.

"You wanna walk or get a cab?" I asked her.

Let's walk. The weather is really nice today. Beyoncé smiled. I nodded in agreement and wrapped my arm around Beyoncé's shoulder as we walked down the street. She glanced up at me and I winked back.

"You have beautiful eyes." I noticed while we were waiting at a crosswalk. Beyoncé blushed and looked away from me, making me laugh softly. "You do! I mean, you're beautiful all over but your eyes caught my attention." I told her.

Such a charmer. Beyoncé mumbled, gently smacking my chest. I shrugged, smirking a little. That I was. But thank you, Shawn. That's very sweet.

"You're welcome, Bey." I kissed her temple and smiled in amusement when she blushed again. She was cute as fuck man, I couldn't get enough.

We walked for about ten more minutes, talking aimlessly about random shit until we got to Beyoncé's apartment. I was glad to see she lived in what seemed to be a pretty safe neighborhood, so that was one less thing I'd have to worry about. I still kept close to her anyway, just in case a nigga tried anything.

I kept my arm loosely around Beyoncé's waist as she led me up to her apartment. We rode the elevator up, since she was on the sixth floor and didn't feel like taking the stairs. We stood towards the back and I ran my hand up and down Bey's side while we waited. My hand occasionally slipped under her tank top and I wish I could feel more because her skin was soft as hell! I had a feeling it would be, but damn.

Right here. Beyoncé stopped in front of the door and pulled her keys out. I waited for her to get the door unlocked before following her inside the apartment. Excuse the mess, I didn't think I would be having company. She stated while tossing her bag on the couch.

"This is really nice." I commented while looking around. It was nice and spacious, very modern looking. There was hardly a mess, so I wasn't sure what Beyoncé was talking about, but I decided not to say anything about it. One thing I've learned from past relationships is that women are (almost) always right, even when they're not, and that I shouldn't question it. So I didn't.

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