Chapter 50

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* Theo's POV *

"A bonfire? Cool! I haven't been to one. I mean, they sometimes have bonfires after a dance or game at school sometimes but I never go." Mia shrugs, leaning over between the passenger seat and driver seat. She munches on her bag of chips.

"Well, it's gonna be very relaxing and nice." Genevieve says, glancing down at Mia. We left a little bit later than I wanted because we overslept but we left at a decent time. They ended up falling back asleep in the car while I drove.

An hour or two before we get there. I sped up a little, unable to control my excitement. We should arrive around three since we left later. But either way, I can't wait to see him.

He hasn't texted me since the last time a few hours ago but I think it's because he's busy. But when I get there, I know I won't be able to hold back.

They keep talking with each other as I sit silently and listen while I drive. "So, Theodore, who's all gonna be there?" Mia asks, touching my arm lightly to snap me out of my daze.

"Maybe four or five people max. Depends on whether Gen's brothers will be there. But including everyone then it may be seven. Gens brothers don't have to be there if you don't want." I tell her, not wanting to push her too much as soon as she gets there.

"Nah, that's fine. The more the merrier. Anyways, I like meeting new people. So who will all be there?" She asks, crumbling her chip back and stashing it in my backpack. I roll my eyes.

"Samantha, my friend, Calum, my roommate, Tyler, Gens older brother, Sawyer, her other brother, me, you and Gen. And the dog." I smirk, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Calum's coming? Why?" She leans over and turns on the radio, some hip hop song playing throughout the car.

"Because I asked him to, Mia. Stop." I chuckle, turning up the radio so I don't have to hear her. I feel Gens eyes on me but I don't say anything.

"Whatever." She mumbles, leaning back. Some song comes on that makes Mia and Gen freak out and start singing along. I laugh and smile, looking in the review mirror and seeing Mia dance around crazily, singing loudly.

Gen turns up the music, making the car shake with the bass. She grabs my arm, smiling and laughing at me shaking my head. Finally, I start singing with them, bobbing my head to the music.

And that's basically the whole car ride there, dancing and signing loudly and crazily to the music till our throats hurt.


"So first we're gonna stop at the apartment and drop off Mia's stuff and then we're gonna go party." I smile. We're about ten minutes away from the apartment. I'm so excited. And kind of exhausted but I'll deal with that later.

I don't know if I was excited about introducing Mia to Callie and Sammy or just about seeing my boyfriend. But whichever one, it was a good thing.

"I'm good with that." Mia says. "I wanna see where I'll be sleeping anyways."

"Um I'm gonna put your stuff in your rooms then we're off. Nobody but me is getting out of the car." I pull into the driveway and sigh. It's so good to be back.

"But whyyyy?!" Mia whines, putting her chin on my shoulder.

"Because I said so." I get out of the car and make my way to the back. I lift up the trunk and pull out her bags. There were only two or three suitcases and some bags but it wasn't too bad. I'm sure I'd be able to make it in one go if this was Calum lifting them but I realized I had to take two turns.

I pick up the first load, carrying as much as I could. I make my way inside and to the elevator. Some guy was trying to get in but realized he couldn't fit. "Sorry." I apologize, pressing the button.

My Roommate, The Fukboi (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now