Part 9- He's not mine!

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Hey, guys, I am finally back with a new part of this story, yey! x'D

I am sooooooexciteeeedddd for the 1.1K readers thank you guys so so much for giving this story a chance and thank you for voting I love you all so much and watch out for a little competition in the end of the part,

Enjoy lovelies,


It's six in the morning, my shift just finished and I can't wait to meet my sweet bed. I have absolutely nothing in my mind other than my bed at the moment. Even though, I totally LOVE my job, night shifts are absolutely the worst. I am a sleep-early-wake-up-early kind of person, sleep is just too important in my life. I arrange my desk and make it out the hospital door, saying hellos and goodbyes to the staff. I go out the door and hear a car honk at me. Me, being the kind of person that I am, didn't even look at the car and completely ignored it. Men are just too busy finding new flirting techniques these days, I never know what to expect. A few honks were enough to make me mad; can't they see I am not interested? I turn to the car feeling like I have to give them a piece of my mind.

" WHAT?" I shout as get closer. The window starts to roll down. OH SHIT! It's dad!

" Hey, what are you doing here?" I say felling embarrassed.

" Hi, Jasmin, get in." he says smiling and I open the car door. It's so beautiful. I kiss his cheek and start checking out the car.

" Who's car is this, dad?" I say looking around.

" Mine!" He says proudly.

" What? When did you get it?" I laugh,

" I bought it yesterday at night, I thought your mom would go out to greet me when I reach home so I would surprise her but she didn't come out and I didn't want to say anything so I thought I would surprise you!"

" Aww, dad, that's so sweet of you. I was quite surprised. Thank you!" I say as we reach my home." It's okay dad don't take your new car all the way inside, I'll walk!" I say laughing.

" OH! Here comes Jaz the comedian!" He says sarcastically and we both laugh. He stops the car on the side of the street for me to leave.

" Bye, dad,"

" Bbye sweetie, call me when you're inside."

" Okay dad, don't worry and let me know when mom finds out. I bet you'll get some scolding for wasting money!" I laugh at him.

" Yeah, well.. see ya later! I'll let you know if I am still alive after she knows"

" Bye." I laugh and get out of the car. I turn to see if he really will stay here until I call or text him again, and yup he is right there watching me. I love how he really cares about me. I love him a lot.

I reach the apartment door, unlock it and text dad so he can go to sleep for a few more hours before he has to go to work. I go to my room and change my clothes immediately as I cannot function without my comfy pajamas. I mean how can people wear outfits inside their homes. I get that they want to look nice in their homes and I have nothing against it at all, but I.. I guess it's just my lazy ass. Anyways, I head to the toilet to wash my face and do my business as well as make ablution, and then I go outside to pray and hit the bed. Oh! how I miss it.

Half an hour later,

You know when your alarm goes on and you think it's a dream and then reality hits you in the face and you realize it's time for you to wake up? Worst thing ever, right! It's 9:30 already and I have a ton of work to do before I go for my next shift at 4. So, basically, I have to go eat because I refuse to cook today, then I have to go to Hamza's to fix my stuff properly in my or "our" room, then I'll head to work, and finally I'll go visit mom; it has been a while since I've seen her. As I was writing myto do list in my brain, my phone started ringing. I look for it under the covers (always a struggle) and look to see Hamza calling.

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