Chapter 58

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Lay Me Down- Sam Smith

* Theo's POV *

I couldn't sleep well that night. Or any night after that. I went to school the whole week in hopes of seeing him but he never showed. I spoke to Genevieve only two times and it was mostly of her crying and apologizing. But I was out of it most of the time.

I kept looking for him. Going by his work. Asking Nick everyday if he's seen our even spoke to him. But he hasn't. I even asked Samantha because I know they're good friends and I figured he'd say maybe something to her. But nothing came up. I called him and texted him but he never answered and he didn't look at my texts.

It hurt like hell too. Knowing that he's hiding away somewhere because of me. Waking up and not seeing him there. Coming home from work and not seeing him watching tv or playing with Louie. Laying in bed and not feeling him beside me.

I started slacking a lot too. I didn't turn homework in on time and I started skipping showers so I can just lay in bed and cry. Mia has been calling every now and then and I told her and she actually cried with me when I first told her. And I considered leaving this sad town and going back to her and my aunt.

Louie can sense my sadness. Everytime I'll be crying in bed, he'll come over and lay with me, resting his head on my stomach. And then I'd end up falling asleep crying and wake up feeling even worse.

But today I started feeling just a little bit better. I wasn't smiling and laughing but I wasn't crying every five minutes. And I haven't tried to call him all day long. I had to work till closing and I stayed behind with Nikki, sitting outside on the bench as few cars passed now and then.

She glances over at me, nudging me softly. "How you doing, Theo?" She asks softly, giving me a sad look.

"To be honest, it hurts. Like, a lot." I chuckle, looking down at my hands. I sigh, trying to hold back the sadness. I felt awkward and weird crying in front of people but I couldn't help it.

"I'm not gonna say I'm sorry because that doesn't do shit but I can give you some beer to help." She looks at me, expecting me to smile. When I don't, she frowns.

"I don't drink." I say, glancing up at the sky. It was so cold outside and the moon was shinning brightly. There were some clouds that hid the moon but it still shone brightly.

"Oh yeah. I forgot, you're a good kid." She looks down and I do too.

"Yeah." Her watch beeps and she pulls her sleeve back, looking at it.

"I've got to go." She says, standing up. "I want you to know...well never mind. Just get better.....? No that doesn't sound right." She mumbles her words, looking down at me. I stand up and pull my keys out of my pocket.

"I should go too. I'll see you tomorrow morning." I say, patting her shoulder and walking to my car. She grabs me and turns me around and pulls me into a hug.

"I wish I could help." I hug her back, not as tightly.

"I know." She lets go and she pulls back, looking me in the eyes. "Bye Nikki." I walk around her and unlock my car, climbing in. I back up and make my way back to the apartment.

I see a car in Calum's parking spot and I lean forward, my heart beating faster. Calum. But as I get closer, I see that it's not his car. I frown, leaning back in my seat. I park my car and turn it off, getting out and looking over at the blue jeep.

I sigh and shut the door. I open the door and take the elevator up. There's an elderly woman riding on the elevator with me but we don't talk. She has a smile on her face, holding her purse close to her chest.

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