Chapter 6

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* Calum's POV *

I left the house around 7:30. My dad's car was gone so I guess he had to leave early. I threw on random clothes, not bothering to dress up. I took my time getting to school. I didn't want to go today either but I had to. If I was going to get a good paying job then I'm going to have to keep my grades up and get into a nice collage.

I got to the school and people were clustered around, loitering outside till the bell rang. I turned off my car and got out. Before I even closed my car door, people ran up to me. There was Nick and a few other people. "Hey, dude." He said.

I gave him a random fist bump and then some girl hugged me. "Calum! Why didn't you call me?" I looked down and Gina's blue eyes looked back up at me.

I peeled her off of me. "Because, I don't need to." I said, not really caring.

She puckered her lips and crossed her arms over her chest. "I can't believe you, Calum."

"What do you not believe?" I laughed. "We fucked once and now you wanna hook up? I don't do relationships, I told you that." I smiled down at her, wishing she'd just leave me alone.

"I hope someone hurts you like all the girls you hurt." She said. She flung her hair over her shoulder and walked away.

I laughed. "Can't wait!"

Nick chuckled. "Why do you do that, man?" He asked, looking back up at me.

"Do what?" I said, leaning against my jeep.

"Mess with their feelings. You sleep with them and then shut them down like that. When are you going to get in a serious relationship?" He asked, stuffing his hands in his pocket.

I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at him. "I only mess with them to help get my problems off of my mind, they don't mean anything. And I'm not getting into a 'serious relationship' for awhile." I said.

The bell rang and he shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever. Let's go." We went inside and parted ways, him going to his locker and me going to mine. I opened my locker and got my binder out, putting my phone and keys in my backpack. I don't ever really take my backpack home, I just carry my binder.

I shut the locker and went to class. People caught up to me in the hallway, walking beside me and giving me high fives. I opened the door and we walked in. I made my way to my seat, catching the eyes of the new kid. We made eye contact and he turned back around to the window.

I sat down in my seat and peeked back over. I noticed how his glasses caught the light and caused a slight glare and how some of his curly black hair fell in his face. A girl came up to him and started talking to him. She had long red hair and wore a funky outfit. Was she new too? The teacher walked in and she went to her seat. The teacher started class and I dazed off as soon as she opened her mouth.

The days were passing by quick. It felt like i haven't been in school for more than an hour but I was already in gym class. They made us dress out with the normal P.E. class this week. I was on the football team, of course, and I had to usually walk down to the athletic facility but they put us in this class for a few days.

I dressed out in the locker room, Nick beside me. Nick was also on the football team but as I explained, we had to dress out with the normal P.E. class.

After everyone was done, we all went down to the track. "Alright, ladies and gents," the Coach shouted. "I can tell that most of you really got to work on filling up your tummies this summer! So today, to slim you down a bit, you'll be running a two laps in under 6 minutes! Be thankful, I'm going easy on y'all today!" He said. He's such a nice person.

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