Part 32- suprise

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So glad to write again after sooo long. But i have really been so busy with my midterms and all that but one of our beautiful readers here requested a new part and i couldn't help but give her and all of you what you're asking for. I hope you enjoy it❤️


Jasmin's POV:

Since we arrived at the mall, Sally and I went to Jennifer 21, la Coste, New Look and many others. Of course, I have collected some pretty sweet pieces by now. We decided that H&M would be our last shop for today,( We haven't been saying this for the past three shops we've been to ;) ). I wanted to try on this long, beach dress that I really liked, It was navy blue with high openings from the sides, and Sally insisted she would come into the changing room with me to try on the dress too.

As I was trying to remove my clothes, I, suddenly, felt dizzy. Sally caught me by my arms and said," Are you okay?"

I wanted to answer her but I felt like if I open my mouth I would vomit so I just nodded and leaned on the wall.

" Well, you sure don't look like it!" she said and helped me put the clothes I have taken off back on and we left the room. She helped me walk to the nearest coffee shop and sat me down.

" I'll go get you some water!" she said and left. After a few minutes, she came back with a bottle of water and an empty cup.

" You really didn't have to Sal, I am feeling better already. I will probably just get a cold!" I said. I don't know what happened to me all of a sudden!

" Oh, shut up! I am happy I could help! Plus I'll tell you a little secret your my first girl-friend too!" she whispered the last part.

" Stop joking around!" I giggled. I am almost sure she was popular at school and all that.

" I am not, I promise! I was even the school joke before I met Hamza and the guys. Hamza used to protect me all the time and I think that's why I got jealous and scared that you'd take him away from me in the beginning." she said while looking down at a piece of tissue that was on the table.

" Well, my experience was no different from yours except for Hamza was my childhood friend. We used to go to KG together, actually, we stayed together until eighth grade when he stopped talking to me. He did a great job at keeping the bullies away when he was around but when he disappeared from my life all of a sudden they all came back a lot stronger!" I smiled in embarrassment.

" The past is in the past so let's not talk about it right now, okay? let us talk about something else shall we?" she winked, oh god this does not sound innocent.

" Like?" I questioned.

" Like, ummm... have you and H done the deed? huh huh?" she said wiggling her eyebrows. My face turned as red as a tomato when she said that.

" Sal, shuuuushh.. " I said and looked around to see if anybody else heard what she said.

" What? I think we should go get you some pregnancy tests. Just to check!" She said innocently and the weals in my brain started to turn. all sort of questions popped up in my mind. what if I was pregnant? what would Hamza think? Am I ready to be a mom? Oh God! Sally has gotten into my brain. I am not pregnant I am sure, I think.

" Okay! you didn't refuse so that's a good sign! Let's go!" she got up and pulled me with her.

" I didn't say yes either! " I tried to pull out of her grasp.

" It doesn't matter we're going to get it!" she said and pulled me towards the pharmacy.

After getting three tests from the pharmacy, Sally suggested to try in the mall's restrooms but I completely refused.

" What if it was positive? I wouldn't want to tell my kid that I figured out I was pregnant with them in a public toilet. Hell no!" I told her firmly. but she started laughing anyway.

" Alright fine!" she said, "Let's get you home! I can't wait" she clapped.

" Neith can I !" I said as my heart beat increased by the second.

A few minutes later, we reached home. I quickly left the car and almost ran towards the house door. I unlocked it and ran headed towards the bathroom when I slammed into a hard wall.

" I didn't know you missed me this much!" Oh, it's Hamza, not a wall. Great! now, what do I tell him?

" Uhhh... Yeah, I missed you quite a lot!" I said snaking my arms around his neck as he did the same to my waist.

" I missed you too! " he said with his eyes on my lips and his head dangerously approaching mine. I have started closing my eyes and living the moment when a third voice interrupted our little moment, " Woaw there lovebirds, I am not interested your baby-making scenes!" Sally said with her hands in the air.

" Oh! that's a great idea. we start making our own little people shouldn't we?" he whispered.

" I can still hear you!" she popped in again, this time saving me from a great deal of embarrassment as I have already started to turn into a tomato.

" Why are you still here?" Hamza turned to her this time.

" Ouch! " she said faking a heartbreak.

" Hamza! Be polite!" I slammed his arm playfully, " Anyway, I'll just use the toilet and come back." I tried to free myself from his grip but that was a mission impossible!

" No! I am not letting you go until I get a kiss!" He said pouting. And so I did as he asked. " Can I go now?"

" Come back real fast okay?" He said and turned to Sally, " I think you can go now!"
That was the last thing I heard before their voices started to mix with the background.

I went straight for the bathroom and got the test out of the packaging. I followed the instructions that were written on the box and waited for two minutes. Before the waiting period was over Hamza started knocking on the door.

" Babe! Are you okay in there?" He asked.

" Yeah! Yes, I am fine I'll be out in a sec," I assured.

" Alright! Sally is still here she said she wanted something, that she won't tell me, from you!"

" Okay, tell her I am coming," I said as the two minutes have finished. My heart started beating so fast I thought I was about to pass out. After deciding that I was overreacting, I took a deep breath and looked at the pregnancy test.

What I saw made my feelings mix with each other. I didn't know whether to feel happy or worried. I left the bathroom and went to tell Sally the results, thank god I didn't meet Hamza in the way.


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Till next time👋🏻

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