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"What the fuck?" I mumbled. I was sleeping peacefully for the first time in weeks and of course some shit decides to wake me up. My phone kept vibrating by my head and I couldn't do nothing but grab it to make it stop.

I checked the time before I looked at the text messages and saw it was almost seven. Shit, my lil nap lasted a lot longer than originally planned. I just wanted to rest my eyes for a few minutes, but those minutes turned into hours. Hell, I don't care. I needed the sleep.

"Now who the fuck is blowing up my phone?" I yawned while checking the messages. I woke up quick when I saw Beyoncé's name on my screen. I had five texts from her which was random as hell since I ain't talked to her in weeks. Oh yeah, bet I was up now.

BEY❤️: Shawn, can I come over?
BEY❤️: I know we're not on the best terms, I understand if you don't want me to...
BEY❤️: Are you awake?
BEY❤️: Sorry if I'm bothering you, I just need someone to talk to.
BEY❤️: Nevermind

I sat up and quickly texted Bey back.

SHAWN: My bad b, I was sleeping. If u still out I want u to come over. I miss seeing u.

She responded not even a minute later.

BEY❤️: I'm on my way.

I smiled big as shit. I know I'm the one who ended our relationship, but I miss Beyoncé like hell. I only did what I did because I wanted her to get better. Hell, I don't even know how she's doing. I've been trying to give her space, I knew she'd hit me up when she was ready to talk again.

I stretched for a few minutes before deciding to get up and take a quick shower. I only needed five minutes to get myself looking right, so I wasn't worried about not having enough time. I make sure I wash everything important and make sure I'm smelling fresh before getting out. Some niggas don't know how to bathe right and end up smelling musty, I sure as hell ain't one of them.

After my shower I put on some gray sweatpants and a white tee. I combed my waves and put my diamond studs in before heading to the living room to wait for Bey. I didn't know if I should make us something to eat or what, but it didn't even matter because she texted me that she was here before I even sat down.

I don't know why the hell I feel so nervous. Like damn, it's been a few weeks yeah but she's still Bey. I need to stop acting so scary.

I rubbed my hands together and got my head straight before opening the door. Beyoncé looked damn near perfect as always, and I'm not lying when I say she took my breath away. I love this girl man, she's beautiful on the inside and out, and I've missed her ass so much. I didn't wanna overstep any boundaries though, so I took a step back and let her walk inside. She set her purse down on the table beside the door before staring at me expectantly. I just raised my brow, because I didn't know what to say.

"Hey Bey." I said after a few seconds of us staring at each other. I thought she was gonna explain why she wanted to stop by, but she didn't. So I made the first move. "How you been?"

I don't know what I said that made her react, but Bey's eyes started watering before she had tears running down her cheeks. I frowned and was quick to make my way over to her, trying to figure out what the hell I said. "Aye, what's wrong? Why you crying ma?"

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