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I finished typing up a lengthy email for one of the many business ventures I was currently working on, before hitting send and tiredly closing my MacBook. I rolled my neck slightly and stretched my arms behind my head, yawning faintly as I briefly thought about the busy ass week I was about to have. I had meetings lined up from Saturday to Thursday; for various projects and brands that shared a mutual interest with myself and my business, RocNation. I had a few upcoming artists that were being looked at for some major brand deals with Supreme, Adidas, and NIKE; so I've been consumed with not only that, but also my own shit I had going on.

I leaned forward against my clean, mahogany desk and roughly rubbed my face. I was damn near exhausted, and hadn't had a decent night's worth of sleep in some weeks. Ashanti was either keeping me up all night with sex; or I was outside on the balcony at three in the morning, smoking a cigar and overthinking, because I was too fuckin' anxious to fall asleep to begin with.

I continued sitting with my head buried deeply in my hands, muttering something about needing some damn sleep when I felt two gentle hands on either of my biceps.

I sighed and slowly glanced up; not being surprised in the slightest when my tired eyes immediately met Ashanti's curious ones. I raised my brow slightly, silently questioning her actions as she slowly took a step back.

Hi baby. Ashanti smiled faintly and tilted her head slightly. What you been doing?

"Working, ma." I answered plainly. "What you been doing?" I then asked her, feeling like I needed to try and put in a little more effort. I was clearly tired as hell, and no doubt Ashanti usually worked my fuckin' nerves like no other, but she was still my girl.

Oh nothing... just been cleaning up a little. Ashanti said while leaning back against my desk. I immediately frowned and furrowed my brows questionably, knowing damn well that she ain't never taken the time to 'clean' since we been together. She even insisted on hiring a maid to clean up after her grown ass without my knowledge; but I quickly shut that shit down after I found out. Ashanti had managed to convince me for nearly two months that she'd turned into some sort of housewife overnight, straightening up the penthouse and cooking these extravagant meals whenever I was out at the office; only for me to find out that secretly she hired a damn maid.

I probably ain't would've figured it out either, if she hadn't been charging my fuckin' card for the cleaning service!

"You were cleaning?" I repeated with a slight chuckle, not bothering to mask my suspicions as I eyed her carefully.

Ashanti looked at me as if I'd offended her somehow. Yes, I was cleaning, Shawn. Is that a problem with you? She asked defensively.

I just shrugged, before shaking my head dismissively. "Nah baby, I guess not." I replied while leaning back in my chair. I glanced down at my Audemars Piguet watch and winced slightly when I realized how late it was getting. I was honestly determined as hell to try and get some sleep tonight.

I felt Ashanti repeatedly nudging my leg with her foot and reluctantly looked back at her.

Baby, I have a question. She said while standing up and inviting herself to sit on my lap.

"Aight." I nodded faintly, subconsciously resting my hand on the curve of her ass. She did have a nice ass, I randomly thought.

Ashanti nervously bit down on her lip and eyed me hesitantly. I waited with slight impatience as her eyes darted anxiously around my office, before eventually returning to my hardened face. She offered me a faint smile, and I might've returned it, had I not been so adamant on taking my ass to bed in the next ten minutes.

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