Chapter 15

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* Theo's POV *

During my break I sat down at one of the tables and pulled out my phone. I ate some of the cookies that they had out for us for my lunch. I saw that I had a missed call. I checked who it was from and it was from Calum. I was about to call him back when the bell from the door rang. I looked up and Calum walked in. My eyes went wide and my mouth fell open.

He scanned the room and then smiled widely when he saw me. What is he doing here?! He was all dressed up and he wore a backwards hat. Most guys can't pull that off but he definitely could. He was hot. He came over and sat on the seat in front of me. He smirked. "Hey." He said in a low sexy voice.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, mouth still wide. He leaned forward a little bit and looked at me with amused eyes. He wore a grey muscle shirt and when he leaned forward his elephant muscles flexed. I inhaled sharply and tried to control myself. I pushed my glasses up my nose and tried distracting myself.

"I came to tell you that I won't be back till later. I tried calling you but you didn't pick up and I figured you were busy so I waited." He said.

"Where are you going? I get off at eight. Are you going to be gone longer than that." I asked. I didn't want to seem needy but I didn't want him out.

"I'm going to the party. Nick is taking me. I should be back around twelve." He said. He looked behind me and smiled. I turned and saw some of the girls I worked with giggling. I waved them off and they ran to the back. The guy working at the cash register didn't even care.

"Twelve? That's a while." I said, scratching my arm nervously.

"I mean, I may be back earlier if there's a lot of people I don't like there." His eyes drifted down to the plate of cookies I had in front of me. I passed the plate to him and he took two.

"Alright, whatever. Take your time. But take the key because I may go out later, also." I said.

His eyebrow went up. "Girlfriend?"

I let out a fake laugh. "No."

"Oh. Boyfriend?" He said with a teasing smile.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "No, Calum. Just a friend." I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked away.

"Alright then. Just wondering." He said, finishing off another cookie. He passed the empty plate back to me and stood. He grabbed his expensive designer sunglasses that hung on his shirt and put them on. "I'm gonna go. Nicks picking me up and taking me later on. I'll call you when I'm on my way back."

"Bye, Calum." I said, giving him a small wave. He did look very attractive with his sunglasses and backwards hat.

"Bye, Theo. I'll see ya later." He said. He turned and walked off. The little bell above the door rang as he left. I sighed and grabbed the plate and went back to work.


I got off of work around eight thirty. I helped clean up for awhile and then went home. I unlocked the door and walked into the desolate apartment. I set the keys down on the counter and went to my room and changed into different clothes. I put on a random baggy shirt and a pair of comfy shorts. I decided to read so I grabbed a book and my phone and went out and laid down on the couch. I opened the book and started reading.

I got more than halfway through the book and then I put my bookmark in and closed it. I looked around the apartment and decided what to do next. I got up and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and decided what to make for dinner. I decided to fix some tuna pasta.

I started boiling the pasta and then went to get my phone. I checked the time and it was 10:14. Just two more hours till he gets back. I turned on the tv and waited for the pasta to finish.

My Roommate, The Fukboi (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now