Chapter 56

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* Theo's POV *

Calum had to work the next day and I worked the morning shift till around four and then I was off. As soon as I got home, I fed and walked Louie and then I just laid down on the bed.

I pulled out one of the books that I left off and I cracked it open. I wasn't in the mood to do anything so I just read. I was planning on reading till Calum got back but I finished the book quicker than I thought. So I was left with nothing else to do.

I used to go to the public library but I just got most of my books from the school library. But I may go out later on today if Calum isn't back early.

There's a knock on the door and I jump up from the bed, thinking it's Calum. But then he wouldn't have knocked because he has the key.

I make my way to the front door, Louie right behind me. There's another knock on the door, louder this time. I opened it and Genevieve walked right in, not even bothering to ask to come in.

"I swear my parents make me so mad. I can't handle all their crap!" She huffed, arms crossed over her chest as she walks to the couch and sits down.

"Come on in." I mumble, smiling and then closing the door.

"Huh?" She asks, looking at me. I shake my head and leave the door unlocked and go and sit down with her. Louie already stole the spot beside her so I sit at the far end of the couch.

"What happened?" I rest my arm lazily across the top of the couch. She's too busy playing with Louie to hear me. "Gen." I say her name, trying to get her attention.

"What? Oh yeah. Well, I got into a fight with my parents and I'm just so mad right now. I didn't know where else to go. Sammy is busy with her mom and I don't really have any other friends that would understand. I would've called ahead but it was last minute. I'm sorry." She frowns, glancing down at Louie instead of me.

"No no it's fine. You can come anytime you like. You just suprised me is all." I smile. "So what happened?" I ask, leaning a little closer.

She turns her body towards me and she looks at me seriously and I can tell that she's getting ready to rant. "So I was talking to my mom and we were talking about guys. And I told her that there was this one guy I was interested in and then my dad walks in and he hears and he starts making a big deal about it, saying that I'm not gonna get a boyfriend and that I'll be grounded for life if I don't tell him I'm getting a boyfriend."

I listen carefully, nodding my head and looking at her while she talks. I wonder who the guy is. Could it be someone I know?

"And so I'm just like, well hell he's making a big deal about it. So I say 'well I think I'm old enough to make my own decisions. I have a car and I have my own bank account and I help pay bills and what not.' And you know what he says? He says 'well since you think you're old enough to make your own decisions, maybe you should leave."

She was throwing her hands up in the air to exaggerate her words and I just watched.

"So I said 'well fine maybe I should leave since no one respects me here.' And the whole time my mom was just sitting there, not saying anything. And I mean, it kinda hurt me because I'm a mommas girl and I've always defended her when someone says mean shit about her. And there she is, just sitting there when my dad is threatening to kick me out." She finally takes a breath, inhaling deeply. I frown and scoot closer, moving Louie onto my lap so I can sit by her.

"Do you need somewhere to stay? You know we have a guest room." I point over to the guest room and she shakes her head.

"No. I went to my room and he didn't say anything so then I just got really mad and I stormed out of there. I didn't grab anything besides my phone." She says, waving it up in the air.

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