Part 21- A beautiful addition to this world

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' love grows where trust is laid, and love dies where trust is betrayed' - Tigress Luv.


Jasmin's POV:

For two days I haven't been able to sleep or eat or even focus on my work. My dad has been on his last nerve ever since I told him the whole story; it was very hard for me to stop him from going and shooting Hamza in the skull or even calling his parents. I mean aunty is sick and I don't want to bother her with her idiot of a son's trust issues.

Mom wouldn't stop asking me if I was okay, and I understand that she's just worried. But, whenever she asks me that, I have to fight the lump in my throat and not cry in front of her. Because, I have to be strong for her, for dad and for me. That day I came back home after I cried for a while. I knew that if I didn't let it out before going home I wouldn't last long before I totally break down in front of them.

Yesterday, I went to see the advocate and signed the divorce papers. As much as it hurt I couldn't live with someone that doesn't trust me. The relationship wouldn't last long without trust, anyways. I had to do that. I have to stop before I get too attached to let go. Whenever I remember the good times we spent together, my heart crumbles into a million pieces. Sometimes I wonder if it was never meant for me to have a happy ever after. I wonder if I will ever find someone to love, trust and respect me unconditionally.

Right now, it's 3 pm and my shift is over. So, I decided to go and pay a visit to the kids' bedrooms. They're always fun to be with. They always manage to take your mind out of the problem, no matter how big it might be.

As I was hanging my white coat on the hanger, my phone started ringing and I went to check the caller id.

Oh red roses and chubby bunnies, it is Adrian. I really do not feel like talking to him right now, even if he has nothing to do with it. But, I can't help but wonder what he wanted to say so I pick up and act like I had no idea who it was.

" Doctor Silverton, who's speaking?" could I sound cheesier? I probably could. You know me and my special powers.

" Uhhh... Jasmin? It is me. Adrian!" He doesn't sound sure.

" Oh, hello. Can I help you?" I know I am being rude to him and all but I can't help it.

" I was wondering if we could talk over a cup of coffee?" He asked.

" I'm sorry, but talk about what exactly?"

" Please, I just want to know exactly what happened, I want to help!"

I think about it a little and decide that I want to prove to that sorry excuse of a husband that I am completely innocent and watch him drown in guilt.

" Fine, I'll meet you at Costa near the hospital, in half an hour?"

" Great, I'll be there. See you soon," and with that, I closed the line without saying anything.

Since he still has half an hour to be there, I decided to pay the kids a visit to pass the time. As I was walking down the hallway I heard a woman screaming so I ran to the front desk. She's pregnant. Oh God, I ran to her and grabbed a wheel-chair for her to sit on.

" Matilda, call the doctor. NOW!" I instructed the front desk assistant, while nurses were running around us trying to get her a free delivery room. I turned to her half happy and frightened husband.

" How far away are her contractions?" I know I am no OBYN but I have a good background on first aid and all that fun stuff. So, I could direct situations like this.

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