Part 25 -

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' try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud,' Maya Angelou.


Hamza's POV:

Today was great. I know I am nowhere close to gaining her trust but it's a start, after all, she let me into her office and actually talked to me. I am happy with this improvement. Right now, it's almost 11 pm and I was about to head home. I have been staying late in the office to make up for all the work I missed those past few weeks.

I went out of the company door to see Jeff, the guardian, waiting for me to leave to lock all the doors.

" See you tomorrow Jeff, " I greeted.

" Goodbye sir," He said.

I opened the car door and hopped in ready for a hot shower and some sleep. I feel like a teenager who's crush agreed to go on a date with. I just want to hold her all night and all day and never let go. Yet, all of this is my fault. But I am determined to win her heart back.

As I was about to reach home, my phone started ringing. I pulled over to check who it is and to my surprise it was the officer that helped free Jasmin from that bastard a few months ago. He's never called me after the incident.

" Hello officer," I tried to sound cold when a thousand questions were running in my brain.

" Mr. Done, we just got a call from Mrs. Jasmin Done regarding a break-in, I thought you might want to know!" He stated.

" What break-in? What are you talking about?" all I knew was that she was staying at her parents.

" She called 911 telling them that someone is breaking-in her apartment. I am sorry if it isn't her. I just remembered the name and thought of giving you a call."

" Where is this apartment?" I asked silently hoping for him to have the wrong Jasmin, not that anybody should go through that.

" Uhh... street 6 building 5 apartment 12," he stated, my heart was about to stop.

" how is she? I mean... what happened? Who is trying to break-in and WHY?" I was about to loose my frickin' mind.

" Sir, we don't have enough information but our team is trying to get there as fast as possible," he stated panic laced into his voice.

I abruptly turned my car in her apartment's direction and drove as fast as possible. Five minutes later I was in front of the building and the police was already there, trying to figure out how to stop the maniac from hurting my Jasmin.

After what seemed like an eternity, they made a plan and entered the house. The bastard had already gone into Jaz's room and was trying to get her. Luckily, she was hiding in the bathroom. The police quickly grabbed him by the arms and arrested him. I went to the bathroom door and knocked on it for Jasmin to open the door for me but she didn't. After a few tries, she opened the door. She was sitting in a corner shaking, her face was pale and she looked terrified.

I hurried to her side and whispered,

" May I hold you?" she only nodded.

I put her on my lap and held her tightly trying to sooth out her body and stop it from shaking. After what seemed like forever she leaned into my touch and relaxed a little. We stayed in there ignoring the noise that was going on outside the bathroom door. An officer came in the bathroom to check on Jasmin and I felt her body stiffen again. Damn it.

" I don't think she's able to speak officer, if it's possible I would like to postpone questioning until tomorrow please," I said formally.

" Yes, of course. But, she needs to come as fast as possible!" He curtly nodded and left the door. I listened to the officers' steps until apartment door closed and silence engulfed the place. The only sound was Jasmin's uneven breathing that told me that she's still shaken up. I lifted her in my arms and went to her bedroom. I laid her on her bed and covered her. I wanted to go get her a cup of water when she held my arm and whispered,

" Stay...Don't leave me, please!" my heart broke at how terrified she was and I couldn't help but feel guilty. If it wasn't for my stupid mistake she would have been with me and not here, alone.

" I am not going anywhere, sweet rose. I am right here!" she was still holding my arm as if not believing me, " do you want me to lay by you and hold you through the night?" I cooed.

" Yes!" she whispered and I did exactly that. The whole night her head was on my chest and my arms were wrapped around her refusing to let her go, for both of us. For her to feel safe and for me not to loose my sanity.

Throughout the night she had a few nightmares. Every time, I hugged her tightly and whispered sweet nothings in her ears until she relaxed and went back to sleep.

Jasmin's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling tired. Yet, my pillow and bed felt really comfortable. I started rubbing the bed with my hand. Shortly after, I heard someone groan and that's when I realized it didn't feel like a bed. I quickly got up causing my head to spin and I fell on the actual bed.

" Are you okay?" The person said. I opened my eyes but the world was still spinning and I needed a moment to focus. I gestured for him to wait with my hand and he did. When I finally recovered I opened my eyes and was surprised to see Hamza siting on my bed in all his glory. The memories rushed through me like train on the run. I felt so embarrassed because I basically slept on top of him.

" Hamza? You stayed all night?" I asked. I remember he was there with me until I slept last night but I thought he would leave after I slept.

" I couldn't leave you alone. So I thought I would stay and keep an eye on you!" he said looking at the ground.

" thanks," I whispered, " it means a lot!" I said and hugged him. I know I haven't forgiven him yet. But, what he did today touched me a lot.

" I would do it all over again if I had to, not that I want it to happen again... I just... meant... like..." he started stuttering and I couldn't stop laughing at his nervous state. I like that I have this effect on him.

" I know what you mean Hamza, relax." He finally relaxed, " I just want to clear any hope here. I haven't forgiven you for what you've done. This shows me that I can trust you with my safety but not my heart," I gave him a sad smile.

" I understand that I'll have to work for you and I WILL. I promise I won't give up on you, EVER. I love you more than anything and anyone in this world. I want you to remember that!" he kissed my forehead, picked his phone and car keys and left.

After he left I whispered to myself, ' I love you too, I just need to make sure that you won't break me for the third time. I need to know that I can trust you with all of me,'

I decided to go to the police station and understand the story of this guy.

Apparently, he's a thief who has been watching my apartment for some time now. He understood that there was no one here and decided to break-in the house today but unluckily for the both of us, I came back.

I wasn't going to tell my parents about this, it'd just get them worked up. And besides, the police proved this all just a coincidence and he's in jail now.


How do you like me posting two days in a row? hu hu 

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TIll next time,

take care.

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