Part 12- Feelings

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Hey guys, I tried not to be late again, But GREAT news, I finished my exams, YEEEEYYY!

So as I promised ( in the comments) It's Wednesday and here's the new chapter,

IT's 12:06 Pm where I am, what time is it where you are? Let me know



Hamza's POV:

Why on earth would she go out with Steve? She could have told me she wanted to go out and we would have gone, together! I hear her footsteps from the stairs and I can't help but turn and wait for her pass by the living room.

She passed by me and didn't even give me a look!

" W..WAIT!" I called for her to hear me when I heard the main door open.

" WHAT?" she called back. I got up and walked, more like jogged to her.

" Where are you going?" I said with a cold attitude.

" Going out? " she said with a duuh-attitude.

" I know that! Where to?" annoying brat.

" We have not decided yet," she said turning her back towards me.

" Fine, call me when you decide," I said not believing her.

" k," she said and closed the door.

Whatever, she can go wherever she likes with whoever she likes. I decide to go to my room and relax a bit since I took a small vacation for my supposed to be 'honeymoon'.

I reach the room and see Jaz's pajamas on the bed and for the first time I realize that it was no longer my room but our room. It is such a strange feeling to be honest. This place has been solely mine for many years and to share it with someone you care about is just... how do I say this? How do I describe this feeling? I don't know. All I know is that it feels good. Everything changed in here. The curtains are open allowing more sunlight to penetrate the window than I would like. The bed sheets are of a brighter color. My bathroom is filled with things I don't know. My cupboard is no longer filled with only blacks and blues. Even the smell of the room is different, more sensual. Now, one side of my bed means love. I head towards Jaz's side and lay down, I never knew my bed could be so comfortable. All I want to do at the moment was to have her by my side. Yet, I cannot decide on what to do with her, I don't know whether I am in love with her or am I just longing to my long lost best friend, I guess it's just that because I am in love with someone else, Sally. She's been there for me all these years. She's the one that helped me build up my business, financially and emotionally. When I wanted to open my own architecture business, I didn't want to take the money from dad, I wanted to be able to do it my self. I wanted to get the sponsors and start the business on my own, but when I could and almost gave up Sally gave me mental strength she believed in me and she helped me get the sponsors and start my own company. Without her support, it wouldn't have been possible. And now, since those people are after me or someone I love, I am sure they'll target her, because everybody knows how much she means to me.

It's been an hour already and Jasmin hasn't called me yet, so I decided to call her.

It ringed and ringed but there was no answer, so I called again but there was no use. I put my phone in my pocket and head out of the room to check on Sal. I enter the room where she's staying and see her laying on her bed texting so I decided not disturb her and head out of the room.

" Hey!" she said making me stop.

" Oh, Hi! I just came to hang out with you." I said feeling embarrassed.

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