Part 2-huh?

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Jasmin's POV:

WOW, I mean I expected some gifts and other little surprises like every year but not a party.

" Aww! Thank you " is all I managed to say while struggling to keep my eyes dry.

I saw my mother coming towards me along with aunt Rima and some other friends of hers. 

I kissed my mom and hugged her so tightly.

" Thanks mama! It means the world to me. But wait, where is dad?" I whispered the last part.

" No problem honey, he'll be here in a while sweetie," she said with a huge smile on her face.

" Jasmin, sweetie you've grown up so fast, how are you?" said aunt Rima.

Aunt Rima is like a mother to me. She's the first friend my mother met when she first came to the U.S.  Her son was my best friend. He is 3 years older than I am. He used to be very protective over me when we were younger. We used to get along so well, and he would always help me ignore the bullies in school. But, suddenly during the end of the ninth grade he started ignoring me. Whenever I went over to his house he would tell me that he couldn't hang out or that he has homework to do, and then I saw him hangout with his 'new' Friends at school, and so I thought I would give him space and he would eventually miss me and talk to me but that day never came and if I saw him again I don't know what my reaction would be. To be honest I am not looking forward to it at all.

" Hi aunty, thank you so much for coming."

" No, don't say that honey, you are just like a daughter to me. Also, there's someone I want you to meet." She seemed too exited and something told me that am not going to like it.

" Really? Who is it?" I really felt anxious now.

" You'll have to see for yourself" she smiled at me and pulled me with her.

I smiled at the people on our way to this mysterious person and thanked them as fast as possible. Until we came to a stop and I turned to look at two striking green orbs looking right back at me. I felt my throat dry up.

Is that him?

" Honey, do you remember Jasmin? Your childhood friend?" more like best friend is what I wanted to say, but my lips wouldn't move.

" I don't think so!" He spat, and I could swear that tears were building up in the corner of my eye but I reminded myself that I do not need his approval on what we lived and straightened my back and looked back at aunty Rima.

" Don't be silly Hamza! You remember him right Jaz" she said furiously.

" Umm, I think so, I don't have a clear memory of him actually" I could hear my voice betraying me at this point.

He staring at me coldly with one eyebrow raised.

Aunt Rima just looked at the both of us not believing her ears.

" Mom! I have to leave now." And he almost started walking but his mom caught the both of us and led us to the corner of our huge living room and said:

" Both of YOU are not leaving this corner until you too remember each other, got it?" and stared at us. I won't lie I got scared and so did he. Then, she was off to talk to mom.

I seriously want the ground to open up and pull me under it at this moment.

It started to get weird, as he didn't say anything and neither did I. so I felt like saying something to melt the ice, but apparently, the feeling was not mutual.

"Hi" I said.

" Yeah, Hi" hmmm it looks like he changed too much.

" How are you?" I tried to be casual.

" Good. Thnx " He said. Rude much!

" Hmm.. Well uhh what is your profession?" I really had to recall all the English I know to formulate this sentence.

" Architect " was all he said and I decided I've had enough of his attitude.

" Good," is all my ego gave me permission to say, and turned to leave but what he did next just left me surprised.

He caught my arm, which made butterflies appear in my stomach, and I stopped.

" What? " I said.

" Where do you think you're going? Didn't you hear what my mother said?" He said, and there I was thinking he would all of a sudden be nice. At this point, I have completely lost my sanity and gave my anger permission to take control.

" Well.. mister whatever your name is, I am not going to stand here and listen to you give me attitude. So it's either you speak to me like a human being or I  leave!"

Hamza's POV:

" Well mister whatever your name is, I am not going to stand here and listen to you give me attitude. So it's either you speak to me like a human being or I leave!"

She literally struck me with her confidence. I've always known her for a shy, fragile little girl. But I can see that she has grown quite beautifully. Even in her casual clothes, she's looking pretty sexy to me.

I know she remembers me from the way she looked at me. But I cannot let her in my life because she was never what I looked for in a woman. As children, our parents basically stuck us together to be friends when I never asked for that friendship and I had to pretend like I cared for her. To be honest, I regret giving her hope that we had some special type of friendship and not telling her that I hang out with her just because of my mother.

" Look I could not care less about you, all I care about is my mother. I do not want to her be mad." I spat at her. She really is getting on my nerves here.

"Oh, is that so?" she didn't give me a chance to say anything when she continued, "well I do not want to talk to you and you will not make me " she yanked her arm from my hand and made her way to her friends.

I stood there with my blood boiling, how could she walk out on me like that.

Who does she think she is?

I went straight for the door, took my jacket and left. I know my mother would flip out on me later, but I cannot stand there any longer.

Jasmin's POV:

I felt like choking him with my own hands.

Who does he think he is?

Does he think he can insult me the way he likes and I'll just listen to him and say" yes, sir" and look at the ground?

Like hell that's not going to happen anytime soon.


alright guys what do you think? 

should i write more or is it not very interesting?

let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote.

Love ya!

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