Part 7-what now?

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hey guyssss, it's been soo long, 8 days wow,,

before you go on with the chapter, I wanted to dedicate this chapter (or part) to: 

du du dummm

1) @Aproximia for voting on all the previous parts AND for following, so thank you very very much.

2) @Aharixxpriya and @bonneville01 for adding my story to your libraries. thank you so so much!!

Here you go!


Hamza's POV:

OMG! What have I done? I ruined it. How do I fix it? I have to do something before she leaves.

" JASMIN!" I shouted before he was too far. I didn't expect her to answer me but I saw her stop but she did not turn to look at me instead she continued to walk. I ran after her, trying to catch up with her. When I finally reached he, she started to walk faster.

" MARY ME!" even I was shocked at my own words. This time she stopped and looked at me. Around us, people were whistling and cheering. If only they knew what the real story is.

" What the HELL do you think you are doing?" She looked at me angrily.

" Look mother is s..sick and this is her wish, so please marry me. I want to make her happy in her, probably last days" I panicked. I panicked so I lied. I cannot let her go again. But why can't I just tell her my feelings towards her? Why can't I just let it out? Until when am I going to keep up with this lie? I honestly don't know the answers to those questions. My only concern now is for her not to leave me, even if that meant lying to her and everybody in my life.

" WHAT? Aunty is sick? Is she okay? What does she have? And her Probably last days? What does that mean?" She whisper-screamed. And looked at me with wide eyes.

" Sh..she has a rare disease. Her doctor told me yesterday. And this is the only thing that will make her really happy. I..I know you don't want to marry me, and I don't either. But, please I have to do this for her!" I tried not to sound too weak. I, actually feel sorry for her. I don't want to do this but I have to.

" Oh My God! Are you sure? " She looks really concerned and that attracts me to her somehow.

" Yeah, I am sure." I could not look into her eyes, so I gave my attention to the floor.

" Ya Allah, (Oh God)," Is probably all she could say.


I see her panic as if she's having an internal decision-making session, and I can only just hope she decides to stay.

Jasmin's POV:

What do I do now? I have two choices, either I go now and make MY life a better one or I don't go and I marry him. Leaving me with a few minutes to decide is not helping either. What do I do?

" Let's Go!" I said trying to convince myself that it's for the best.

" What? What do you mean 'let's go'?" did he just stutter? Isn't this what he wanted?

" I am saying, Yes, I'll marry you!" I looked him in the eyes and saw something, but I did not get a chance to identify it before it disappeared and was replaced by a cold look.

"Really? I mean thank you, I guess," He whispered the last part but I heard him quite clearly.

"Well? Let's go! Move!" Allah, has he got no brain?

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